Before I die, I want to go to a supermarket and throw a tantrum like a little child!
hahahaha.. Before I die I will spank you and put you on time out.
Before I die, I want to go to a supermarket and throw a tantrum like a little child! also
Before I die I want to join forces with Thisguy go to the supermarket and throw a tantrum together!
Before I die I want to reenact the scene from Secret Love were the lead girl runs in the middle of a busy street and starts going crazy.
Before i die i want to accomplish my dreams
Before I die I want to witness Girl_on_fire re-enact the scene where the lead girl runs crazily in the middle of the road.
Before I die, I want to see shambles's wish come true.
Ahhh How nice...Before I die I want Judo_Aniki's wish of seeing my wish to come true come true!! Heheheheh :p
Before I die, I want to visit every Major League baseball stadium and sit in the luxurious Diamond Seats at Great American Ball Park where they wait on you.
Before I die I want to do something good for my circle of influence like holding a charity where we can participate in.
Before i die i will be a vegan.
B4 I die... I will be on a mission to find a mythical creature as in a dragon catch it and name it Dragun as my pet.:D
LOL Before I die I want to go looking for Merlin.
before i die i want to assume something about the person above me and currupt thier wish for a magic soda vendor and ask the next person........well you know right? Just fill in the blanks