Just starting Monster Next Door - YAY!

Less than 2 mins in - Hot dude on a bike.  Thank you drama God!!

 American Fan:
At first I read your name as "woop-de-do"

my usual username is "poopdywoopdy", but I think MDL thought it was too innapropriate. I have heard lots of creative pronunciations of it lol. 

 American Fan:
I've been addicted to a lot of stuff, good and bad lol


 American Fan:
What is your profile gif from?

it's from my one of my fav shows, it's called bloodhounds <3. It's a Korean action show, I think it's only on Netflix. It's a bromance (through-and-through), but if you imagine really hard you can almost convince yourself they are dating. It's still definitely worth the watch IMO. There are lots of really cool fighting scenes and also lots of shirtless men. 

 American Fan:
It looks like sm I would like to see!!

actually I just looked at ur profile and it looks like your fav genre is action/martial arts  and also bromance, so yeah I think you would love it. They are both boxers and beat up a bunch of people!

Day 9~ What is your style?

I mostly dress casually with a hint of edgy. I love wearing jeans or shorts(weather depending) with band or graphic tshirts along with a leather or jean jacket(in the colder months/seasons), I also like wearing tank tops along with plaid shirts but I also love dressing up on special occasions too. My favorite colors to wear are Black, Red, Purple or Blue. I have 3 piercings- one on each ear lobe and one on the right side of my nose. I really would love to get an industrial and a lip piercing eventually and I have 1 tattoo of a butterfly on the upper right side of my back that I got right before my high school graduation. As for shoes I love Crocs, Converse, Nike, Timberlands, Sandals and Boots. lmao you will not catch me in any heels except boots js. Even at all my high school proms and homecomings I wore converses like Hilary Duff(my friends growing up always called her my celebrity look alike) did in "A Cinderalla Story." And as for makeup I love the brands Urban Decay, NARS, Too Faced, Colourpop and Tarte. My favorite type of makeup is concealers, high lighters, eyeshadows and mascaras. Eye color is light blue and haircolor naturally is a strawberry blonde and it's dyed like a cherry red. As last as for my bedroom it is teal and grey and has alot of BTS and other Kpop which is a big collection I have . XD lol that is another guilty pleasure of mine(BTS and kpop).

I'm glad the ratings for this are going up because the 7.1 I saw earlier was abysmal-

Thank you! How can people give this the same rating as "OMG Vampire"? The two are on entirely different levels when it comes to storytelling. One is intricate and packed with meaningful narrative, while the other needs direction and character development.

What bothers me so much about networking is the expectation of having to do small talk with so many people about the same thing over and over again.  

The idea of being able to recite the same lines repeatedly is quite appealing to me as it would alleviate my worry of messing up and ensure a consistent delivery. On the other hand, I also find joy in the spontaneity of back-and-forth conversations that originate from questions during panels. The ability to bounce off these questions, branching out while remaining on the topic, is gratifying as someone who tends to dissociate; anything that can keep me grounded at the moment is precious.

It can be challenging for me to converse with random strangers about topics that don't interest me. Sometimes, my mind drifts off, and it feels like I'm on another planet, completely forgetting that I'm in a conversation. When I finally regained my focus, I struggled to recall what the other person said, making it obvious that I wasn't paying attention. I need to apologize frequently during conversations for being preoccupied with my thoughts. ?

 American Fan:
 Thank you drama God!!

God is literally a God!! Every time I see this guy, my heart skips a beat. He's incredibly attractive and it's honestly hard to contain my excitement. I find myself grinning from ear to ear whenever he appears on screen. LOL

Century of Love - Finale - verdict and judgement

"Pride goeth before a fall"

Verdict first:

Production - 2/2

Writing - 1.5/2

Acting - 1.5/2

Intimacy - 2/2

Music - 1/1

Special 10 scene - 0/1

Total Rating score = 8/10


I am a little shocked at the rating to be honest. I thought for sure it would be between 8.5 - 9 but mathematics has spoken. 

Now you may be wondering why started off with that quote above. It is directed at San but we will get to his paragraph shortly. 

One of the things I absolutely love about this series is the Chinese instrumental music used throughout. I found the Chinese elements to be intricately woven into the story while still retaining the Thai identity. The martial arts fight scenes I found to be very well done and realistic. The story surrounding the curse was well written and easy to follow making a complex scenario seem simple to the audience. 

The family dynamic is beautiful to watch. Their care, love and support of each other is another thing that I love about this series. Chu is definitely my favourite character. She gave me some laughs for sure and when everyone was being less than smart she was always on top of things.

The romance between the leads was well developed and their love scenes did not seem hot instead they were loving and heartwarming to watch and that can be sexy too. The symbolism of San's love represented in the ring he gave Wee is just so beautiful to me. I really love how the actors portrayed the characters' love for each other; well done Daou and Offroad. It was a lovely performance as a couple.

