American Fan:
Is there more FortPeat fans here?

I have been contemplating this question for some time: Can one truly be a sincere fan of a pair if they don't love both individuals equally? Personally, I have a profound admiration for Fort, and I am captivated by his work. However, when it comes to Peat, I do acknowledge him as an actor and respect his relationship with Fort. Yet, I don't have the same level of obsession with him. This dilemma perplexes me, especially considering that they are frequently seen together. It's quite an perplex situation, to be honest! Also I feel called out after me stating that I wasn't a fan of BossNoeul you state that you  are  lol 

Love Sea - Episode 3

First of all let me just say, WOW. My thoughts are everywhere. This entire episode had me hooked. I did not even move an inch from my position in bed; from the very start to the very end. The acting is beautifully done in such a way that every emotion portrayed on screen is palpable. It felt like more than watching a series. Fort and Peat took me on a journey through their portrayals of Mut and Rak. I felt every transition of emotions. 

I had said this somewhere, I am not sure if it was here I said it, but I had predicted that Rak would use that fact he paid Mut as a weapon to guard himself and that he did when he tried to refuse Mut in the beginning of the episode. The fact that he apologised demonstrates that he is falling hard and even if he does not realise it as yet, by the end of the episode he is in love with Mut. When Mut took Rak on the beach and they laid down gazing at the stars, the intimacy and peacefulness of the moment felt so real as if you could reach out and pop the bubble surrounding them. They created this open atmosphere that it was believable for Rak to just open up about his childhood, and the fact that he questions why he is even telling Mut just made the scene even more real. When Mut said, "You are beautiful when you smile", I all but melted. Being told that you are handsome or pretty are just mere compliments but when someone really looks at you and just says, "You are beautiful", I believe there is something special about that. 

When Mut tells the story between his father and him you cannot help but feel upset on Mut's behalf. That is a terrible thing for a human to do to another let alone a father to do to a child; his own child at that. 

Based on the phone conversation between Rak and his sister I believe it is fair to infer that the extent of trauma Rak is suffering from at the hands of his father is extensive.

The final punch in the gut for me, was watching Rak beg Mut to beg him to stay. To just tell him to stay because all he has to do is ask. That hit hard for me. We see where Mut's own insecurities come to light. He thinks of himself as not good enough for Rak.

I agree that the series is fast paced but it is done in a way as well as the chemistry is such that it is believable and wholesome. We have to consider that enough time has passed in the series for Rak's stay to have concluded. We must also keep in mind that love is without ambit and time constraints. You cannot predict love and I think that is what makes Rak and Mut's story so special; neither of them were in search of love but it came knocking on the doors of their hearts. Furthermore, I believe the series to be fast paced to allow for enough room to explore the conflicts between Rak and his father and the accompanying trauma. There are only 10 episodes and based on the hints given there will be some deep emotional wounds to expose. Recognise how by the next episode they have moved the setting back to Bangkok; which leads me to speculate that we are about to explore the conflicts as we are now out of the paradisal haven of the island and into the bustling, stressful and conflicting environment of the city. Rak taking Mut with him, for me, is symbolic of him taking his peace with him that he discovered on the island.

I will stop here for now with my thoughts. I look forward to the next episode.

P.S for the new members who are unfamiliar with my long post, welcome lol. I promise my post can be longer lol.

 American Fan:

Is this your first time watching Love in the Air? I don't want to spoil anything, but yeah, I felt a bit that way too about Rain for awhile...he starts off immature and kinda childish. 

BossNoeul is one of my top fav BL pairs. For some it's FortPeat! 

Is there more FortPeat fans here? Sometimes I get the feeling I'm outnumbered.  (**thinking emoji**)

Yes! It's my first time. I'm enjoying delving into the BL I missed the last few years. I'm an old school OffGun gal (which reminds me I have to watch Not Me), so this is my first intro to these two pairs. I'll be exploring them more, though!


Great! I'm glad... there are so many posts  here I wanted to make sure it didn't  get lost in the mix

I initially had trouble sticking with the LITA series. Although I liked Boss's acting, Noeul's performance could have been better. Their acting styles could have meshed better(I know this is an unpopular opinion), although I understand it could have been intentional based on the characters. Because of this, I almost stopped watching the series, but everything changed for me in episode 8. Sky's story was a game-changer.

I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings toward him. He is slowly growing on me, but it's more like mold growing right now. But hey, it's growing.

 American Fan:
I like EarthMix even more now. R they going to have anything coming out?

They'll have the Thai adaptation of Ossan's Love sometime this year, I thought.

Thanks for sharing the joint "live," so cute!!

Can one truly be a sincere fan of a pair if they don't love both individuals equally?

I think so. The sum of the two together is greater than one alone. One won't have the same effect. That's the beauty of a pair - their interactions, emotions and chemistry. What they bring as a whole. I think many of us celebrate that aspect as well as the individual actors.

I like Boss more but that's cuz I'm more attracted to him. Overall I like their relationship more than some other BL pairs. Noeul is very beautiful irl (and edgy which I like) and nothing like Rain. Both have not acted in many series yet, so I'm really excited to see their new drama coming later this year.

BTW, they will be in EP 10 of Love Sea!

However, when it comes to Peat, I do acknowledge him as an actor and respect his relationship with Fort.

