Pls keep reviewing this show as it goes haaha!

Glad our thoughts are in sync. 

Oh I will. I will just be very much more filtered.


I have one dude who i wont share*knife emoji* and is my ultttttt bias and that's *drumroll* jeff satur 

No….Ash, PLEASE….I’m begging u pls share plssss


I could never solve them but never learned the algorithms either. My younger kid learned the algorithm pretty early and also enjoyed solving all sorts of puzzles. The cube is a convenient puzzle to bring on trips. His current time for solving the 3x3 is 12.6 seconds.

12.6 seconds is crazy good, I could never get that fast lol

But I still love bringing a random cube with me when travelling, it’s the perfect distraction XD

I watched the pilot trailer for The Last Time and it looks heartbreaking 

I cried at the end of the trailer (I’m too emotional) but I genuinely love the MLs, especially Arm, he’s so adorable 

I can’t wait for this series, I’ll probably cry a river watching it lol

I’m obsessed with the OST for First Note Of Love 

It’s so so so good like srsly

 American Fan:
Oh, man. I was hoping NO ONE would think of him. So how long has he been your bias? Maybe he's mine longer than yours so I could win this one. MUHAHAHA

long before kp *knife emoji*,


No….Ash, PLEASE….I’m begging u pls share plssss

*knife emoji with smirk*

Oh half of my pictures aren't showing :(

August Challenge (gotta catch up)

Forgot to add that I love running (day 12)

Day 14: Favourite foods

I love Indian dishes, like parotta, puttu, Idiappam, etc (too many to name lol)

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE English Breakfast....and tea. 

As for desserts, I love apple pie, blueberry muffins and scones

I'll do day 15 in a separate post lol


*knife emoji with smirk*

Ur not THAT cruel, right? *puppy eyes*

Ash right now LOL 


August Challenge (gotta catch up)

Forgot to add that I love running (day 12)

Day 14: Favourite foods

I love Indian dishes, like parotta, puttu, Idiappam, etc (too many to name lol)

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE English Breakfast....and tea. 

As for desserts, I love apple pie, blueberry muffins and scones

I'll do day 15 in a separate post lol

The food and tea looks so good <3

Day 16: Describe a typical day or weekend. Now describe what your perfect would look like.

I naturally wake up around 4-5:30am. I read the news online (nothing about politics, usually about basketball, climbing, health). I listen for the owls who are chatting about their night. I watch my shows while having breakfast (pumpkin bread and a latte). Get my tasks/errands done while listening to audiobooks. 3x a week, I have a doctor's appointment for my migraine headaches. Relax with audiobook, or watch more shows in the afternoon. If feeling well, hike in local park or swim in pool,

Perfect day: Staying at the Ahwahnee and rock climbing in Yosemite National Park in the Fall, so I avoid the summer crowds.

Or maybe, a kayaking day on Monterey Bay to say hi to the sea otters.

                                                                               August Challenge Day 16 ~

                Describe a typical day/weekend. Now describe what your perfect day would look like?

My INFP is roiding out at the helm today and I dont want to talk about my boring everyday life. It's nothing special so here, have something really extra. Maybe it'll make you laugh. If it just cements me as the really weird one in this forum, that's ok too lol I'm inclined to agree LOL

                                                              My Perfect Day as a Cottagecore-Academia Heroine

I would like to wake in the city of my imagination, in the mountains by the coast. The temples would be singing at dawn. I wonder if my imaginary self can get up easily?
I'm a famous novelist and poet, and nearing the end of my first stage script. I would have a cooked breakfast in a cozy little sun room of the old manor house my grandmother left me, over looking the sea in the distance. I eat with my maid because I'm a kind mistress and we're besties. Let's call her Bessie.

I own a parrot called George, several dogs, some chickens, geese, a horse and some fish.
Perhaps my maid will question my plans for today and remind me to answer the invitation from Lord ~insert pompous name~ to his Summer's End Gala. I might tease her slightly by responding with letting him wait a little longer. George will randomly interrupt our conversations. I ask if I should get a goat. Bessie does not reply.

I would get changed into an immaculate little blue day dress with laced boots and since I'm the heroine of this story, my hair is also perfectly curled at all times. I'm a darling little thing as every good Mary Sue should be. After getting dressed, I feed the animals and I may spend the morning answering letters, writing to my father, overseeing the accounts and daydreaming about Mr Darcy. I'll probably need some groceries from the markets. My maid reminds me that Virgo season is next week and that I'll have to visit the temple for prayer. 

Afterwards I go for my morning walk with the dogs. My neighbor makes passive aggressive remarks about children instead. Bessie speaks so I dont embarrass her.
We wander through a part of the woods and watch some fairies travel past. I get too close to one and it bites me. Little bugger. I promise to bring honey cakes next time. Please don't blight me.

By noon, I will take my horse into town. I have to leave my script with the theatre for reviewing. I might be slightly in love with one of the actors or actresses. Is this a hetero or a lesbian fantasy, I haven't decided. Perhaps it's a man getting too much attention from his female co stars and I'm jealous. Or it's an actress fixing her powder and I want to help comb her hair. Either way I will linger slightly to catch a glimpse of my beloved.

I may venture into the city library which is conveniently an old, ornate European style one with lots of corridors and rooms where I can get lost in some research of something bizarre. Or maybe I just enjoy being there. The smell of the books is comforting.

I visit a tea room for luncheon with my creator friends. One of them will have an exhibition soon and I promise to come. They ask how my painting is improving and tease me when I don't answer. Ink is my paint still.

Afterwards I meet Bessie at the markets and we will lazily wander through bickering over prices, recipes and keeping me out of the Confectionary Shop.

When we return home, I sit in my study and write and write and write whatever comes to my mind. Some of it will be useful. Some of it I will store away for future ideas. I might pine a little for my beloved I seen this morning and wonder what they are doing now. I might write a love letter and keep it secret in a chest, with the others.

It's a beautiful summer's afternoon and Bessie suggests having tea in the garden. I daydream some more, humming a tune. Maybe writing music should be my next career move? There's a grand piano in the sitting room but I only play it occasionally. I should play it more.

I will play with the dogs a little. George can join in. The dogs tolerate him.

A simple summer's dinner is taken at 6pm. I promise to help Bessie bake some cakes tomorrow as we clean up.

In the evening I bathe in a fabulous old clawfoot tub and read some old favourite books while I sit in it. I do attempt to play a little piano for a while afterwards.

I sit in the garden as the sun goes down trying to sketch something. I enjoy doing this in the summer. The cool air is refreshing and I admire the last of the flowers. I hum some more and write it down. I talk to the moon a little while another animal friend climbs into my lap, a stray, old, black cat. I call him Timothy. George is not impressed. The dogs are happily snoring and don't care. Bessie does some sewing beside the fish tank.

I saunter into bed around 10.30pm after some journaling. My piano playing was horrible and I fall asleep thinking if I got up earlier I would have more hours for what I want to do but somehow I know I won't. For now sleeping is also good practice.

While I sleep, the creaky old manor house I inherited has a secret brewing in the attic. 

Was this episode 1 of the series and I have another 49 to watch? Does something live in the attic? Is there an ancient book of magic? Maybe an old artifact that's going to summon my one true love who's going to take me on a heart breaking and soul discovering journey across time and space? 

Have no idea LOL Other than it's always best to end the day with the belief that tomorrow is another adventure and you keep making time for all the things you want to do, even if you can't do them very well.



Does ‘Meet you at the blossom’ have a happy ending ?