
You must pick which series you would save from being Deleted. YOU CAN ONLY SAVE ONE. (P.S.  these were just ones I could think at the top of my head). Similar to the Thai One I made earlier.If you want to explain why, please do so. I love discussing BLs


  1. History 2: crossing the line v History 2 Right or Wrong 
  2. Be Loved in House: I do  Plus & Minus 
  3. My tooth your love v We Best Love 
  4. Dark Blue and Moonlight v History 1: Obsessed 
  5. History 3: Trapped v History 3: MODC
  6. History 1: obsessed v History:1 my hero 
  7. We Best Love 2 v Papa and Daddy 
  8. Your name engraved Herein v Because of you
  1. Crossing the Line
  2. Plus & Minus
  3. We Best Love, I am loving My Tooth Your Love, but WBL will always be my favourite
  4. Obsessed
  5. Trapped, I don't appreciate dark endings
  6. My Hero, because of Aaron
  7. We Best Love 2, they have my heart
  8. Your Name Engraved Herein, despite the fact that it tears my heart apart everytime

Saving Korean BLS

  1.   Where your eyes Lingers 
  2.  Semantic Error 
  3. First love Again
  4.  wish you (but I didn't really like either)
  5. Tinted with you 
  6. Roomates of Poongduck 304 (ONLY becuase I've yet to watch Choco Milk Shake! I wait for it to finish)
  7.  You make me dance 
  8. Cherry Blossoms after Winter 
  9. Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding

15. same as 13 tho!!
19. Secret Crush is cringe ngl.

i am currently working on another list 

I have yet to watch HCTM so, I chose what I've seen and Bad Buddy was nice + I don't like Singto nor ghost stories (but I still plan to watch it at some point!). 

13 and 15 were too hard! mostly 15, it's impossible to choose between ITSAY and KP!! 

I heard Secret Crush is cringey (hate cringe!), but still seems that many people like it.


  1. History 2 Right or Wrong (yes, I liked this one better)
  2.  Plus & Minus (my love <3)
  3. We Best Love (yet to watch Tooth, but WBL is one of my favs BLs, so)
  4. Dark Blue and Moonlight 
  5. History 3: Trapped (<3)
  6. History 1: obsessed v History:1 my hero (seen both of them, forgot both of them XD History1 wasn't good) 
  7. We Best Love 2 
  8. Your name engraved Herein 

 Liked also the other lists, thanks for all ^^

And - sooo right!!  both LBC 2 and Together With Me: The Next  chapter were such bad sequels!! and let me add some: Thantype 2 was disappointing (though it had some nice moments), Sotus S wasn't good (but imo also Sotus wasn't any good) and Make It Right 2 was at least as bad as the first season as far as I remember (I liked Ohm in it though). 


omg i agree!!! it was like all the chemistry tincan had in LBC was gone. i was so sad 

Every single story established in Love By Chance was ruined by that damn sequel. It is one of the biggest let downs ever!

kiyois back scrubber 2. Okay so if my memory serves me right, there was like a canon thing that the painting Shide painted were very... erotic, so to say. I don't remember where I heard it from but I would love a special episode with Shuyi just reacting to it lol

4. We are just collectively erasing the last ep from our memories and I can't even blame anyone for that because honestly, IT WAS SO UNCALLED FOR!

6. Oh I didn't even think of that! Maybe a s2 with the guard's perspective and how he did everything to return? Cause the time skip was a bit weird but I'm also glad they gave it to us because I could not have taken the sad ending :')

7. Very, very understandable and relatable. Especially that whole scene where he is stroking Siwon's hair ToT

8. Yep, it totally is inly fucking XD

10. I'm getting a lot who didn't like Ohmnanon in Vice Versa ... and I cannot even deny cause I literally erased them from my memory lol


My Answers:

1. Have a new series for Vegas and Pete 

2. Get a season 3 of We Best Love

3. Get a season 2 of Old Fashioned Cupcake where they get married 

4. Wish that HIStory: Make Our Days Count get a season 2 

5.  Be in the same room when Kim and Kamol (from Unforgotten Night) are doing the deed - Sorry I wouldn't be able to watch Fahlanruk even one more time let alone 10.

