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Tenki no ko

Do you wear a mask outside?

I haven't been out since lockdown but I have one or two for when I need to go out. So yes for when I do finally need to go out.

Have you had a good day?

Pretty normal

what is your favourite colors?

red black white and grey

what is your favorite music genre?

I prefer Pop Music and sometimes R&B depending on the artist :)

Whats is an underrated drama that you enjoyed?

Chief Kim! It's my favourite but I rarely hear people talking about it.

Who's an actor/actress who you would watch any drama for, no matter how bad the drama is?

Sakaguchi kentaro he is my favourite actor and I could watch every drama/movie/ commercial of his :) He is soo handsome and such a great actor!!

what is one drama you can watch over and over without getting tired?

Potato Star! I always just watch some clips when I feel sad. It’s hilarious still even in 2020 haha

What is your routine before going to sleep?

brush teeth / wash face / skincare / sleep

what is your morning routine?

  • Check phone
  • Open laptop for work
  • Wash face / skin care
  • Eat breakfast 

What changed in your life 6 months past in 2020?

I fell in love with a new guy but also went to Lockdown with corona and it made me depressed.

How do you think your life will be after corona?

Life will be hard...

what did you do today?

Watched dramas, ate, did some face masks and skincare haha (is that even surprising?)

What is something you can’t live without?


my phone and wifi lol

what is your favourite food?