Hit Bite Love (Uncut)

Production: 1/2

Writing: .5/2

Intimacy 1/2

Acting: 2/2

Music .5/1

Special 10 scene 0/1

Total rating score = 5/10

Given the sensitive and taboo topics in this series as well as the age group of the characters being portrayed I will handle this review carefully and try my very best to be filtered (fingers crossed).

The plot was fragmented and as such proved to be a task to comprehend fully the story being portrayed. They intended to use flashback as the vehicle to drive the plot forward centring around the murder/injury of Fern,, at least that was the intention they switched to towards the end which felt like a total different series to me; it was just messy and the characters were equally as messy. This is all I will say about the plot because honestly it was so confusing that this will end up being a long post if I am to delve into it piece by piece and frankly I don't like this series enough to do that. It was horribly written. There is also a missing finale that just was never made I am assuming. 

They attempted to handle topics such as, teenage sex, homophobia (internal and external), BDSM, rape, child pornography, illicit sex tape releases, breach of privacy, suicide, malicious wounding etc. with care but the writing was not up to it.  Again, if I should talk about each of these it will be a very long post and I don't have the care for this series to do so. I will just talk about the BDSM portion. I am not a fan of this theme; I tend to avoid it whether it is in books or shows but if the story is good I have no problem putting aside my preference. I understand enough about the topic to follow along a BDSM story-line and given the age group of the characters I think it was handled good enough but could have been better but given the writing quality that is hoping for too much. Also when one of the characters came out to his friend group the conversion that ensued was very engaging and thought provoking and I could appreciate that speck of good writing. 

Yeah, that's it. I did not enjoy it. Anyways onto To Be Continued which I put off to watch this.

June BL Challenge

✨Day 1 - A series that made you cry? Not a crier, but for this one scene in Be Loved in House: I do, made me shed one, single tear.

✨Day 2 - A series you never get tired of re-watching? Taikan yoho.

✨Day 3 - Which BL actor represents your personality? Don’t really know much about them, sorry.

✨Day 4 - Your favourite BL genre? Romantic comedy.

✨Day 5 - Your favourite series ending? There are many, but I am just going to stick with taikan yoho… 

I love challenges! I hope I can keep up with this one!

June BL Challenge 

✨Day 1 - A series that made you cry? Last Twilight is one of my favorites series ever and the one that made me cry the most. Special shout-out to I Feel You Linger in the Air 

✨Day 2 - A series you never get tired of re-watching? Fish Upon the Sky, I love a good comedy

✨Day 3 - Which BL actor represents your personality? I feel like maybe Jimmy Jitaraphol? Idk we both tend to not express too much about our feelings but we love our friends and we like to take care of them

✨Day 4 - Your favourite BL genre? (horror, romantic comedy etc.) Romantic comedy has to be my favorite but sometimes I enjoy melodrama and action series.

✨Day 5 - Your favourite series ending? Vice Versa

Phum and Peem have my full attention Their story has me hooked. The last scene and the preview for next week has me kicking my feet. I need the next episode like NOW.

Same Same

Day 1 - A series that made you cry?

I'm going to go out of the norm for this and say Cutie Pie. Now hear me out! I must confess I shed a tear or two during ep2/3 when Kuea ad Lian where in the car together.  I think Nunew did a great job with this scene.

Day 2 - A series you never get tired of re-watching?

Star in My Mind ;; It's sweet fluff and I have a sweet tooth

Day 3 - Which BL actor represents your personality?

This is just me pulling stuff out of my ass lol but maybe Phuwin ???

Day 4 - Your favourite BL genre? (horror, romantic comedy etc.)

Definitely plane romance, but I do enjoy a comedy.

Day 5 - Your favourite series ending?

Hands down, no series can top the ending of Bad Buddy. Its last episode is legendary, iconic, world shattering lol The whole sequence reveal *chefs kiss*

✨Day 1 - A series that made you cry?  Unknown. A couple tears for sure, almost at the start.