6. Get a season 2 of Light On Me

7. Take the place of Da Un (from Blueming)

8.  Season 2 of Cherry Blossoms After Winter but they are EXACTLY following the manga. I haven't read the manga so it'll be a surprise at what happens

9. Get the power to lock the goddamn doors when the couple is starting to get it on

10. Vice Versa season 2 with OhmNanon - There was not enough of them in the first season

5. I totally agree because I couldn't even complete it once lol

8. So much smexy times but also cuteness and angst~~

9. PLEASE I want this XD I swear there's nothing more that irritates me more than a parent walking in on a kiss that we get after 11 episodes

Neith03  Haha I thought if I'm bored why not put others in dilemma lol XD

1. Same like, I will sacrifice so much to see VegasPete living their domestic life with Macao ToT I've read too many fanfics on them lol I just want it to become reality!!

2. Oh God you're gonna kill them XD

4. Or do a whole flip and have them reincarnate or some bs, I just want them back pls T^T

5. PLEASE ruin the mood because they ruined MINE!

6. XD Trade off accepted!

7. I want to be Siwon and have Da Un just comfort me about my insecurities pls ;;

8. Here ya go bestie! And you know the best thing? ITS COMPLETED!

9. I had to legit stop a scene and scream because PLEASE LOCK THE DAMN DOORS!

10. I loved them so much I have been watching the two interact but I need moreee

2. Yeah they skimmed over many things like the emails and all, besides I kind of need more of their domestic life because we never got to see that!!

4. I saw the spoilers from it on second last episode and never got the strength to see it XD

6. We NEED a whole season of what happened in that time skip and more!! Because even though it was so short, the chemistry between the leads was off the charts man.

7. Understandable and SAME

8. Oh believe me, it's a whole LOT better with smexy times~~


Oh goddamnit frack frack frack  - I couldn't stop myself and watched the final 2 episodes just now. I am dehydrated bawled so much.  DO NOT watch this if you were traumatized by MODC. 

Like we KNEW there's no other way for this to end but damn it!! I am not okay T_T 

Need something insanely fluffy and uplifting right now. Maybe I'll re-watch Cherry Blossom or Semantic Error?  


Honestly I saw the title and thought "no way it's gonna good" but I was holding on hope but now? NOPE. NO WAY! I never had the strength for MODC and I won't have the strength for this TT

Saving Korean BLS

  1. Long time no see v  Where your eyes Lingers 
  2. Light on me v Semantic Error 
  3. Love class v First love Again (I haven't watched them yet)
  4. To my star 2 v once again (this second season has a special place in my heart)
  5. To my star v wish you 
  6. Tinted with you v Ocen likes me 
  7. Choco Milk Shakev Roomates of Poongduck 304 (both are really well done but Jiwoong and Seobin are too sweet)
  8. Kissable Lips v You make me dance  (I have watched only this show lol)
  9. Cherry Blossoms after Winter v Blueming 
  10. Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding v Mr Heart (same as point 3)


  1. History 2: crossing the line v History 2 Right or Wrong 
  2. Be Loved in House: I do  v Plus & Minus 
  3. My tooth your love v We Best Love (I am obsessed with this drama >o<, but the other show is really really good)
  4. Dark Blue and Moonlight v History 1: Obsessed 
  5. History 3: Trapped v History 3: MODC (I really appreciated the creativity)
  6. History 1: obsessed v History:1 my hero 
  7. We Best Love 2 v Papa and Daddy 
  8. Your name engraved Herein v Because of you (I'm still crying for this film lol)

For Thai dramas I realize I am still a newbie (T_T)
If you like, you could make a Top 10 drama you must watch (^^)


Every single story established in Love By Chance was ruined by that damn sequel. It is one of the biggest let downs ever!

