MDL's 2021 Watch Challenge Discussion Thread

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yep I think the questions about the blocks threw me as I thought it was self apparent and I have gotten 10 "hey did you know you missed this" dms I dont mean to be touchy lol Gomenasai

Hahahahha, oh no. You're definitely not being touchy at all. And you're welcome :)

On our sign up sheets should we be linking the dramas we watch or is simply writing the title sufficient?

Hi, I love the new set-up to make your own watch challenge. Maybe an idea to also open a thread for custom lists with suggestions? So that members can post links to lists they made to help members pick dramas/movies. 


On our sign up sheets should we be linking the dramas we watch or is simply writing the title sufficient?

You can write down the title of the drama/movie and then add a hyperlink to it, so when someone clicks on the title it'll direct them to the drama/movie page itself. This will also make it easier for Old_Anime_Lady when she later checks your Turn In form. For categories like "Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor" you can add the name of the drama, actors name and a  link to the award.  


You can write down the title of the drama/movie and then add a hyper link to it, so when someone clicks on the title it'll direct them to the drama/movie page itself. This will also make it easier for Old_Anime_Lady when she later checks your Turn In form. For categories like "Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor" you can add the name of the drama, actors name and a  link to the award.  

Okay, I only started challenges last year and didn’t do it that way. I hope it’s okay lol I’ll do it properly this year thanks!


Hi, I love the new set-up to make your own watch challenge. Maybe an idea to also open a thread for custom lists with suggestions? So that members can post links to lists they made to help members pick dramas/movies. 

Why don't you use the list options here  and i will be writing articles on some of the topics to help people who watch Japanese.


Okay, I only started challenges last year and didn’t do it that way. I hope it’s okay lol I’ll do it properly this year thanks!

Lol, that’s totally ok. The only reason why I said that is because that’s what OAL suggested in last years discussion thread. She said it makes it easier for her when she checks everyone’s turn-in sheet, and you’re welcome :)

Hello & Congratulations on the new challenge, I believe it will be a success!! I personally LOVE the new format, and I can't wait to work on what I'll get into my form this year!! :) THANK YOU very much for your hard work to make it a reality!!!

As for my (unavoidable) questions & comments, I hope you won't hate me even more than last year for them, lol! XD Here's some I can think of for now...

  • ( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  

Last year we had the option to replace any drama/movie on almost any category (except for those that called for a specific format) with Specials, as long as those were narrative specials, not bts, interviews, etc. Will it be so this year? 

And also, from what I know, there are 2 kinds of (narrative) specials:

- The movie-like ones (1 episode long). There are usually made for tv movies, like the explanation on the category above.

- The drama-like ones (multi-episodes long).

Can we use both types?

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  

Can this be a drama/movie that doesn't have romance, and although it features some other relationships (friendships, familial, etc.) between the characters, it doesn't focus that much (or at all) on them?

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate) 

I would love some suggestions on that, if possible, it sounds interesting, lol. But if I can't find a literal talking animal drama/movie, can I use one with a lead transforming into animal & that's why they talk (or an animal transforming into human or something)?

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  

I would require some clarification on this one. Also, how to search for one?

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  

Does this mean the first drama/movie that we added on our PTW list (if we can remember it...)? Or the oldest drama/movie airing date-wise?

  • ( ) Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words.

No question here, I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE categories like this one!!! :)

  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more 

Just wanted to note that in the FAQ, on question "Where can I find MDL sections...MDL Staff", the link leads to Top Contributors page instead of the Staff page! I'm guessing you meant the 2nd, right?

  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 

Tiny correction, it's spelled SAGEUK (think of the world Sage + UK, that way is easier to remember! ;) :*

Thank you very much for the Challenge, once again, and really sorry for my ridiculous nitpickety!! Lots of Love <3 <3 <3

OK Deep breath...

( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  

---Drama specials are made for tv movie BUT yes sometime they are broke up into smaller bits, as long as it is not labeled as a "DRAMA" it is okay.  Also DS usually run consequitive days (Fri sat sun foe example)

( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  

Because Romance has a HUGE following on MDL this is way to broaden the horizon so anything that is no romance counts. thus "Non-romantic"

( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate) 

--No transformed humans that is covered under a different topic.  I can give you some japanese recs.

( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  

Did you watch the video?  It shows exactly where to find these things AND we have links to pictures in the rules.  After you have done that i will answer this question if you still have it.

( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  

It says oldest dated drama, there for the one with the oldest date.

( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more 

yes the second one Or anyone you see in the feeds with "contributor, translator, or volunteer staff" after their name in the feeds and forums

( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating

Did you watch the video? It shows exactly where to find these things AND we have links to pictures in the rules. After you have done that i will answer this question if you still have it.

Of course I watched the video & read through all the FAQ many times before posting any questions! 

I know where to find the Rating score, the Completed Rating, and the Verified/Stars Rating in individual dramas/movie pages (I was the one who had given picture explanations on the various stats first last year, btw). The problem is that unless someone is extremely lucky & just stumbles on it on a drama/movie they're already browsing, there isn't any way to Search for dramas with that specific rating pattern -- and besides, these ratings tend to change within the day lately.
I'm also slightly confused about the phrasing here "the whole number not after the decimal", what does this mean? [Confused Pikachu]

( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)

---Drama specials are made for tv movie BUT yes sometime they are broke up into smaller bits, as long as it is not labeled as a "DRAMA" it is okay. Also DS usually run consequitive days (Fri sat sun foe example)

THANK YOU!! :) Do you mean it's okay to use either for this specific category, or that we're also allowed to use them instead of dramas/movies in other categories as well, like we did last year?

Because Romance has a HUGE following on MDL this is way to broaden the horizon so anything that is no romance counts. thus "Non-romantic"

--No transformed humans that is covered under a different topic. I can give you some japanese recs.

It says oldest dated drama, there for the one with the oldest date.

yes the second one Or anyone you see in the feeds with "contributor, translator, or volunteer staff" after their name in the feeds and forums

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!!!! ❤❤❤

And I'm really sorry if I made you mad (again)!! Here's another Pikachu for you...


each bonus category can only be used once unless stated otherwise beside it/ and there's no limit per block 

Okay, so that clears my question. I know that bonus could only be used omce except no. 7 that can be used max 3, so in total we have 10 bonus chance.  

There's no limit per block so it means If there two or three from a certain blocks I find hard to finish, I can use 3 different items from bonus, not limited to one per block. 

Thank you for clearing my confusion. ^-^

Can you please tell me who the people are on the diamond shaped badges as I can't see them clearly?


Can you please tell me who the people are on the diamond shaped badges as I can't see them clearly? the people in this post plus Kamenashi Kazuya

I know where to find the Rating score, the Completed Rating, and the Verified/Stars Rating in individual dramas/movie pages (I was the one who had given picture explanations on the various stats first last year, btw). The problem is that unless someone is extremely lucky & just stumbles on it on a drama/movie they're already browsing, there isn't any way to Search for dramas with that specific rating pattern -- and besides, these ratings tend to change within the day lately.
I'm also slightly confused about the phrasing here "the whole number not after the decimal", what does this mean? [Confused Pikachu]

OK So there is no way to search for it BUT you have 359 days to find one.

The WHOLE number in an decimal point system it the number to the left of the decimal so if one rating is 7.2 and the other is 7.8 its ok the whole number is 7 for both.

I am not angry, just confused these are confusing.  I had several non native English speakers go over this before publishing to narrow down the issues.

Like Poia I am grumpy cat please forgive if I seem curt in my answers, just as confused by your confusion lol Confused yet?

The WHOLE number in an decimal point system it the number to the left of the decimal so if one rating is 7.2 and the other is 7.8 its ok the whole number is 7 for both.

I'm not a native speaker, but I always thought my English was at least passable. I guess I was wrong, and it's more obvious with things like this, 'cause they never taught us the English translation of every single math terminology in school! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Like, I know integers & decimals, but I didn't know the Whole Number! So I'm honestly grateful to you (and the challenge) for teaching me something new!! :)

Also, that narrows it down a lot, so I hope it won't be so hard to find as I thought it would be!

I am not angry, just confused these are confusing. I had several non native English speakers go over this before publishing to narrow down the issues.

And now I wish I was one of them! In fact, can I be, maybe for next year? I believe my ridiculous nitpickery would probably be useful in the role of an Editor/proofreader/tester, if there's a place for one more in your team for next year!!

Like Poia I am grumpy cat please forgive if I seem curt in my answers, just as confused by your confusion lol Confused yet?

There's nothing to forgive! Besides, you're totally allowed to be grumpy since it's freaking New Year's Day & you're here being confused by our confusion, instead of doing literally anything else! ❤❤❤