Christine Bui:

HI! I recently just finished Daughter of the Deep by Lina C. Amarego. I'm planning to finish the Six of Crows Duology so Crooked Kingdom is next and IM SO EXCITED!!

Aaah.... Kaz Brekker and his crew is one of my fave!! ❤️ 

I'm looking forward to see them in Shadow and Bone series on Netflix.  April 23rd can't come soon enough for me!!

I'm already (90/120) 75% progress in my April book. It's an easy read. 

For the first time, I get greedy. I started thinking Can I finish 2 books in one month, when last time I finished one book in 2 months. Will I be able to?

Art of war 

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

It was an excellent book, out of the 13 chapters my favorite is nine grounds,

the book is filled with wisdom and benevolence 


next I’m starting the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey

but if DHL drops my order of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, I’ll read it that first.


I'm already (90/120) 75% progress in my April book. It's an easy read. 

For the first time, I get greedy. I started thinking Can I finish 2 books in one month, when last time I finished one book in 2 months. Will I be able to?

You can do it!! ^^

next I’m starting the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey

but if DHL drops my order of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, I’ll read it that first.

Wow. That a mouthful of a title, worth pondering. ;) Happy reading!

 Vya van Velaris:

You can do it!! ^^

Wow. That a mouthful of a title, worth pondering. ;) Happy reading!

Thanks! i can do it!

 Vya van Velaris:

Aaah.... Kaz Brekker and his crew is one of my fave!! ❤️ 

I'm looking forward to see them in Shadow and Bone series on Netflix.  April 23rd can't come soon enough for me!!

Me too!! after reading that book its so hard to find something else to read bc its just SOO GOOD! I didn't know that Kaz and his crew would be in the show,  I haven't read the Grisha trilology. is it good?

 Christine Bui:

Me too!! after reading that book its so hard to find something else to read bc its just SOO GOOD! I didn't know that Kaz and his crew would be in the show,  I haven't read the Grisha trilology. is it good?

Both series are mixed in the Netflix show, but it seems that they will show a prequel story for Kaz and his crew, and not the story of Six of Crows itself. Check this article for more info:

The Grisha trilogy is not bad, but less impressive than Six of Crows. It's more directed to the younger readers, imo, and tbh I didn't really care about the OTP. I read it to complete the experience, because some of the characters appear in both series, and the plot even continues to the King of Scars series. Rule of Wolves will be my next read in this universe. ^^

Finished Murakami's Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche.

 Actually the only version that was published in Poland consist of two publications Murakami wrote about this topic, Underground and The Place That Was Promised, which i think was a smart move because it's more complete that way. The first part focuses on the victims of the gas attack, while the second is more about the memories of cult members and their thoughts about what happened. I think it's really important that Murakami gave victim's the opportunity to speak out about their own experiences through the persepctive of their ordinary, normal and sometimes even boring lives. The variety of their experiences that goes from "oh yeah, that happened one day" to " it completely ruined our life" is what makes this part striking and poignant. The second part makes a good closure and it's not so vastly different from the first book. The old cult members are portrayed as humanly as were the victims. Their motivations behind getting into the cult and staying there/leaving it after awile are complex and not so easy to understand, so I guess that part did a good job in humanizing people that were in some way or another victims on their own. I like how Murakami reflects on the current state of Japanese society (I don't think it has changed that much tbh), their lack of empathy and dehumanizing nature of capitalism that sometimes results in the desperate need to find a hidden meaning in life/enlightement/self-worth/a place where you belong/a God. I have to read more about Om Shinrikyo because I can't understand how the cult went from "just give us money and we'll teach you how to do healing yoga while listening to the weird interpretations of buddhist teachings" to "let's kill a bunch of people because the end is near", like that transition from a pseudo buddhist scam to doomsday cult was too vaguely explained... but on the other hand that was not a goal of this book and it's just me being curious lol.

Finished Murakami's Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche.

Your comment just encouraged me to read this. :) Thank you!

Hi guys! Currently reading Wuthering Heights and it's really disturbing. By the way, how to select parts of a long comment to quote in your reply?

 Lady Nimue:

Hi guys! Currently reading Wuthering Heights and it's really disturbing. By the way, how to select parts of a long comment to quote in your reply?

Select the part of the comment you wanna quote with your mouse/cursor and click on the "Quote" sign that pops up. :)

 Vya van Velaris:
I'm looking forward to see them in Shadow and Bone series on Netflix.  April 23rd can't come soon enough for me!!

same! This is one of those few shows that I find hard to imagine that Netflix would mess up.

Select the part of the comment you wanna quote with your mouse/cursor and click on the "Quote" sign that pops up. :)

thank you so much!

Finished my midwife book last night. Rating it 4 of 5, a nice read and I felt a lot of sympathy for the author, she's a warmhearted and kind person. The small chapters made it an easy read. 

I decided to pick up two more books for this month. Not aiming to finish PSY-Q within April. 

Ian McEwan - The Children Act (recommended to me by my friend Jenny) 

Ben Ambridge - PSY-Q 

Select the part of the comment you wanna quote with your mouse/cursor and click on the "Quote" sign that pops up. :)

it didn't work for me. Did you use PC because I used my chrome mobile browser. on my phone.