First of all, thank you very much for setting this up!

I'm a big fan of historical dramas or history in general! So this is the reason why I want to join.

Hello! I'm here for the pretty banners ~

okay not just that ? But I wanted to ask is there a list of wuxia/xianxia drama that's good as first watch besides (remake of )Condor Heroes trilogy or Eternal Love?

 As much as I like Love and Redemption, it's maybe too much of a rollercoaster for first ?

And 40++ eps sounded scary when I told my friend??

My motto is: There’s a historical drama for everyone out there!

i like this motto by the way ?

i want to introduce xianxia/wuxia to friend, but I don't know what to start them off with.

you wanna know what it is 

it's me dude

Joining in! This looks so good! Not to mention the banners!

Thank you Estelll for creating this space for us! <3


Joining in! This looks so good! Not to mention the banners!

Thank you Estelll for creating this space for us! <3

You've arrived!!

A warm Welcome to all the new members, @I_M, @Grouchy, @nathsketch (and anyone else I may have missed, know it's not intentional & you of course are welcome)! ^_^

i want to introduce xianxia/wuxia to friend, but I don't know what to start them off with.

I think Ashes of Love is great for newcomers, since it's relatively fast-paced and easy to understand & follow along. I personally liked Eternal Love better, but I admit it takes a little while to get into it, I'd say after 10+ episodes, so that may discourage them if they're new to such settings.

Another xianxia good for newcomers would probably be Chinese Paladin, but I hesitate to recommend it 'cause modern audience tend to care too much for cgi etc., so I don't know.

As for wuxia, well, my own first wuxia was a movie, not drama, the famous Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I'm not sure if this would encourage them to watch more or just ruin all other for them since very little can even begin to compare! :P :'D

I think Blood of Youth is also good for newcomers, full of action and adventure & great visuals.

It's late for me here, so I'm probably forgetting about a lot of other dramas; oh well, any other members having ideas feel free to share them!!!


You've arrived!!

It's my purpose in life to be everywhere LOLOLOL


It's my purpose in life to be everywhere LOLOLOL

Everywhere where there is a slight possibility of TJC appearing. ?


Hello! I'm here for the pretty banners ~

okay not just that ? But I wanted to ask is there a list of wuxia/xianxia drama that's good as first watch besides (remake of )Condor Heroes trilogy or Eternal Love?

 As much as I like Love and Redemption, it's maybe too much of a rollercoaster for first ?

And 40++ eps sounded scary when I told my friend??

Probably, My Journey to You is the current wuxia that can be recommended to your friend since it’s only 24 eps long and it boasts a lovely cinematography and fight sequences. Not mentioning the plethora of beautiful men and women XD The down side to this drama is that it can be slow at times and, well, questionable characters ^^”


Joining in! This looks so good! Not to mention the banners!

Thank you Estelll for creating this space for us! <3

A familiar face! Hello! XD


Everywhere where there is a slight possibility of TJC appearing. ?

Oh welp, not you too. ????

 awkward potato:

A familiar face! Hello! XD

Hello Potato!! How you've been?