The Boyfriend - Episodes 7 & 8

Dai and Shun finally kissed

"Were you waiting?" - Shun

"You kept me waiting too long" - Dai

The kiss was just magical and perfect. The buildup just before coupled with the extreme sexual tension made the whole atmosphere electrifying. Where were Dai's hands rubbing just before the kiss lol. I am so happy right now. I am sad to see this show finish next week. It has been a ride watching Shun and Dai and seeing both of them express their feelings as well as hearing Shun talk about his past experiences from being abandoned by his parents to being in toxic relationships. I truly do hope that he will find happiness in Dai. Another thing about the kiss scene, watching Shun climb into bed with  Dai was like watching a wall he put up slowly come down, and to see them embrace before the kiss was just so touching.

Anyways I will save my deeper thoughts for next week's finale.

this time I was gonna to collages from couples in their series weither it is main or support couples so let me know who you would like for me to do and I will try my best making them . :) Also sorry I have not been on much this week I was working extra hours at work. Love and miss you all <3. You all

We miss you too!

Let me see *thinking emoji* I do not know if you will find enough material on this couple since they only appeared as a couple once and they were a side couple but they set their scenes on fire with their chemistry. The couple is Meen x Est they played the characters of Tul and Hin in Love By Chance 2 - A Chance to Love.

Anyways If you can't get enough material for them that is okay. I will also go with ZeeSaint

Yeah, it's kind of funny to be watching Between Us and knowing there's a whole big mess of a plot happening in the back LOL everytime pharm and dean are on screen I'm just like, ok, wth's happened now?

As RXinw says, "Until We Meet Again" is my all-time favourite BL. I also loved "Between Us", but I find it hard to imagine watching them in the reverse order - so I'll be interested to hear your reaction. 

I loved the updated Chinese ver. Stay with Me, even though I didn't get the scenes I wanted.

I didn't mind the omissions because "Stay With Me" was so extraordinarily good on its own merits.

why is Fort so hot?

Yeah, as others have said, "Love Sea" has dragged a bit in the past few episodes, and Prin in this latest episode is badly overdone - but I don't mind because Fort is so good in it: the perfect combination of "green flag boyfriend" and "lust-inducing sex muffin". *slobber slobber* (I personally like him much better in this than in "Love In The Air".)

Most others seem to hate the girl couple, but I'm OK with them and actually find Mook quite funny.

As RXinw says, "Until We Meet Again" is my all-time favourite BL. I also loved "Between Us", but I find it hard to imagine watching them in the reverse order - so I'll be interested to hear your reaction. 

I will have to watch it after Between Us. Pharm looks really adorable, and he bakes, and I'm already ready to defend him LOL 

I will have to watch it after Between Us. Pharm looks really adorable, and he bakes, and I'm already ready to defend him

Don't be put off by the opening part of "Until We Meet Again", which is horrifically tragic. Although there's some very heavy tragedy, the series is for the most part sweet, cute, feel-good, and a very powerful love story (not to mention Boun/Prem as the great side couple).

P.S. Sorry, I've already long since called dibs on Fluke Natouch (Pharm). Mine!


Don't be put off by the opening part of "Until We Meet Again", which is horrifically tragic. Although there's some very heavy tragedy, the series is for the most part sweet, cute, feel-good, and a very powerful love story.

i think I got a glimpse of it in Between Us lol but thank you for the warning all the same <3

Does anyone else do that to their ult bias or have a bias like that?  Like, there's sex appeal and then there's just straight up love for someone LOL

Yes. Me. 

If I understand correctly. I have one ult bias that I love the most of all, and find both sexy, adorable & just all around a really nice person. And then there's everyone else, lol.

 American Fan:
If I understand correctly. I have one ult bias that I love the most of all, and find both sexy, adorable & just all around a really nice person. And then there's everyone else, lol.

Oooh now I want to know who everyone's ult BL bias and bias wreckers are, can you maybe fit that in your challenge ? 

Something like that. It's like, there's the guys that I would break my neck trying not to stare at on the street, but that doesnt change the more I know them. And then there's that little sweetheart who just crept up out of nowhere, made an impact and has now taken over everything LOL Not that I don't think CY attractive but compared to my list, he's a different type of visual whereas the rest all have the same look/style. 

So you have a type but that one outlier trumps them all lol

Why do I have the feeling this is going to end me--


Like let me be for real-- I was only planning to watch ForceBook's episodes in Perfect 10 Liners, and now I'm here all excited for this ship too. 

(It also has to do with me realizing I'm a sucker for New's directing style, and I usually like his projects a lot... eg.  Between Us, Star in My Mind, We Are)

On The Heart Killers news: 

Filming has begun! In case you guys haven't see these, here are some pictures of Joong, First, and Kaoh on set <3 (Dunk will join them at the end of the week.)

Does anyone else do that to their ult bias or have a bias like that?  Like, there's sex appeal and then there's just straight up love for someone LOL

Not that I know of lol. I mean I will see someone in a series and go "Damnnn", but that is about it lol.

Why do I have the feeling this is going to end me

I love Santa. I love Perth. They've both been such naturally good actors from a young age. And I think they'll fit together really well.

On The Heart Killer news: 

I am so excited for this series!

Here are some:


Source: X (Twitter)

*For some reason the links are not going through!