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I finally decided to enroll on the Korean Cultural Center here in my country. I'll be starting with Basic Korean and plan to continue on until the end. Hopefully I can keep up because my work is really, really tiring. And also I hope it's not that hard unlike what I experienced with Japanese (sooooo many characters to memorize, KANJI >.<), good luck to me!
^ Hangul is nice - so easy to memorise and the exceptions are not too overwhelming either~ Totally different from studying Japanese (or Chinese).

The problem is the grammar - there is so many different ways to say stuff and picking up the finer nuances is awfully difficult! Say, I was reading up on how to express reasons (-(으)니까, etc) just the other day: now I know nine grammatical ways for it but I totally won't remember which particular situations they all fit to! (Not to even mention the conjugation...)
I am! ^_^ I tried most of options mentioned, but the best option for me were the courses in Memrise! If you guys don't know this site yet, I recommend with all my heart. It has many cool resources and a great method for learning. I think it's very fun! And you're not limited to one language, I can say it has pretty much almost any language you want to learn, even Klingon. Formerly, I used for learning Japanese, but nowadays most of my courses are for Korean.

TalkToMeInKorean is also a very good tool.
I am currently studying Korean as a minor in college, I am not going to lie, Korean is not the easiest language out there. At first I was completely taken aback by all the information, having to learn 100 words per week is definitely not always a pleasure. Sometimes I wish I learnt it on own so I could avoid all the stress that comes along with the exams. 
Mostly out of boredom I started a few days ago, since I had already picked up on a number of different words and what not since I started watching dramas. Which surprised me, since I've often watched anime subbed for years and never really picked up on anything. I think what really is going to get me is writing in Korean, I understand their alphabet and I think I'll be able to get the hang of reading it, but writing it is a different story. Then again, I also have that problem with writing in Spanish (though that might be because people always assume I know it and my teachers never bothered to teach it).
Yes, I started learning Korean. Mainly because one day... I was sitting around and a Korean word popped into my head instead of a English one. It was pretty hilarious. I also have started pronouncing English words differently. Funny right? Anyway, I have to get out of this country fast...or else who knows what will happen to me. xD. 
I started to learn because I was picking up a lot from Korean dramas understanding wise but I couldn't put sentences together!
I'm using talktomeinkorea.com they have really good podcasts that go slow, are funny, and I learned a lot already! check it out!


Also I am in total shock. I thought "Yes" in Korean sounds like "de" but according to these podcasts its "ne"!
I feel like the stars of the universe have shifted....
I'm learning it! I use www.howtostudykorean.com. It's super helpful. Korean is nice to learn if just for its easy alphabet! Japanese never worked out since I could be remember the Hiragana... let alone Katakana and Kanji. orz
한국어로 저랑 같이 연습할래? ^^
Our university offers access to Rosetta Stone so I tried out their Korean lessons. Sadly, they only had three levels and all were just basic beginner stuff. No use for me. :<
Are there any sites (or even books) that people can advise me to learn Korean? Currently I only learn some words / phrases while watching k - drama. But it's difficult when there isn't anyone around me who can actually help.
Korean is so freaking easssyyyy ^^ U will do well!
Who will be so nice to help me? D:
I studied foreign languages so I'm used to learn a new language, I'm good at it and I enjoy it BUT...in the case of Korean I dropped it when I got to the adjectives. I mean what's the necessity of conjugating adjectives, that's crazy, that's why verbs exist!
If somehow I'm wrong someone please tell me so or at least tell me how you studied the adjectives because I'm starting again with Korean and I don't want to drop this again. 
Our departmant in uni has Korean classes so i take those for two years.Our teacher is such a sweet person ^^
I have been studying Korean for 4 years and am at early Intermediate level. I can get by. On my most recent trip to Korea I spoke quite a bit of Korean to numerous locals and was easily understood by them all. I have to say, it's not the easiest language in the world for an English speaker to learn. The grammar is awful. But you get used to it. On the plus side the response you get from Koreans when you speak reasonably good Korean to them makes it all feel worthwhile. They are so delighted that a foreigner has taken the trouble to study their language.