
Sounds like a drama slump... Maybe watch something cute a thoughtless ? Or just do something else (watch anime, or variety shows, or read) and only keep up with the currently airing shows, until you naturally have the urge to watch show's again. 

Ohhh, boy. I could switch to mostly dating shows for awhile and still have the romantic vibes I like. And my ult K-pop group might be having a cb soon, so there's that. I could also go through my PTW list again and eliminate ones that I'm no longer attracted to. 

For sure keep watching the current shows! I can't wait to see Peat again!!! Counting the days to Sunday!

Thanks for the Rx!!

 American Fan:
So I'm experiencing attention issues and can't stay focused to get through half of one drama before jumping to another one. Then repeat. I'm getting frustrated with myself as my incomplete watch list is growing.

My advice is to just follow your moods and whims, and not worry about your incomplete list. You can go back and continue if and when you're in the mood.

 American Fan:
and still have the romantic vibes I like.

Okay let me be serious.

When I am in a drama slump these are the things I do:

  • Watch a straight drama which has no romance.
  • Read a MM book
  • Shock effect - watch a series that has horrible reviews (they are normally so bad its entertaining lol)
  • Time travel - go back in the archives for a BL so old its forgotten by most
  • Re-watch my favourite scenes from different series
  • Annoy my friends
  • Watch short 6-8 episode series (usually Korean)

And if those don't work I look into the eyes of that drama slump and say, "THIS IS NOT YOUR TIME SO BACK TF OFF" :)

 American Fan:

I can't wait to hear everyone's first impressions of My Love Mix-Up! tomorrow!!  

I forgot where to watch it it on YT?

Me too! I haven't watched the japanese version so everything will be a surprise for me

✨Day 6 June BL Challenge- First Japanese BL: Utsukushii Kare, better known as My Beautiful Man.

It wasn't my cup of tea, tbh I didn't even enjoyed it 


✨Day 6 June BL Challenge- First Japanese BL: Utsukushii Kare, better known as My Beautiful Man.

It wasn't my cup of tea, tbh I didn't even enjoyed it 

I liked it, but I liked season 2 a little bit more. <3

 American Fan:

I'll wait and might be too horror-ish and thriller like for me, which will be disappointing as heck since I really wanna see a KengNamping drama! 

Wasn't planning to watch it but after reading that it's horror, I'm defo gonna give it a go lmao

Shock effect - watch a series that has horrible reviews (they are normally so bad its entertaining lol)

Any recs for this? I wanna try it lol


Me too! I haven't watched the japanese version so everything will be a surprise for me

Same! I'm going into the Thai-version with no expectations, so we'll see how it goes XD


Day 1:  A series that made you cry

There r lots of series that have made me shed some tears but I think I Feel You Linger In The Air and The Shipper made me cry the most, I honestly just could NOT handle the ending for both TT

Day 2: A series you never get tired of rewatching

Do u even need to ask? Star In My Mind is THE SERIES I will never get tired of no matter what lol

My JD r just too special to me <3

Day 3: Which BL actor represents your personality?

Oh man this one's hard! I'll just choose a character instead of actor like DJ did

I think I'd go with maybe Foei from Cutie Pie, cuz he's the funny character and I'm the funny one in my friend group

And him smiling during that car kiss scene was literally me

Also, I just love him lol

Day 4: Your favourite BL genre

Either Action/Mafia romance (like HIStory 3:Trapped and KinnPorsche) or dramas that are set in those villages/mountains (like A Tale of Thousand Stars, Sky In Your Heart and I Feel You Linger In The Air), I absolutely love how wholesome and sweet the villagers always r, and I love how peaceful and connected the community is

Day 5: Your favourite series ending

This one has just got to be Vice Versa, both the original series AND the Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa

No explanation needed :)

Day 6: Your first JBL

Minato Shouji Coin Laundry

No words for it, it's just amazing

PS. Thx Hia and Axdxex for making this challenge for us :)))

Day 6 - Your First JBL

I think, like many here, my first JBL was the movie Seven Days: Monday - Thursday, but I never marked in on MDL because it was before I had an MDL acc and I know I read the manga first, so now I'm not sure if it was the first JBL I watched or I remember wrong because I read the manga a long time ago???? The other JBL I'm sure I saw early on was Cherry Magic!

Now I feel like re-watching or re-reading Seven Days...

At 25:00, in Akasaka  Ep8

is anyone else a little in love with Asami, or is it just me lmao

Any recs for this? I wanna try it lol

YYY the series, check out the comments on here for it and you will find that if it was released today it would not make it pass a 5 star rating lol. It was a mess but full of comedy. 

Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

This has been on my PTW for so long, but I have been hesitant to watch. What are your thoughts on it?


This has been on my PTW for so long, but I have been hesitant to watch. What are your thoughts on it?

I watched it so long ago that idk if my memory is accurate but I remember enjoying it except for the Japanese anime wig hair-- maybe someone else can give you a better review lol


This has been on my PTW for so long, but I have been hesitant to watch. What are your thoughts on it?

It's an hour long movie, so I say just go for it Live a little. :-) 

My advice is to just follow your moods and whims, and not worry about your incomplete list.

My moods and whims are all over the place atm. I don't even know what I want. Def will forget about leaving some dramas. After all I'm good at dropping them, I shouldn't worry about the IC dramas. Sending a TY for your support. :-)

Okay let me be serious.

When I am in a drama slump these are the things I do:

Saw your gif and the family is wondering why I'm LOL. Thanks for the giggles.

And if those don't work I look into the eyes of that drama slump and say, "THIS IS NOT YOUR TIME SO BACK TF OFF" :)

HaHa! I bet something on your list will work!! TYSM, friend.