
Day 7 - A series with the most heartbreaking ending  Stay with Me, esp. now that we're not getting Season 2. 

This was my second choice!

(re "To Be Continued") The MDL reviews seem largely quite positive, so I'll be interested to hear your final feedback.

I ended up loving this show. Lots of flashbacks, which I didn't mind in this case. They made me appreciate their special friendship.

Not sure who else is watching My Stand-In: Uncut but the end of ep 7 just had me bawling. It just felt so raw.


Not sure who else is watching My Stand-In: Uncut but the end of ep 7 just had me bawling. It just felt so raw.

I want to watch it but the way my friend describes the characters they seem unlikeable but she likes it lol. Do you think this is the type of show you should binge or digest week to week?


Yeah, not so fast. I am halfway through and lets not make any commitments yet. If you had any other series you planned on watching before I would suggest you watch it. If not then please jump in and help me finish it; lending another perspective.

Ah… lol

I think I might join you, if I don’t decide on something else to watch~

Just finished the newly released first episode of "My Love Mix-Up!".  Because it's my beloved Fourth and Gemini, I don't think I'm capable of offering an objective opinion.

I've been wondering how they will deal with the name issue, i.e. how "Kongtap" on the eraser will turn out to be a truncated version of "Half", like in the Japanese original how イダ (Ida) actually turns out to be アイダ (Aida) minus the first letter. I guess Kongthap is just "Thap", and maybe "Half" is written more like "Hap", but even then it's the wrong way around (adding rather than subtracting a letter). Aaaaah, I need to understand Thai writing!

My Love Mix-Up! EP 1

Fourth is sooo funny and has great expressions! 

Good start to this series! Quite a bit of content is true to the original, but also enough changes in a good way that make this a fun and cute watch.  

I have a feeling I may like this version over the J-drama original as I'm not a fan of Japanese style of drama productions much.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night as it may apply, lovely people. I hope we are all doing well this fine day, so I have some updates to share:

June Challenge Day 7 - A series with the most heartbreaking ending

I don't even need to think about this one

History 3: Make Our Days Count

(re "To Be Continued") The MDL reviews seem largely quite positive, so I'll be interested to hear your final feedback.

Will do. (This series has me consulting secondary sources)

 American Fan:
May the BL gods note that both S1 & S2 were watched in their entirety and both were given a generous 8/10 rating.  It should also be noted, tactfully, that Hira's character was more than a tiny bit taxing and frustrating To. The. Very. End.

I know that I have the movie to watch but I cannot for the life of me remember if I had watched season 2. Like I vaguely remember some scenes, so question was it in season 2 that Kiyoi was jealous because of some girl that was touching Hira?

I want to watch it but the way my friend describes the characters they seem unlikeable but she likes it lol. Do you think this is the type of show you should binge or digest week to week?

I plan on binge watching but I am fighting temptations everywhere not to just jump in because the amount of spoilers I had to dodge this morning on social media. You know its serious when I am avoiding spoilers because I love spoilers. I feel this series will be my next 10; the red flag toxic is speaking to me lol


YYY the series, check out the comments on here for it and you will find that if it was released today it would not make it pass a 5 star rating lol. It was a mess but full of comedy. 

Alr then, time to torture myself with a bad drama lmao XD

 American Fan:
HaHa, of course! You can watch it and report back on the horror/thriller scale.

Yessir *salutes*

 American Fan:
I have a feeling I may like this version over the J-drama original as I'm not a fan of Japanese style of drama productions much.

I beseech thee madam, to bestow forthwith thy impressions of unbridled affection amongst the two archimimi, the moment such perception reveals its self to thine eyes. Mine hope is such that the affection is like the bee's as it kisses the petals of the flower in search of sweet nectar. If I may be granted such pardon, I take thy leave madam. *dramatic bow*  I really need to join a drama club lol

Anyways, please do give me the bat signal when there seems to be some affection like the Thai version of Cherry Magic.

 American Fan:
My Love Mix-Up! EP 1

I'm so in love with Fourth, he's so damn cute ahhhh TT

This is my first GemFourth drama (MSP is still on my PTW atm) and I love them already XD

I can't wait for the next ep! This feel-good romcom is exactly what I need at the end of the week :D

History 3: Make Our Days Count

I've heard so much about how heart breaking this drama is, but its still on my PTW list

Can I just ask, r there any specific trigger warnings or anything I should know before watching this? I'm kinda scared to start it ngl