Day 16. Is there something that you do not like about Fall?

I don't like the fluctuating temperatures. I also don't like the fact I haven't graduated uni yet so I got to get back this autumn to uni. It's fine, but I wish to have a change in my routine. Maybe getting a job is that change.


Day 16. Is there something that you do not like about Fall?

I don't like the fluctuating temperatures. I also don't like the fact I haven't graduated uni yet so I got to get back this autumn to uni. It's fine, but I wish to have a change in my routine. Maybe getting a job is that change.

You are always first to post these. 

Good Morning *waves*


You are always first to post these. 

Good Morning *waves*

Good morning! Woke up late today though, it's 12:04 PM here. I make a point of posting here for the challenge first thing in the morning because then I forget and have to catch up. ^^

Day 16. Is there something that you do not like about Fall?

i mostly like fall, i guess the only thing i dislike is if i cant go to a place because of heavy rain or when it takes a long time, the other thing is loud thunder it stress me out

Day 16 ~ October Challenge

 Is there something that you do not like about Fall?

That Christmas is looming everywhere. 

I start seeing it appear at the end of August in some shops. In October, we've got Halloween on one side, and Christmas on the other. It's like the commercialism is just itching to burst through and Halloween is in the way. We'll already be seeing the adverts on t.v. Once Nov 1st arrives, it's just a stampede of glitter, santa and christmas music. 

I was so shocked last night watching that video of halloween decor on tik tok ( I dont have tiktok) that just further deepens my resolve to enjoy what's around me when it's here. 

Autumn is perfectly beautiful the way she is. It's how human's treat her is my problem LOL

It's such a beautiful, flamboyant time for nature, for me, and it's sad watching it get pushed aside for Christmas or white washed because it doesnt match home decor lol

Learning to flow with nature's cycle's, what ever those cycles are for you in the world, is much more therapeutic than buying more stuff you dont need. 

 BabyFeatForever: This looks pretty good. Added it to my PTW list. ♡

looks interesting ♡ ♡ 

Its supposed to be going up on Gaga but I've just seen a comment saying that it might not be in the UK region.

Just use VPN. If you've never used VPN before, it's nothing to be afraid of. Easy peasy.

The one I use is German, so probably not available where you are, but ExpressVPN (which gets bonus points for advertising on the "Thai BL" Youtube channel!) is supposed to be pretty good (among others). There are also free VPNs, but I'm not sure how they make their money and thus if I would trust them (?).

Day 16: Is there something that you do not like about Fall? 

Yes. More new BLs than I can keep up with. I need a three-month moratorium to catch up.


Just use VPN. If you've never used VPN before, it's nothing to be afraid of. Easy peasy.

The one I use is German, so probably not available where you are, but ExpressVPN (which gets bonus points for advertising on the "Thai BL" Youtube channel!) is supposed to be pretty good (among others). There are also free VPNs, but I'm not sure how they make their money and thus if I would trust them (?).

ahhh. Thanks for the advice.

I ll just to have wait for tomorrow and see what happens. If not I'll have to adventure forth LOL

In addition, I've watched and can enthusiastically recommend six more KBLs: "Love Mate", "Long Time No See", "Choco Milk Shake", "Tasty Florida", "Blossom Campus" and "Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart". (I know that not everyone will agree with all of these, but I loved 'em.)

I agree with all of your titles. I just recently watched Blossom Campus and enjoyed it!

Just use VPN. If you've never used VPN before, it's nothing to be afraid of. Easy peasy.

The one I use is German, so probably not available where you are, but ExpressVPN (which gets bonus points for advertising on the "Thai BL" Youtube channel!) is supposed to be pretty good (among others). There are also free VPNs, but I'm not sure how they make their money and thus if I would trust them (?).

@Faery, I should clarify two things: Firstly, I mention "trust" because a VPN provider has a certain degree of access to your system and data transmission. Thus, I would definitely stick to a reputable provider. Secondly, the one I use is super easy on both PC/Windows and on my Android smartphone. 


@Faery, I should clarify two things: Firstly, I mention "trust" because a VPN provider has a certain degree of access to your system and data transmission. Thus, I would definitely stick to a reputable provider. Secondly, the one I use is super easy on both PC/Windows and on my Android smartphone. 

haha, yeah, i was googling there and have decided i'm not tech savvy enough so if it's not available for me, then i'll just let it go. It's no big deal. 

Thank You though.