What's the last book you read?

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right now i'm reading Pawn of Prophecy by david edding for the gazillionth time, but this time i'm reading it to my daughter, neice and nephew. i'm really surprised by how much they are enjoying it.
My Sister Lives on the Mantlepiece by Annabel Pitcher
Bewitching the Werewolf by Caroline Hanson (Very short, but not worth it...Not even to "cheat" on the reading challenge..lol)
LisNoir wrote: Bewitching the Werewolf by Caroline Hanson (Very short, but not worth it...Not even to "cheat" on the reading challenge..lol)

Reading challenge? Do tell! I need a challenge!

*edit* It's on Good Reads?
Sleepninja wrote: Reading challenge? Do tell! I need a challenge!

On GR there's a little widget "2012 Reading Challenge". You set a goal of how many books you'll read on 2012 and try to complete it.
LisNoir wrote: On GR there's a little widget "2012 Reading Challenge". You set a goal of how many books you'll read on 2012 and try to complete it.

lol I think I'll give it a try.
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The first book in The Hunger Games
Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins Thanks again for those who recommended the series to me, I don't know who it were >.<
Praticia Veryan: The Dedicated Villian.
A Roumanian one:Mara - Ioan Slavici But I've also ended The broken mirror - Agatha Christie
Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
Finished Mockingjay a couple of days ago.
Fearless-Francine Pascal
jellyfishdrama wrote: Fearless-Francine Pascal

Good book. :)