I had 5+ pages to read , there's a lot of stuff i want to reply to , but quoting it all is very tedious and im lazy . Oh and hi woody (i don't think thats the right username, but this one sounds adorable , im sorry ). lovelykao too. and welcome back magnolee (please dont murder me for getting the username wrong, im generally bad at remembering names even irl )

Also the last ep of Century of love , san's behaviour almost made me yeet my laptop. and i'm an INFJ. and i'm not a huge fan of the actor Up too. and i also dropped Stand-in a couple of times. (my thoughs are going haywire so i shall just do the challenge )

Day 9. What is your personal style? Fashion, accessories, hair, nails, makeup, tats, room decor, whatever...

Fashion: don't follow it, usually you can find me in t-shirt + black pants, sneakers all day, every day
Accessories: don't wear them, they annoy me most times, but I like rings sometimes
Hair: is really short (except for the times when it's growing a bit before my next haircut appointment)
Nails: they're short and without nail polish
Makeup: don't wear it, never did
Tats: would like to have them but don't
Room decor: I don't have much in my room, just a bed with 2 pillows, a table with a chair and a closet for my clothes

I should probably change my style as I go into my 30s to something that's more authentically "me", but so far I haven't seen my style anywhere. I guess I just want a leather jacket and some Doc Martens? Lol, maybe some band t-shirts too, but those are so early 20s. I used to have lots of band shirts laying about.

Day 9 - what is your style?

Basically on the cloth area , i wear whatever my mom buys for me. I do own a lot of greys and blues. I don't like tight clothing (or revealing cloths for the matter ) and you won't find me in anything uncomfortable. I prefer pants over skirts, but i can wear frocks too. 

Other than cloths, my aesthetic is Dark Academia at its purest. I love the colour brown and coffee. like RXniw said, i too tend to like coffee scented and flavoured stuff , out of all chocolates present coffee flavoured are the best. (you cannot convince me otherwise.) and I do aspire to become a professor in the future so it really fits me i think. 

I love music , more than the tunes , i think the lyrics matter more to me. I like listening to T-pop and occasionally english songs. While my friends listen to lil nas x and tiesto, i prefer to listen to songs like austin's song and frankenstein by (which are too slow for my friends) if you havn't listened to them then you should !!! that's it. 

edit: i forgot to mention, I don't wear any sort of make up , i wear earrings and one gold ring all the time ( its pretty, a slim ring with a leaf like structure in the middle with small white stones ) My hair is till the base of my neck and i always tie it up


I had 5+ pages to read , there's a lot of stuff i want to reply to , but quoting it all is very tedious and im lazy . Oh and hi woody (i don't think thats the right username, but this one sounds adorable , im sorry ). lovelykao too. and welcome back magnolee (please dont murder me for getting the username wrong, im generally bad at remembering names even irl )

Also the last ep of Century of love , san's behaviour almost made me yeet my laptop. and i'm an INFJ. and i'm not a huge fan of the actor Up too. and i also dropped Stand-in a couple of times. (my thoughs are going haywire so i shall just do the challenge )

Yeah Up was frustrating up until the point I dropped My Stand In, but his character is a complete 180 in Lovely Writer. Also Hi! Ty for the greeting! ☺️❤️

August Challenge Day 9 ~

What is your personal style? Fashion, accessories, hair, nails, makeup, tats, room decor, whatever...

I've always loved fashion and by fashion, I guess I mean more style. It's the artsy side of me. I prefer seeing people express themselves visually than just following what the elite deemed beautiful. 

