jacqueline wrote: A life for a life.

______ makes ______.

Lets makes cake.

what a _________ day ________ had!
TGIF_20 wrote: Lets makes cake.

what a _________ day ________ had!

What a wonderful day I had!

My___________is full of___________!
My life is full of excitement! Would you mind_______ that?
girl_on_fire wrote: My life is full of excitement!

Would you mind_______ that?

Would you mind repeating that?

How________is this__________?
How much is this pillow? Can we just_____ now.
girl_on_fire wrote: How much is this pillow?

Can we just_____ now.

Can we just go now.

I want ____________to ___________me alone!
I want people to just leave me alone! (Jk I don't want that but thats all I could think of.) Why do we try_________ when we know it will __________.
girl_on_fire wrote: I want people to just leave me alone! (Jk I don't want that but thats all I could think of.)

Why do we try_________ when we know it will __________.

Why do we try hard when we know it will happen.

When________gives you_________you make__________!
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade !

A _____ on your shoulder.
A monkey on your shoulder.

Sometimes you'll ________ but you must always keep ________.
Sometimes you'll fail but you must always keep working. We______find that _______.
girl_on_fire wrote: Sometimes you'll fail but you must always keep working.

We______find that _______.

We Should find that monkey.

Were ____________ the ________ for __________.
Were you the one for me.

I ________ before _______.
Sashoya wrote: Were you the one for me.

I ________ before _______.

[B]I came before you .

What's __________ got ____ do _____ it? [by Tina Turner]
What's love got to do with it?[by Tina Turner]

Hahaha I liked that one!

If you _____ it then you should have put a _____ on it. [by Beyonce]