Even though FortPeat aren't one of my favs, they both do a great job of acting. We are all so different! I find Peat beautiful and fascinating and almost don't even notice Fort! haha

Also I feel called out after me stating that I wasn't a fan of BossNoeul you state that you  are 

I actually didn't realize! lol I know you're joking, but for sure it's rare for me to be upset or offended by someone else's preferences. :-)

For some reason I was going through the comments on the LITA page today and up to now didn't realize the show was controversial and negative to some others. Here I've been blabbing all along about it being a fav. However the very first reviewer shared an interesting perspective on the series in a really good way. I felt better after that cuz I was wondering if something was wrong with me since I love the show so much. hehe. 

And I've gone on and on about one series!! I don't usually.

ETA: That's Rique job!! hahahahaha

neither of them were in search of love but it came knocking on the doors of their hearts.

Aww, I love that sentence.  You do have a way with words :-)

I can't read your spoiler yet. I haven't watched EP 3 - not cuz I forgot, cuz I'm too lazy. No other reason. Haven't seen My Love Mix-Up! either. They're both calling my name though. Maybe tonight's the night.

Yes! It's my first time. I'm enjoying delving into the BL I missed the last few years. I'm an old school OffGun gal (which reminds me I have to watch Not Me), so this is my first intro to these two pairs. I'll be exploring them more, though!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you've finished the whole series! 

And OMG, NOT ME is another top fav of mine!! 

They'll have the Thai adaptation of Ossan's Love sometime this year, I thought.

Thanks for sharing the joint "live," so cute!!

Oh that's great! I'll be paying attention so I can see more EarthMix.


Day 23 -See you at the Met- Showcase an iconic wardrobe  KinnPorsche  The 3 brothers' unique styles

(Or should I sulk that no one listens to me ...)

I totally listened and will be on the lookout for when this streams.


I'm just checking in to see if you were able to see my comment about how to quote specific phrases on a post instead of the whole thing

If you highlight only the portion you want, the word Quote should appear right above, then you click on it. This doesn't work on my phone, btw.

Don't mind me *whistles blissfully*

 American Fan:
ETA: That's Rique job!! hahahahaha

This is so real. My Lit teacher looked at my paper once and said, "I will mark your state of the union speech last"; now that was just an exaggeration. Strong side-eye.

 American Fan:
Aww, I love that sentence.  You do have a way with words :-)

*insert heart emoji* 

 American Fan:
Both have not acted in many series yet, so I'm really excited to see their new drama coming later this year.

I do have BossNoeul's new project on my PTW for 2024. I can acknowledge that both couples are new to the BL, so they only have a little on their backlog. It's safe to say that they will develop their skill with more time. I have already seen it with Peat in Love Sea. The good thing is that both couples are so loved. I'm sure we will see a lot more from them in the future.

 American Fan:
BTW, they will be in EP 10 of Love Sea!

I had a feeling this would happen, and it will be a recurring trend for both couples in future series. A part of me hopes this won't be the case because I want them to grow independently from each other and thrive.

 American Fan:
I find Peat beautiful and fascinating and almost don't even notice Fort! haha

OUCH! This hurt me so bad. .. I will gladly keep my husband all to myself.  tehe

 American Fan:
I felt better after that cuz I was wondering if something was wrong with me since I love the show so much. hehe. 

It all comes down to how people interpret the show they are watching. Some individuals have a keen analytical mind and can dissect details in a scripted series. I can do that from time to time. I'll be honest: 90% of the time, I watch for a specific theme. While most of my favorite BL series feature healthy and supportive relationships, I'm still a huge fan of BL series that push the boundaries.

One of my favorite series is The Novelist, specifically the sequel movie The Novelist: Playback. I don't hear anybody talking about it.  The series was definitely not to everyone's taste.

OUCH! This hurt me so bad

 Sorry, not sorry. :-)  :-)

One of my favorite series is The Novelist, specifically the sequel movie The Novelist: Playback. I don't hear anybody talking about it.

I'm not mentally mature enough to watch an erotic themed series.  I can barely handle Rique's postings.  hehe

Love Sea EP 3

@Rique - I like how you captured the feel of this series. I'm enjoying it, but I don't have a way to use words to describe the underlying emotions and issues going on. I can feel them, like when Mut talked about his father's behavior it was sad to hear. 

When Rak was on the phone with his sister it didn't sound like a very pleasant childhood. It also crossed my mind that Peat is in another victim type role, as he was in LITA, with Fort being the "rescuer". Not good or bad, just an observation. 

Rak is warming up to Mut a little quicker than I was expecting. In many series it goes on for forever before someone shows any signs of like or love. Some kind of unspoken rule in dramas maybe.

 American Fan:
I'm not mentally mature enough to watch an erotic themed series

I call your bluff  From the tension in episode 1 of SunsetxVibes,  I have a feeling that the route is going. 

 American Fan:
Rique's postings.  hehe

I live for them at times it feels like they were specially tailored to me  LMAO

From the tension in episode 1 of SunsetxVibes,  I have a feeling that the route is going. 


I started EP 1  briefly, then stopped. So I don't know what it's about yet and not sure I'll continue. Waiting to hear from others. I feel there is a difference in an erotic themed-based show compared to one erotic scene in a show of a different theme. If that makes sense.

Let me add NO judgement here. I don't care what others watch. We all have individual tastes and comfort levels. I like it here cuz everyone is respected. :-)