I've had a lot of different eras in style that I'm currently organising as a journalling exercise. Right now, I m a blank slate. Not to bring the mood down but to be frank, I haven't been very well these last several years with depression, anxiety and bulimia and it's a slight miracle im still alive. Apologies if that triggers anyone. I know we are all battling something off screen. I hear you <3 

So right now, it's oversized mens tshirts and yoga pants while im finally seeing the morning light. Which is a big leap from the collection of old pyjamas lol I'm calling it my Dark Ages LOL Aesthetically, I've always been an ALT person. I tried to be more like my sister in my 20s, the trendy girly girl but it only intensified the depression. It's just not who I am. 'a flower punked fairy' is the closest phrase at the minute. I'm enjoying a mix of boho whimsey, gothic glam and a touch of vintage. It's like I'm becoming a mix of all the eras before illness and there's something very therapeutic about that. You are either expressing who you are now or who you have been throughout your life. And I love that. 

I've always loved piercings and tattoos but my ears are too small with pointy inner cartilage for a lot of piercings and I'm so changeable, I have no tattoos of my own.....yet lol I did have 3 in each ear lobe and an upper cartilage piercing but some have now closed. 2 in my left ear lobe, one in the right ear lobe and the upper in the right ear are still open. I kind of like it lol my inner cartilage sticks out so I was advised to not have any other type of piercings or I could rip my ears. Drats. 

I have forgotten what make up is but I have blue eyes, Irish 'so white I reflect the sun's palour and blackish brown hair. Like Liv Tyler or Katy Perry, only with freckles lol so I stick to colours that suit me, a lot of cold and bright tones and old favourite black eyeliner. 

I do enjoy nail art but I can't stand having long nails lol I feel like I've lost the use of my fingers with acrylics. I much prefer them short lol 

As for decor, well it's going to change too isn't it? lol I am definitely a boho girl when it comes to decor. I have learned that softer palettes in living spaces are much better and calming, with lots of plants, artwork, favourite photos and some whimsical inspired decor. Also tealights and fairy lights are beautiful in the winter when Ireland sees a lot more night hours.

Sweet jeebus this was a novel hahaha


"Fluffy BLs have happy endings."  - Confucius

Fkn LOL! Hahahaha 

Fashion: don't follow it, usually you can find me in t-shirt + black pants, sneakers all day, every day
Accessories: don't wear them, they annoy me most times, but I like rings sometimes
Hair: is really short (except for the times when it's growing a bit before my next haircut appointment)
Nails: they're short and without nail polish
Makeup: don't wear it, never did

This sounds remarkably like me, except that I'm a guy*. (Ring = wedding ring only, otherwise zero jewelry, not even a watch since smartphone serves the function. Preferred colour scheme: plain black t-shirt, black jeans, black Nikes - as inconspicuous as possible!**)

*Sometimes I feel so lonely in this group!

**This should be a clue as to my MBTI: The first letter is "I". (In full, I'm yet another "INTF".)

because someone told about the manga The cornered mouse dreams of cheese , i started reading it. its too much i have to take breaks in the middle

*Sometimes I feel so lonely in this group!



Because the great majority are girls. (I was just joking, it doesn't really matter to me.)


This sounds remarkably like me, except that I'm a guy*. (Ring = wedding ring only, otherwise zero jewelry, not even a watch since smartphone serves the function. Preferred colour scheme: plain black t-shirt, black jeans, black Nikes - as inconspicuous as possible!)

*Sometimes I feel so lonely in this group!

When you're demi in a group of sex pistols haha where's that person who said they were ace the other day? Get in here and back me up! xD 

wearing what's comfortable is also fashion statement you know ;) 

The 4minutes comment section got me dead lmao(skull and laughing emoji) XD

My body is ready for 4Minutes tonight. It's my favorite thing about Friday.


My body is ready for 4Minutes tonight. It's my favorite thing about Friday.

Same <3

I appreciate the good laugh. Thank you. Haha.

You're welcome! 

definitely don't watch the show than!! it gets pretty graphic and bloody!!

THX for the heads up. I will pass for sure.

I've never seen a wuxia drama. recommendations for a beginner?

I'll see what I can find and get back to you in a DM. Short series, got it.


Gurrrl, do not remind me that it is ending next week. I do not need to be breaking down this early before dawn.

I can't get over how much you love this drama. It's so unexpected in a way...lol

Look at MY JOONG

I'm looking! He's mighty fineeeee!