- Conflict that is caused completely through lack of communication, especially when the characters could solve it in thirty seconds of dialogue. I can't stand dramas that have some main conflict that could be solved in the first few episodes if the characters actually attempted to explain themselves. - Naive / oblivious leads - these are incredibly hard for me to stomach.
Merged with Drama Theology thread since they both serve the same purpose. :)

Anybody else get annoyed at some of the scenes that involve drowning? Most of the time, you can tell that they are in shallow water and can stand up...
CherryBunny wrote: I actually KNOW women like that, which is why watching it in a drama ticks me off so much. >_<

I totally agree!
LunaMuffin wrote: The poor characters having smartphones bigger than their hands. Seriously girl, if you have 8 or whatever part-time jobs you should better sell your phone to get money for your family -_-
I guess Samsung phones are less worth than instant noodles in dramas...

I have one full time job and phones aren't cheap! I don't know how the poor wretches do it! I love that sometimes they are living in a hovel with only one ramyun pot but I want to google that phone and see if I can get one too.

Egobandit wrote: - Conflict that is caused completely through lack of communication, especially when the characters could solve it in thirty seconds of dialogue. I can't stand dramas that have some main conflict that could be solved in the first few episodes if the characters actually attempted to explain themselves.

- Naive / oblivious leads - these are incredibly hard for me to stomach.

Yes! To both these things. I can live with a bit of Naive if there is character growth and it's not over done...but let's face it, it always is.

Stupid secrets dragged out too long is a lazy writer. :)
Sleepninja wrote: Merged with Drama Theology thread since they both serve the same purpose. :)

Anybody else get annoyed at some of the scenes that involve drowning? Most of the time, you can tell that they are in shallow water and can stand up...

or when someone gets hit by a car and freezes like a deer for a three minute slow-motion close-up instead of moving out of the way! If you're going to do it, do it like Shut Up! Flower Boy Band.
Egobandit wrote: or when someone gets hit by a car and freezes like a deer for a three minute slow-motion close-up instead of moving out of the way! If you're going to do it, do it like Shut Up! Flower Boy Band.

That was crazy! And done right.
Jeaniessi wrote: That was crazy! And done right.

I definitely guessed the direction of the drama incorrectly, and it made the story so much more compelling. If only more dramas used shocking things as a way to develop the plot instead of distract from it / provide a cheap thrill.. sometimes it's so unnecessary and frustrating.
NO! I still have emotional scares from that drama! It is not a good idea. i mean every time someone walks across the road in a drama now i freeze up and start praying...
mylifeisgonetokdrama wrote: NO! I still have emotional scares from that drama! It is not a good idea. i mean every time someone walks across the road in a drama now i freeze up and start praying...

I don't want another show to do the same thing. I am not very big on jump scares or shocking scenes like that, I just thought it was well done. I really don't think another show could pull it off.

On the note of things shows can't pull off, can we stop with the memory loss? I swear every Korean character has memories strung together by scotch tape. I'm at the point where I want to throw things at my TV anytime someone loses their memory
DAT HOUSE, DAT BUILDING so one time you've seen the house of the super wealthy guy with the chandeliers, long corridors and twin stairs... then suddenly, something struck you when you see an exclusive school for the rich kids having the same interiors and all or house of another wealthy person that looks the same as the ones you've seen before on another drama... so you started wondering, are these guys living in the same place or they became poor that they started renting their properties to other people?
victorianeastender wrote: DAT HOUSE, DAT BUILDING

so one time you've seen the house of the super wealthy guy with the chandeliers, long corridors and twin stairs... then suddenly, something struck you when you see an exclusive school for the rich kids having the same interiors and all or house of another wealthy person that looks the same as the ones you've seen before on another drama... so you started wondering, are these guys living in the same place or they became poor that they started renting their properties to other people?

I've seen the duplicate sets used lots of times. The house in Heirs is the same one used for I'm Sorry, I Love you. Dressed up differently but the same house. That is just one example. I'm not surprised the networks would need to use the same sets/houses re-dressed though. I just find it amusing when I catch it.
Not only are sets re-used, but what about the poor struggling waitress that lives alone in a rooftop apartment? I guess some silly cliches are universally used in both western and eastern television programs.
has anyone else noticed that no children under the age of ten seem to feed themselves in korean dramas? seriously when my kid was five if i had tried to spoon feed her she would have snatched the spoon and hit me with it.
#23: Ah, but I think it was in Jang Ok Jung where one of the king's women got chickenpox. Admittedly: pretty chickenpox (and I know the difference because I googled... *still can't forget the picture*) #51: my tummy hurts, I am laughing so hard right now! Now what about that obligatory bus ride? There is always one: THE MULTI-PURPOSE BUS -the 'everybody squeezed in' bus -the empty bus -the 'not seat' bus -the 'we need a scene where the lead can stare gloomily out of the window' bus -the 'I follow the other party incognito' bus and lastly the: bugger, I missed the bus (and now have to run after it shouting) I don't know where you guys come from, but in my home town there 'ain't no running after busses- 'cause you ain't catching nothing trying to outrun the public transportation service on a busy street except for your death...'
Something I have always wondered about Dramaland: when rich guy takes poor girl home in his car (usually to her house situated in some suburb with small alleys and long stairs) oO HOW IN THE NAME OF GOD do they turn their posh cars in these freaking narrow dead end streets? @_@ Is Seoul really that hilly?