American Fan:
You & me both! 

The lack of a kiss felt like a personal attack! Haha It's disappointing that Kohei and Taichi didn't receive enough interaction. They felt almost like an afterthought.

 American Fan:
at the end of a J-drama in particular

Oh no not another anti J-Drama fan , I'm  kidding of course! LOL. I've found this year's J-Dramas to be quite diverse so far.  "25 Ji, Akasaka de" had a fantastic ending! I gave it a rating of 9.5.

Yay! Welcome back~ I missed reading your posts!

Aww Thank you !! <33 How did your week go ??

I have not been feeling well so I missed this week of classes.

Oh no, do you know what you are sick from. Don't answer that if you don't want to." Did the week off help you recuperate at least ??

I now have a test Monday, law notes to read and catch up on, and all the other course work for other subjects to catch up

Ah the good old last minute cramming my good old friend !

so sliver lining I guess

Beast mode activate !

Just finished watching 'Time of Fever' last night

I watched  'Unintentional Love Story' and didn't realize there was a prequel! Adding it to my "Plan to Watch" list now.

Also started the new shows 'Jack & Joker' and 'Kidnap',

I haven't been keeping up with the latest shows for the past 2 weeks, and I didn't even realize that these two were already airing. They're actually two of the dramas I was looking forward to the most this year, so I will definitely be catching up on all the episodes this weekend!

'The On1y One'

I've read so many great reviews about this show, but I've been really busy and haven't had the chance to catch up with the latest news. I might have to delay watching it and focus on the two dramas mentioned in the post above. I also have to carve out some time to binge watch History 3: Trapped.

both HGK and 'Takara no Vidro'. Still loved both shows, but yeah

Hidamari ga Kikoeru has become one of my favorite J BL series.I will just have to read the manga to get the final kiss that I wanted  😭 😭😭 ! As for Takara no Vidro, I felt a bit lost in the second half of the drama. It seemed like there was a sudden shift in the storyline, things escalated so quickly, and I couldn't figure out where the plot started to derail . Additionally, I was surprised to see more kissing scenes in this series compared to HGK. I'm just saying  no way Taishin gets more lip action then Taichi !!! 

Any who's my final rating for both shows Hidamari ga Kikoeru 9.5 Takara no Vidro 6 LOL

Oh no not another anti J-Drama fan , I'm  kidding of course! LOL. I've found this year's J-Dramas to be quite diverse so far.  "25 Ji, Akasaka de" had a fantastic ending! I gave it a rating of 9.5.

For me, generally speaking, J-dramas are on the bottom rung, lol. However, there are quite a few J-BLs that I've enjoyed,  including 25 Ji, Akasaka de.  But I dropped Takara no Vidro. 

My current favs rn are Addicted Heroin, The On1y One, Jack & Joker and Kidnap.

hope you're doing well.

I am finally getting back on track!

It's been very active here

This level of activity is great to see. Having a super active community is far better than having no traffic at all. I haven't been keeping up with the forums recently, but I believe our group has a higher number of active members compared to most. Our members are fantastic and we truly feel like one big, positive family.

I understand it can be challenging to keep track of posts on the club page due to its fast pace. When the forum is active, I often save the link to my last reply and send it to myself. This way, I can easily pick up where I left off. There have been instances when I returned to find a backlog of 20 pages to go through. It can be quite confusing.

Monster Next Door

I'm dropped this series because it wwas a bit too slow for my taste. However, I did find the dynamic of a couple comprising an extrovert and an introvert quite interesting. I must admit, I really like the actor who plays Big. Diew's character tho was quite draining to watch. I don't blame the actor, as he's just following the director's instructions. I think it's more the personality trait. As an introvert, it feels draining to watch them do the same things I do daily. haha.

The supporting characters in the story are quite bothersome. There's that girl who seems to seek attention by using others, the band with constant internal issues, and their supposed friends who don't support them. Even the introverted friend of Diew serves no real purpose other than to highlight that an introvert has another introverted friend. They barely interact outside of school work, so I fail to see their significance to the plot.

I regret not staying to see at least one kissing scene based on the trailer. It looked really intense, but I couldn't wait for it to happen!

I Saw You in My Dream

I'm really drawn in by the mystery in this show. I need to catch up on some episodes. I'm loving the main couple and their adorable relationship and interactions. It seems like a very healthy relationship filled with lots of support and positive love language!