✨Day 2 - A series you never get tired of re-watching?  I've only rewatched 2 dramas, 1 time each. Of those, I pick Love in the Air.

✨Day 3 - Which BL actor represents your personality? Since I don't know the actors I picked character roles. A mix of Liu Li from VIP Only (introvert & quiet) & Peem from We Are. (the artist & a bit absentminded or forgetful).

✨Day 4 - Your favourite BL genre? (horror, romantic comedy etc.) Gangsta/Mafia with Comedy & Action (Think History 3: Trapped)

✨Day 5 - Your favourite series ending? Not Me

Definitely plane romance, but I do enjoy a comedy.

I will be stealing this gif :)

June Challenge

Day 1 - A series that made you cry?
"Until We Meet Again" - although not because of the tragic stuff (which was indeed horrifically tragic) but rather the deeply moving love story between Pharm and Dean, starting even from that very first moment when Pharm sees Dean off in the distance. I'm getting all choked up just thinking about it.

Day 2 - A series you never get tired of re-watching?
I like re-watching what I enjoy, so I do this a lot. The series I've re-watched more than any other is (again) "Until We Meet Again", and I'm still not tired of it, so that's certainly one possible answer.

Day 3 - Which BL actor represents your personality?
If we're talking about my actual personality rather than the kind of person I wish I could be, quite honestly none. I don't mean this in a good way.

Day 4 - Your favourite BL genre? (horror, romantic comedy etc.)
Fluffy rom-com with guaranteed happy ending. That being said, quality is more important than genre, i.e. I'm not so keen on action, horror, thrillers and such, but I'd rather watch a superb action BL than a bad rom-com.

Day 5 - Your favourite series ending?
So many that I'm quite overwhelmed by this question. So I shall make this easy for myself and just pick a very recent series which had a lovely and satisfying ending: "Kare no Iru Seikatsu" ("Living With Him"). It's a slow and gentle series, and maybe also too Japanese for some viewers, but the slowness and uncertainty of the development over the first seven episodes made the final episode all the more satisfying. I was really rooting for them!

Day 6 - Your first J-BL?
The adorably cute 'n fluffy "Takara-kun to Amagi-kun", still one of my all-time faves.

Day 1  A series that made you cry- none  but one movie has..

Day 2 A series you never get tired of re-watching-  There are a lot but top three would be                   KinnPorsche, Moonlight Chicken and Love in the Air

Day 3 Which BL actor represents your personality-  Dont know much bout them..

Day 4 Your Favourite BL genre- Mafia with action and humour and also Fantasy/Supernatural

Day 5 Your Favourite series ending- Not Me and Bad Buddy

Day 6 First J-BL -Utsukushii Kare

 Artemis O_O:
A series that made you cry- none  but one movie has..


Day 1 
A series that made you cry
Eien no Kinou+ Make Our Days Count
Day 2 
A series you never get tired of re-watching
Cherry Magic +Love In the Air+ HIStory3: Trapped +Taikan Yoho
Day 3 
Which BL actor represents your personality
I don't know the actors beyond their characters that much tbh.
Day 4 
Your favourite BL genre? (horror, romantic comedy etc.)
Supernatural +Fantasy +Mystery
Day 5
 Your favourite series ending
I'm not actually sure but maybe ....Word of Honor+ A Tale of A Thousand Stars+ The Unintentional Love Story+ Semantic Error
Day 6 
Your First J-BL
Probably Seven Days: Monday - Thursday+Seven Days: Friday - Sunday or Life: Senjou no Bokura. It was likely one of those .

Day 6: Your First J-BL 

Kinou Nani Tabeta?

June BL Challenge

Day 6 - Your First J-BL? 

Its an old one, the Takumi-kun series.  BL shows have changed so much since then.

Day 6  Your First J-BL Utsukushii Kare and it holds a special place in my heart.


@meowRM & Artemis - We have kinda similarish answers.   :-)

@RiqueXinw & Axdxex - Thanks for creating the June BL Challenge!


Day 6: First J-BL - Seven Days; Monday-Thursday & Friday-Sunday