
Is anyone planning to watch Love Beneath the Stars?
Love Beneath the Stars

It has been on my watch list for a while now but I have yet to come around to it. How is it?


It has been on my watch list for a while now but I have yet to come around to it. How is it?

I haven't started it yet, myself.

Thanks for the thoughts on We Are! I appreciated your insights, especially since I hesitate when there's a drama with so many characters.

I am finishing up The Eclipse tonight. Anyone have suggestions for my next -- Looking for something with depth, something with a sense of emotion. I like plot driven or a very well-written relationship build (Think Not Me or Unknown), and if there is a dash of spice, that is appreciated too (not necessarily needing  something explicit so much as just something that provides a sense of intimacy). Must have a happy ending though. I don't wanna be dragged through fire for a sad ending.

Anyone have suggestions for my next

Let's see:

I Feel You Linger In The Air

I Told Sunset About You & I Promised You The Moon

Last Twilight

To Be Continued (worth the wait for episode 7)

To My Star (season 1 & 2)

We Best Love (season 1 & 2)

Your Name Engraved Herein (movie - have tissues near by, heart breaking)  just saw your edit lol


A Tale of a Thousand Stars

I don't want to give an overwhelming list so let me stop here. I hope something here is what you are looking for. Happy watching!

That ointment was used for more than just treating wounds; poor XiaBao.

I watched that scene just now and am soooo curious what else happened. Can you help?  It's a bit confusing, cuz the next morning XiaBao is trying to get close to Huaien, but Huaien is pushing him away.

There is also some kind of barrier there and Huaien is actually smiling broadly (and so cutely too!!) when XiaBao falls down.  I don't understand that scene either. ETA: I see now. Just bad effects. 

Why does this sometimes feel disjointed? Editing?  I'm really liking this series overall, but the flow feels off to me. Like the flash back while XiaBao was hugging the sister. It felt very abrupt. 

@RX - Where are you reading the story? 

Meet You At The Blossom - Episode 4


I never knew I could smile from the beginning of a series straight to the end. If this is love at first sight then I want to be in love with every series I watch after this. I am a goner for Hauien & Xiabao. With some series I always complain that intimacy is not there, and that you can just look at how two people interact with each other and know that they are couple, well these two are doing it for me, like damn I have it bad for them. The fact that Hauien is already so whipped as he can't say no to XiaBao is just so funny to me. He wants to protect XiaBao and so ups and follows him on the quest for the doctor. Them walking in the street and Xiabao holding on to Hauien's hand is just so cute to me. Then that scene in the bedroom where Hauien confesses that he does not know what love is because of his father's actions and teachings but yet still admitted that if he was to ever love someone it would be Xiabao; I thought I was melting already but then Xiabao's response goes and make my heart skip several beats, "It's okay if you don't know what love is I can teach you". To top it all off Hauien is the jealous type and tells playboy Xiabao that he cannot even look at anybody else if they are going to be together forever. Now Xiaboa's heart is in the right place but is brain not so much because he plans to tell his parents that he and Hauien are together and his plan is to break down and cry in front of his mother to win favour lol. Him promising to protect Hauien from Hauien's father is so adorable and I think Hauien thinks the same given his smile whenever Xiabao promises that.

Anyways I love how every time Xiabao says to Hauien, "We are already in that type of relationship" lol he is so gone.....but so am I!

The ending was hilarious to me because Xiabao is acting all brave while hiding behind Hauien LOL.

Ah! Young Love.

 American Fan:
@RX - Where are you reading the story? 

On Wattpad. I found the English translated version there thanks to a fellow fan:

HOWEVER please note the warnings before reading; they include:

Dubious consent and non-consent - these speak to scene at the lake side.

I am a goner for Hauien & Xiabao.

They are adorable! EP 3 was cute & funny. When XiaBao held onto Huaien's belt...awww.


On Wattpad. I found the English translated version there thanks to a fellow fan:

HOWEVER please note the warnings before reading; they include:

Dubious consent and non-consent - these speak to scene at the lake side.

Oh...okay.  Maybe I don't want to know too many details after all.   But it would be nice if at least the hugs & kisses were included. I feel cheated. :-(

Century of Love - Episode 4

Another great episode with a lot of funny moments. They almost scared me when they made it same like grandma died. Vee trying to seduce San was too funny:

 American Fan:

I should also warn you that in this episode of Century of Love there is a blood scene at the very end when Vee gets stabbed. You can just skip over this part and continue into next week's episode.

Century of Love - Episode 4

Quite a cliffhanger ending. Can't wait till next week ... the suspense!

Should I start the Rebound yet or wait for it to finish airing? Lol XD

“My Love Mix-up” (Youtube 6/12): I dearly love Fourth and Gemini, but is this just a remake of a great original that didn’t need remaking? Also disappointed that we have, so far, seen extremely little of Aungpao, who was so good in “Cooking Crush”.

Today's Ep. 7 of "My Love Mix-Up" was good, including some interesting and substantive differences vs. the excellent original (no spoilers!). Now feeling better about this remake. Also glad that we're finally getting more Aungpao.


Quite a cliffhanger ending. Can't wait till next week ... the suspense!

I know what you mean.