I will never forgive them for breaking my Ae Pete like this like COME ON couldn't they have just said that Pete is gone for international studies!? Why have them break up ToT

WOW there's so many quizzes I need to catch up on okay lets gooo

Saving Thai BLs

  1. Tharntype v Theory of Love (TOL): TOL because I love my OffGun too much TT

  2. Love Mechanics (LM)  v  Manner of Death (Manner of Death) : I NEED another bl like this and I think we're getting one as well

  3. Why R U?  v Friendzone: I have an unhealthy amount of love for Saint

  4. Cause your my boy  v 2gether : haven't watched the first one so no other option

  5. SOTUS  v Dark Blue Kiss: OKAY THIS WAS SOO DIFFICULT but I gotta save DBK I honestly believe they deserved more love (and the intro sequence of DBK is UNMATCHED)

  6. SOTUS S  v Puppy Love: never saw second one

  7. Love by Chance  v En of Love: This is Love story: I love and miss my AePete so much TT

  8. LBC 2  v TOSSARA: I'll choose anything over LBC 2

  9. I am your King  v Love’s Coming: haven't watched either

  10. He’s coming to me  v Bad Buddy: oh this one is difficult but I kind lost interest in the first one so BB it is!

  11. My Engineer  v My Gear and your Gown: not particularly a fan of either but I love my Ram King so ME
  12. Together with me  v Calculating Love: never watched 2nd one

  13. A tale of Thousand Stars  v UWMA: OH DON'T DO THIS TO ME!! Ah fuck, I think I'll save Thousand Stars because I just love the story and everything about it (and I'm not particularly in love with DeanPharm)

  14. Gen Y  v Oxygen: could not complete both but I think Gen Y was a bit better

  15. I told sunset about you  v Kinnporsche: NOW THIS IS JUST-I love KP but ITSAY changed this industry in a way that nothing had
  16. I promised you the moon  v War of Y: OFC IPYTM

  17. On cloud nine  v Star in mind: haven't watched either
  18. Hard love mission  v Ai Long Nhai : haven't watched 1st one and didn't particularly like 2nd one but it wasn't that bad I guess

  19. That’s my candy  v Close Friend: haven't watched either

  20. Oh! My Sunshine Night  v Fahlanruk: KILL FAHLANRUK, KILL IT!

  21. Friend-zone  v 3 will be Free: haven't watched either 
  22. Ghost host , Ghost House  v Meow Ears Up: DEFINITELY GHGH, it was too good and underrated man, I loved everything about it

  23. Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for Soul  v Secret Crush on You: haven't watched either

  24. You’re my sky  v Even Sun: haven't watched either

  25. Cutie Pie  v Big Dragon: I hate the story of Cutiepie and the acting of Isbanky (Yai) wasn't half bad in BD (also love the Dancing with the devil OST)

  26. Check out  v Coffee Melody: haven't watched either

  27. Love in the Air v The Eclipse: OOF THIS IS A HARD ONE... hmm, agh its difficult!! I'll have to save The Eclipse because FirstKhao are too powerful

  28. Unforgettable night v my roommate: haven't completed either

  29. My only 12% v Vice Versa: I LOVE Earth and him and Santa made me bawl my eyes in My Only 12% so I have no option

Neith03  Haha I thought if I'm bored why not put others in dilemma lol XD

1. Same like, I will sacrifice so much to see VegasPete living their domestic life with Macao ToT I've read too many fanfics on them lol I just want it to become reality!!

2. Oh God you're gonna kill them XD

4. Or do a whole flip and have them reincarnate or some bs, I just want them back pls T^T

5. PLEASE ruin the mood because they ruined MINE!

6. XD Trade off accepted!

7. I want to be Siwon and have Da Un just comfort me about my insecurities pls ;;

8. Here ya go bestie! And you know the best thing? ITS COMPLETED!

9. I had to legit stop a scene and scream because PLEASE LOCK THE DAMN DOORS!

10. I loved them so much I have been watching the two interact but I need moreee

Omg thank you for the link - you are my favourite human being right now! Mwah! 



Honestly I saw the title and thought "no way it's gonna good" but I was holding on hope but now? NOPE. NO WAY! I never had the strength for MODC and I won't have the strength for this TT

Good call! I had to watch semantic error to fall asleep.


Every single story established in Love By Chance was ruined by that damn sequel. It is one of the biggest let downs ever!

even thinking about it has me soo disappointed