
two episodes for today and I can bet we will only have more questions as some answers might still not be the right ones ;)

Unless it's super amazing, maybe I'll get away with not theorizing today lol.


Agree.  Not a single word about the Imperial court was uttered throughout the drama.

Bingo, so no idea where that theory came from.


Liang works for the Wufeng leader.

Ziyu is a Gong.

Maybe she meant the prostitute ZiYI? The names are very similar. Very easy to confuse.


Good morning everyone
So I think that its quite possible that GSJ and GZY are cooperating together - their facial expressions when they were talking to Lady Wuji and heard YWS talking about type of the wound on elder Yue body and then given cover up by Lady Wuji was quite promising...
Probably as usual we had only seen part of the discussion with elders and after one of them got irritated by young Gongs they might told them to start working together etc.
Also it won't be surprising at all if we will see that they started to pretend being enemies sometime ago and its quite possible as things in this series doesn't seem to be by the look of it...


I get those annoying long post things too but with yours it worked. Maybe there’s a word limit or something ??‍♀️.

Exposing themselves to fellow assassins; what if Wu Ming and Wu Feng are two different factions with one clearly not happy with the other? But that move has now been passed down from one faction to the other. 

He doesn’t have to be her physical lover, he can just love her and she have a crush. Innocence doesn’t need those complications. 

Wu Ming means nameless.  The person works for Wufeng.

We don't know if Anonymous was the one who killed SW, GHY and Elder Yue.  Lady Wuji is the main suspect because she had an easy access to SW and GHY.  

Elder Yue's murder weapon is not the belt knife owned by Lady Wuji.  

Master Yue is portrayed to be a Wufeng guy since he knows the claw technique but the Infinite Heat is unknown to Wufeng.  So, we can safely rule out Master Yue as a Wufeng spy based on this fact.

Lady Wuji is definitely a Wufeng spy because of her unknown background.  Anonymous has to be Lady Wuji.

Where is the Zheng family?  And Housekeeper Jia's son?

What did Gong Huan Yu ask Gong Shang Jue to investigate in Episode 2?  What did GSJ discover?  Who visited Miss Zheng in Episode 2 besides GYZ and GHY?

Wufeng spies are playing two different sets of games here.


Bingo, so no idea where that theory came from.

Another nonsense.

Wufeng spies are playing two different sets of games here.

We don't know much about Wufeng - there might be some factions fighting against each other within this sect - when I was rewatching scene when HYS was on the roof and ready to shot on the liang command there was a moment when he pointed on her instead of YWS... who knows what was running in his head, maybe he was about to shot down liang??? his face expressed a lot of pressure and how stressful was this situation for him


We don't know much about Wufeng - there might be some factions fighting against each other within this sect - when I was rewatching scene when HYS was on the roof and ready to shot on the liang command there was a moment when he pointed on her instead of YWS... who knows what was running in his head, maybe he was about to shot down liang??? his face expressed a lot of pressure and how stressful was this situation for him

Han Ya Si and Han Ya Qi are enemies.  In one of the trailers, both SGQ and Han Ya Qi attack Han Ya Si.  

But, SGQ is wearing her dress in that scene.  How can sh leave the Gong mansion in a broad daylight?


Another nonsense.

What's nonsense?


If the post is too long,  it won't appear if 'Quote' is clicked.

When you highlight a section of text, that you want to quote, it will lets you take snippets to quote.  If you highlight the whole block of text on a post, that is too long, it wont work. On PC, dunno about mobile.

This is what I see

Biggest thing about Wuji is that she's not alone as Wu Ming because there's no way she could have killed that many ppl alone. Especially not elder Yue unless she has god like strength to hoist a deadweight body and hang him from a beam. Physically impossible.


Han Ya Si and Han Ya Qi are enemies.  In one of the trailers, both SGQ and Han Ya Qi attack Han Ya Si.  

But, SGQ is wearing her dress in that scene.  How can sh leave the Gong mansion in a broad daylight?

Yeah, I was thinking it had to be sort of final battle between Gongs and Wufeng and everyone is showing their true colours

If you can answer all of those Qs you've asked and everything else, you win this game of thrones.


Biggest thing about Wuji is that she's not alone as Wu Ming because there's no way she could have killed that many ppl alone. Especially not elder Yue unless she has god like strength to hoist a deadweight body and hang him from a beam. Physically impossible.

That was a question when Gongs examined the crime scene - that it had to be someone with a lot of power to hang up dead body and they ruled out murderer was a guy

I am still thinking where is now GHY?  based on trailer he is supposed to be alive... so where is he hiding and what is he plotting?
Elder Yue had send his jade guards away,  he had a secret meeting with someone... what if it was GHY?  and he is his killer? We still have no idea about his background - who was his mother? was she a wife of late SW? or was he adopted orphan like Jin Fan? 


What's nonsense?

Another nonsense theory from viewers.  How can the viewer relate the drama to the Imperial Court when all dialogues never contain a chao ding (government) term?!!!

It's OK to be creative but this is way out of control.

I am waiting for someone to come up with a crap theory about the Infinite Heat being a creation of the aliens from the outer space.  Watch out for this possible nonsense.

I am waiting for someone to come up with a crap theory about the Infinite Heat being a creation of the aliens from the outer space.  Watch out for this possible nonsense.

:) you just made me laugh! yep  - infinite heat has to be something really big based on reaction of GSJ screeming NO!