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im not. skip, fast forward or rewind are my best options but never done repeating any whole episodes or series except for 'Nice Guy' and 'My Lucky Star' which I consider as a masterpiece. How often? Big word: "barely"
I don't rewatch much just because I want to watch a lot of new series and have not enough time to spend watching things I already have. But there are some I'm dying to watch again, but then, not enough time. OTL And also maybe because I want to treasure the feeling I had back when I first watched it. Mostly it's a good memory, and I don't want to ruin that being disappointed by how naive I was when I first watched the series XDDDDD
No, there is like 2 or 3 dramas I might've rewatched.
mostly when i re-watch dramas i only re-watch certain scenes don't cry as much as i did before but i fall in love with the couple all over again
I re-watch the movie, drama which i really like it, but never watch whole drama.
I'm not, I just want to move on from dramas and well sometimes I wish I can rewatch but I don't want to because then I'd get to attached to the korean drama and not finish others :l
I'm absolutely a re-watcher. when I found a drama that I love, it is hard for me to jump to a new drama.Even I manage to jump to a new drama, subconsciously I will start re-watch the drama that I love during in the middle of the new drama.
I am a rewatcher (my friends couldn't understand of that concept actually) i rewatch my fave drama almost 2 - 3 times, but the most rewatch drama that i have ever done is Goong, i rewatch it for 5 times and i still going to rewatch it next year, followed by Princess Man = 4 times, H2 = 4 times, Can You hear my heart = 3 times, The Moon That Embrace The Sun = 3 times, Water Boyz = 3 times, and i still have plenty i guess, i just that type of people that will not move on from a great story of a Dorama/drama.. xD
I sometimes rewatch entire dramas (especially the ones in my top 5 list) but others I usually rewatch only the episodes or scenes I liked ^^ for example with the drama Coffee Prince I only rewatch the confession scene, I've seen it like 4 times now and I love it to death >_< <3
I am a re-watcher, but I admit I don't always re-watch the full thing. Sometimes it will only be a couple of episodes, other times I'll watch more, but I'll skip boring episodes here and there. Like with Secret Garden, I thought the last like episode and a half were unnecessary, so I stop where I thought the show should've ended.
Yes, I´m definitely a re-watcher, re-doer and so on. I also like to feel the Feelings again that I had while watching a Drama, reading a book or sth. I also re-do things if I forgot what I was thinking about, hoping to remember what my thoughts were. I also re-read books, because then you can find things you didn´t notice reading it the first time. I don´t only rewatch a Drama or movie because I LOVED it, but because I liked it and I want to watch it again. So I´m definitely a rewathcer, re-doer and so on. :D
I am the opposite, I hate re-doing things haha :D But I've re-read books and seen some movies twice or thrice. I usually don't like doing it but if it's very good and it's been a long time since I last saw or read it, then it's okay. I guess I don't like the feeling of already knowing what's gonna happen. A friend of mine though, she re-reads everything at least twice and re-watch everything she likes a billion times. I don't understand her at all, it's so frustrating to me :D
I am type 2.. There are lots of precious dramas/movies so why do I spend time watching a drama/movie twice.. I like to move on.. ^^
Great thread! I'm a mad rewatcher. there are some dramas such as secret garden city hunter,.... that i rewatched countless of times. the more i rewatch a good drama, the more amazing and good i found it.
I'm not a re-watcher or re-doing. I tend to find it boring to watch the same drama twice. I have watched variety shows twice though, but only Sesame Player MBLAQ and stuff. And also some movies. I don't know, the only drama i have re-watched completely was BOF and I realized how bad it actually was compared to how much I loved it the first time, it was still addicting though.