I have a feeling the goddess is a BL fan lol. I think the mystery being left to us as to whether Wee or Wat is the real incarnation of San's lover is thought provoking and keeps fans guessing. I also think the goddess was trying to teach San a lesson that love comes and goes and it does not matter who we loved in the past but who we love in the present into the future.

One thing I did not like is the writing behind the split between San and Wee; I felt it was a little shallow and stupid on Wee's part because he constructed his own conclusions despite the actions of San who never stopped loving him. This part irritated me. I would have preferred if he was caught stealing the stone and then San got angry, but that is just me. I also hated how gullible they made everyone when the Ms Wad look alike appeared it seemed like the writers were taking the easy way out.

Now for San; "Pride goeth before a fall". Between the penultimate episode and the finale it was revealed that San is a flat character. In Literature there are flat characters and round characters; flat characters do not experience growth throughout the story while round characters do experience growth. In the beginning of the series San did a very selfish thing in the name of love. He binds his soul to Ms. Wad so that he could hold on to his love disregarding the laws of life and death. Being selfish to himself he suffered for a century yet still in that time his tendency has not changed. We see it in how he put his pride and fears over Wee's and his family's feelings by wanting to isolate himself from them during his final days. I hate when characters lie for the sake of not hurting their loved ones because in the end their loved ones will hurt even more when the lie is discovered and ultimately they are not lying for the sake of their loved ones but for themselves as they are trying to avoid the pain the situation will cause them. It is selfish. Furthermore by making his family lie on his behalf  San was now hurting the relationship between his family and Wee; the trust between them. Oftentimes couples ignore the fact that a relationship is not just between them; sure the romantic aspect is but the love and trust is not. Family on both sides would have interacted with both halves of the couple and formed bonds and the couple has to be aware of such bonds. I would have preferred if San's character experienced some growth.

I have to talk about Wee's grandmother. I love the story between Wee and her. I felt it on a personal level. To watch her dying was hard. It is truly a blessing to have a grandmother with whom you have a loving relationship. To see Wee's grandmother struggle with him but doing her best while not taking out life's frustrations on him and supporting him until the very end was just wow. If I was a little bit more emotional I would have shed at least a single tear. 

I do not think there is anything else I want to say that I have not already over the course of the time this series aired so I will stop here. Hey! this is actually shorter than I imagined it would be lol.


actually I just looked at ur profile and it looks like your fav genre is action/martial arts  and also bromance, so yeah I think you would love it. They are both boxers and beat up a bunch of people!

Well shoot! I wish I could watch it, as you got the action and bromance right, but there's one little thing, no, two little things I can't do. Blood & graphic violence.  A little blood I can get by with.

Martial arts feel different to me, idk why. Maybe cuz I watch it in the context of fantasy/Wuxia dramas? There's usually not too much graphic stuff, except for the Untamed. That was part horror.

that is another guilty pleasure of mine(BTS and kpop).

Oh yeah true. I should have included Stray Kids/K-pop as a guilty pleasure. Honesty, the people I know irl  don't get why I like it, so I never talk about it.  Like I never talk about BL dramas either.

by wanting to isolate himself from them during his final days.

San dies in the end??!??

Should I stop now, before the end? I'm not heavily invested anyways.

 American Fan:

San dies in the end??!??

Should I stop now, before the end? I'm not heavily invested anyways.


Happy Ending

@American Fan if it was a bad ending you think I would have rated it as I did. I would have come in here cursing everybody involved with the series right out lol.

Day 9: What's your style?

I love dressing light and fun. Usually light neutrals or bright colors and patterns. I especially love showing cute styles with the bags I bring. Some days I dress like Hira (MBM) other days I'm in more layered pinks, yellows, blues and whites. I like wearing more feminine clothing cause I prefer a cuter style (although my pronouns are he/him btw). A lot of accessories I have are Sanrio (namely Cinnamoroll or HK). I wish I could dress more in a gyaru style, but it's way too hot where I am to layer most of the year haha.

 American Fan:
Should I stop now, before the end?

"Fluffy BLs have happy endings."  - Confucius

Guys I am only 13 minutes into episode 10 of Meet You At The Blossom and oh God the feels *sobbing* they are hitting me in the bloody feels



Happy Ending

Ohhh, ok!!


"Fluffy BLs have happy endings."  - Confucius

Are you calling Century of Love a fluffy BL? Just asking for clarification.


@American Fan if it was a bad ending you think I would have rated it as I did. I would have come in here cursing everybody involved with the series right out lol.

Oh right! What was I thinking?


Guys I am only 13 minutes into episode 10 of Meet You At The Blossom and oh God the feels *sobbing* they are hitting me in the bloody feels

Is it really EP 10 already? Where have I been? 

Oh I remember now...I was waiting for the heartbreak to pass first.   Omg, there's only two eps left?? 

Time is going by so fast my head is spinning like a top.