I use "Yosha" a lot to pump myself up. But I think that's more anime based than Jdrama.
I do say Aish! and Aigoo! often enough :P
I call one male friend Oppa...and I may have slipped and called my mom Omma once. I also sang her the 3 Bears nursery rhyme. I do utter "aish" a lot...it saves me from saying a curse word in certain situations. Sometimes I respond with Ani or Ne. Oh, sometimes I tell a friend "Fighting," she'll say it to me (like during my exams), or I'll say it to myself. For me, it's always accompanied by the fist pump, and my pronunciation is more "Hwaiting." I even wrote the term (in Hangul) on my golf balls >_< lol. More terms find their way into my vocabulary like jinjja, gurae(yo), ottoke, omo, wae, nawa, gaja...

Other than language, however, I've picked up some mannerisms. I watch a LOT of Korean variety shows, and I've picked up on the girlish laugh clap and the hand(s) over the mouth while laughing thing. I've also kind of picked up on bowing or nodding as someone else mentioned. Thankfully, I don't 90º bow, but I'll do a slight dip with my head and shoulders sometimes.
I say "Mm" instead of okay...my mom is like wtf.
My sister & I call my mom "Omma", my sister calls me "Unni", my friends and I use "fighting" to pump ourselves up. Lets see I also use "chincha" "aigoo", "ommo" "arrazo". I love using "shiro!" LOL. Also, dramas have made me start growing my hair out long. Its about mid length right and wavy now but I want it really long and in big curls like in school dramas. I want it to look pretty with headbands and bows=)
My best friend and I when we are texting we use : "Yosh Yoshida Peace!" from nobuta wa produce.
And also makino's punch from hana yori dango, just for fun of course :) ...
And "Aja aja fighting", 'tada ima', sometimes when i speak with older people i want to bow ><, and I also said Baka! a lot, when I have to do something I say to myself 'Yosh' ... When I read something shocking "OMO!"..
Yesterday, without any reason I "HOY HOY" (from my girlfriend is a gumiho) my boyfriend (><")
Nowadays I watch more Korean dramas than Japanese, but when i started to watch asian dramas (japanese) I was like 'eeeeeeeeeeeehh majide ?". And I bought a ball which looks like the one in "Tatta Hitotsu no Koi"
pandakimberly wrote: Nobuta is a great drama! It tends to be overlooked by some because it appears like the typical idol-teen drama, but it has a fantasic script and it's a wonderful story of friendship. At least, that's my opinion. :)

This said, I love to say: Tadaima! And at times I say Okairi to my husband, who usually looks at me with the resigned expression of someone who has to put up with oddities on a daily basis.
But that's a linguistic factor, I guess, not necessarily related to dramas.

Nobuta wo produce was my very first Asian drama and till this day I still like it no matter how many other dramas I have seen. It has such a great story I thiink. Not to mention it started my spiral into the JE fascination I have now.
Dang forgot to answer the thread question.. Yes, I do alot actually. The hitting thing like you I picked up too. Plus depending on the series I am watching a lot of or phrases I here too much I start repeating them.

It was bad when I kept running around saying Kon Kon! at work.. >_<
I had a job interview yesterday and when I entered the supervisor's office I had this sudden urge to bow...
I always want to eat with chopsticks now. And I love using those Korean spoons with the long handle. Plus, I tend to say, "Aish" and "Fighting" and make very exaggerated facial expressions when talking to my friends.
I took French for a lot of years in school, and just the other day I was trying to think of how to say something in French, but only Korean words were popping into my head. I haven't used French in so long, and I've been absorbed in dramaland for awhile now, that these korean words and phrases were just popping into my head without me knowing.

Scary, surprising, and a little satisfying. I'm just worried now that the French I've learned is fading away. Need to watch a French movie. Now. :p
In my mother tongue (Kashmiri) "mom" is omma/umma & "dad" is abba same as in Korean how weird! Also "lets go" in Korean is Kajaa (or something similar) and "lets go" in Kashmiri is ajaa again v similar. I find myself saying coffee with a Korean accent haha
well i do almost every thing mentionned in this thread: the fighting, calling my mother omma, uttering some famous koran words....
I found it funny with my sister to solve our querrels with the game rock, scissors, paper: every time we did it we laugh a lot.
Last time, my uncle heard me trying to pronounce korean words and he said to my mother: i think your daughter is going crazy.
wrote: Last time, my uncle heard me trying to pronounce korean words and he said to my mother: i think your daughter is going crazy.

i rofl'd XDD
my strange addictiveness on Korean a J dramas reveals in simple frases like aaish (when i am mad, which is pissing off all of my friends XD ), fighting! (usually before my exams, which pisses off all the other students), hai (which usually piss off my teachers XD) + strange noises that piss off everyone around me like: eee? nandeee? doshiteee? wakaranai desuuu! Ieee! kyaaa! kawaiiii! Aja aja! Nankurunaisa!

I also found out, that i have sometimes strange fantasies about asian guys (which was not the case before i started watching dramas).

Also, whenever i am in public place and see some asian people, i start to smile like an idiot (which leed other people to think about me that i have some kind of psychologic disease).

All those facts (and many others) reveals, that since i started watching dramas, my weirdness arised from 1% to 100%. On the other hand my social life went down from 100% to 1%... and my idiocy also rised up... :D BUT I WOULD NEVER EVER GIVE UP MY PRECIOUS DRAMA, because they give me every little aspect of my life that i am missing right now :)
sakuramiss1 wrote:
I also found out, that i have sometimes strange fantasies about asian guys (which was not the case before i started watching dramas).

Also, whenever i am in public place and see some asian people, i start to smile like an idiot (which leed other people to think about me that i have some kind of psychologic disease).

All those facts (and many others) reveals, that since i started watching dramas, my weirdness arised from 1% to 100%. On the other hand my social life went down from 100% to 1%... and my idiocy also rised up... :D BUT I WOULD NEVER EVER GIVE UP MY PRECIOUS DRAMA, because they give me every little aspect of my life that i am missing right now :)

OMG BPetra this made me ROFL cos I do the same haha...I went to the supermarket just now & saw some Kimchi noodles & bought them the whole time I had this goofy grin on my face .......I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!