Well, I like otters.
mrs_firhan wrote: I was so sure you meant Yoona from SNSD. :X

This would have been my guess too because of the spelling.

saragrace wrote: Oh you know~

LOLOLOL I love it!
saragrace wrote: Oh you know~


now i can't seem to pull my eyes away from minho winking at me D;
JahCromhamp wrote: Well, I like otters.

Shocking :P
miinan wrote: OH THANK YOU.

now i can't seem to pull my eyes away from minho winking at me D;

Bahaha, you know you like it. ;D
mine comes from Wat's song with name hava rava XDD

simple XD
My name means Fantasy or Dream
i'm in a fantasy/dream world most of the time
it's also a mythical creature part lion, part something...
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Dojemi is my name(well...not exactly :p) and 10 is my favorite number so Dojemi10. :D
Kaori97 wrote: You mean Gone With The Wind?

I never read Gone With the Wind. I think it was a book about Britain,

Pigrabit wrote: My name means Fantasy or Dream
i'm in a fantasy/dream world most of the time
it's also a mythical creature part lion, part something...

You watched Full Metal Alchemist?
boutux has an interesting story.

in secondary school(high school) i was one of the shortest most petite girls in my class. i was 15 and looked like an 8 yr old. the kids in my class wanted to give nick names to everyone and it was decided that i would be boutux-vampire. my country is bilingual english/french creole and bootoo is a short stick in creole. unfortunately we had a boy nicknamed bootoo already so they twisted it to bootooks; but my idiot classmates could not figure out how to spell it so they came up with boutux. vampire came about cuz i have vampire teeth (almost lol) my canines are slightly longer than my incisors. after a while they thought boutux-vampire was too long so they dropped the vampire part and the nickname stuck cuz i hated it and kids are mean lol. over the years i've grown to appreciate it tho. i have a nickname that dates back 14 yrs ago, that has a story and ppl still call me that.

i pretty much use it everywhere online cuz it's guaranteed to be available. so if u see boutux anywhere it's me. :D
Chanpretty came from my boyfriend setting up my XBox Live account. He always called me "boobie" a variation on saying my boo. I refused to play Halo with that as my tag. he combined my name Channon and pretty. i use almost everywhere online :)
Like a phoenix is reborn, so are we through our tears so... phoenixtearz and the 9 is just a number I picked at random
Mine is actually kind of boring. j for Jhazmin which is my first name. The first l is for my middle name. The lv is for love and 89 is the year I was born so... jllv89.
Hmmm I use mine alot online now. It's sort of a recent nickname I started adopting when signing up to fashion forums and the like. I combined my two favourite styles Rock and Romantic, but I wanted it to sound a bit more kickbutt than say, rockandromance ... so rock this romance!