The old man was talking with Grim Reaper about some weird book because he heard that there was a bleached tree which made Mr. It dizzy and also very tearful because anger was completely consuming, therefore heaven gave me some time to rush through the puzzling forest on the moon to sacrifice three juicy, succulent and tasty peaches that were surprisingly smelly and fragrant, one dirty old knife was protruding from the ground like one giant-sized Jaw of Bones, however Billy giggled thinking about his dream when he suddenly tripped and crashed, hitting his blue colored, magical wand whilst it burst into flames which created chemical attractions for other tiny fairies and immortal creatures that danced around until they split into small diamonds which caused nightmareish Pegasi to cry blood that started flying slowly towards his left behind, the pink looking, shiny fish witnessed Ships sailing far to meet Grim Reaper, however some Angels tried, but couldn't see how that grumpy cat murdered the soulless elephant with her hull a hoop earings, soon the cat started looking west in the direction everyone went to after some rethinking the mad cat saw a boy who seem to be very injured on his leg and blood dropped on his golden eyes, unable to blink he fanboyed over Billy, the giggling boy who walks strangely, squealing with a  high-pitched voice, shaking his tights he jumps into a very deep sea dimension without proper discussions about the universe and endless magic dust fell and hit Dick, the smelly vampire looked towards the yellow river and started splashing like crazy, but then  his grandfather comes hitting his frozen hands on and he cried out for the pink soda which he broke yesterday as he swallowed in relief but his hands 