(re "Cherry Magic" Japanese original) Good point which I'd not really thought about before. I'm trying to think of another JBL with a side couple. Other than Aoki and Hashimoto in "Kieta Hatsukoi" (who I totally loved, but they're boy-girl so probably not really what we're talking about here), I can only think of one other: Shuu and the adorably cute Asuka in "Minato Season 2".

There might not have been kisses and the lot, but there was longing and pining, and if done right, it can be just as good.
(re "Sunspot") In general, I feel the same way - but even at that, I still felt that the final episode lacked the satisfying resolution that I wanted ...

Cherry Magic so far is the only one i've seen have a side bl couple. I'd love to see more of that; in most cases no matter the bl I love a good side couple. When I watched Takara-Kun and Amagi-kun, I wanted to see the two best friends get would've been so cute since they're both funny. 

As for Sunspot I agree, while I enjoyed the series the ending did seem to be lacking something. I guess I wanted a time jump or something so we could see how they moved forward as a couple. Maybe that'll be in season 2 if they have one. *fingers-crossed*


I'm loving these currently airing shows:

Yes yes yes I've only seen the first 3 and the first ep of I Saw You in My Dream but I plan to watch addicted heroin as well.

Simi_Tutu -  Hey!! (waving emoji) We Missed you too!! ♡ :)

 American Fan:
J-dramas are on the bottom rung,

 American Fan:
25 Ji, Akasaka de

I came across an interesting article in a Japanese magazine this week. I think you would enjoy reading it. I'm planning to post it here soon along with an english translation!

 American Fan:
dropped Takara no Vidro

This does not surprise me at all LOL

oooo a new JBL has anyone watched this yet? I think it just started airing this week.

Love Is Like a Poison

Kidnap - episode 2

Handler: Kidnap and kill Q.

Min: falls in love with Q.

Q: living his best life as a house husband

LOL I cannot lmao

Even Q tells Min that he is the worst kidnapper; imagine your kidnapper feeding you, cuddling you and taking care of your bad dreams lol

It is just episode 2 and Min is already so whipped lol

The chemistry is amazing. I look forward to the next episode.


Heyy! How's it going ! *hugs*


Heyy! How's it going ! *hugs*

I've been doing fine and you? "Hugs back"


It has been an incredibly hectic week and a half, with numerous doctor's appointments, family commitments, and various unexpected events. It feels like everything is happening at once, which can be overwhelming. On the bright side, I've always heard that things happen in threes, or in my case, five to six! Despite the chaos, I can't help but feel that these changes are much needed and long overdue. It's full train ahead or is it full steam ahead ?  😅


It has been an incredibly hectic week and a half, with numerous doctor's appointments, family commitments, and various unexpected events. It feels like everything is happening at once, which can be overwhelming. On the bright side, I've always heard that things happen in threes, or in my case, five to six! Despite the chaos, I can't help but feel that these changes are much needed and long overdue. It's full train ahead or is it full steam ahead ?  ?

Awww :( I hope things start getting better for you soon. ♡

Hidamari ga Kikoeru  Final Thoughts 

Subtitled "The Barely There BL" or "The Blink and You'll Miss It BL"

The story has merit and valuable messages. (There were a few things I had trouble with but I won't bother mentioning.)

BUT,  if it was supposed to be a BL, it missed the mark for me. Included in the MDL description, "Now, they are more than friends and less than lovers." That could be a description for every bromance listed.

They didn't lie. I've seen more romantic tension and chemistry btw bromance couples. 

After 12 eps the viewers "Romance Reward" is an awkward hug and another day sitting together over lunch.  

An 8/10 for me. 8 for the story, and zip, nadda, nothing for the no burn romance and uneventful ending. Like, wth, did they even hold hands?

SCREEN+ Vol.90 Part 1
Komakine Akita ,Shinhara Taisuke 
"The biggest challenge is to differentiate between different roles." "I want to act carefully."
The super popular BL work "25:00 in Akasaka" by Hiroko Natsuno, which won first place in the double ranking (series category and drama CD category) at the "BL Awards 2023", has been made into a live-action drama. It is currently being broadcast on TV Tokyo every Thursday from 12:30 am. It makes the dream story of "What if the actors who play the boys' love (BL) couple were in a romantic relationship in real life..." come true.
This much-talked-about work has been met with many voices calling for it to be made into a film. Komakine Akita plays the role of Hayama Asui, a popular model and actor who combines beautiful looks with talent. Niihara Taisuke plays the role of Shirasaki Yuki, a new actor who plays his co-star. We spoke to the two co-stars about their enthusiasm for the work.