
He as accused with assaulting a girl or something like that. So all his shows are in limbo if the charges stick.

But the character died in the last episode. So he's never gonna show up in season 2. 


I know there is a huge outcry over the ending but I actually quite liked it.  It makes sense and is consistent with the genre. Wufeng was never gonna let her get away with betraying them like that. Knowing that, it was really dumb of her to go back to visit her home town like that all by herself and so openly. That part just seems complacent and out of character.

wtf the ending. LOL.  They know that there are still Wufeng remnants out there and everybody act like the world is already in peace.  Moreover, YWS  insists on returning to her hometown alone. I thought she still had a secret that had not yet been revealed. From her expression, it turns out it's a stupidity.  She most likely will be used up as a pawn (again) or die miserably on the hands of Wufeng. In the worst case, Wufeng will send YWS cold body to GYZ to torment him emotionally. LOL


He as accused with assaulting a girl or something like that. So all his shows are in limbo if the charges stick.

his chara already dead in season 1. no need to revive his back even if Chu Yun/Yuan mythical flower is available. anyway, he is still young. I am #sigh for the charge. I wish he gets punishment if it's true and reflects on his mistake. the road is still a long way.


Chu Zi Jun

OMG.  He's only 19 and that's it.  His career is over.

Pretty pathetic huh? It’s like they never think before they act. Career will be the least of his worries if the charges stick. At least in most of his upcoming dramas they can CGI or just edit him out. I still have no clue how this one was able to drop with him still in it. Maybe things aren’t always easy to explain away. ??‍♀️


wtf the ending. LOL.  They know that there are still Wufeng remnants out there and everybody act like the world is already in peace.  Moreover, YWS  insists on returning to her hometown alone. I thought she still had a secret that had not yet been revealed. From her expression, it turns out it's a stupidity.  She most likely will be used up as a pawn (again) or die miserably on the hands of Wufeng. In the worst case, Wufeng will send YWS cold body to GYZ to torment him emotionally. LOL

Yeah I am still thinking about that. I need to rewatch some parts but I am kind of lazy bc it's a pain to get play the special episodes on my TV.


Yeah I am still thinking about that. I need to rewatch some parts but I am kind of lazy bc it's a pain to get play the special episodes on my TV.

is there any special episode?  

Yeah I am still thinking about that. I need to rewatch some parts but I am kind of lazy bc it's a pain to get play the special episodes on my TV.

They need at least 2 special episodes to cover the entire loose strings.  


They need at least 2 special episodes to cover the entire loose strings.  

I think there can be another season on those but the story is complete even without it.


is there any special episode?  

Sorry what I meant is the express episodes are a pain to navigate on my TV.


his chara already dead in season 1. no need to revive his back even if Chu Yun/Yuan mythical flower is available. anyway, he is still young. I am #sigh for the charge. I wish he gets punishment if it's true and reflects on his mistake. the road is still a long way.

Last I looked he has been arrested but not charged. In China, once someone is charged for a crime, it is the same as they are guilty. The conviction rate is 99.6 pct guilty as charged or something like that. So it's going to take a long time for the police to investigate, gather testimony and evidence before charging him. In the meantime, I guess he doesn't have to be erased yet. Best watch this fast before there is a conclusion bc at this stage, I doubt they will digitally replace him - it costs too much money. They'll probably just CGI blur out his face or cut out his scenes entirely. Which of course will destroy the drama. 


I think there can be another season on those but the story is complete even without it.

the 2nd season is possible. they can explore the root of the feud between Gongs and Wufengs. or the new battle between Gong and Wufeng that makes GZY fight YWS head to head for the opposite sides. lol *my wishful thinking*


Last I looked he has been arrested but not charged. In China, once someone is charged for a crime, it is the same as they are guilty. The conviction rate is 99.6 pct guilty as charged or something like that. So it's going to take a long time for the police to investigate, gather testimony and evidence before charging him. In the meantime, I guess he doesn't have to be erased yet. Best watch this fast before there is a conclusion bc at this stage, I doubt they will digitally replace him - it costs too much money. They'll probably just CGI blur out his face or cut out his scenes entirely. Which of course will destroy the drama. 

I see, arrested doesn't mean he has been charged of a crime. It's similar with the terms  in my hometown. Being arrested by police doesn't mean you are (probably) guilty. They person may end up being released, being a witness, under home arrest (monitored by police for certain periode) or being charged. 

No wonder they pushed  to air this drama sooner. Editing out a drama is no joke. In the future, if he really is charged, they probably will erase his name from the cast list. Like they did with ZZH on WoH. 


They need at least 2 special episodes to cover the entire loose strings.  

Agreed. Or a second season to flush out all of the remaining rats.


Agreed. Or a second season to flush out all of the remaining rats.

Yes.  They only need GZY and YWS  in Season 2 for a few scenes.  GSJ leads on Season 2 as he is the only person who can roam outside the Jiu Chen valley.


Hahaha! You reached the end I see!!!

Yes, and it feels like the 24+ hours I invested in this drama just went down the drain. Open ending is a dick move and a cop out, it's like saying, I don't dare to kill off the main character OR give them the ending they deserve, so it's up to your interpretation how you see fit. If I have to write the plot/ending for you, then you're not doing a good job!

And the final 4 minutes is a brain fart. After all that intricate planning to be together in the long run and surviving massive showdown, she just decided to go to Lixi town, unprotected, to meet a family she never knew. She didn't even consider it could be a trap and happily went there. And Ziyu let her, knowing fully well Wufeng is still at large and very much a big threat to their existence. Logic went down the drain. Feels like a contrived effort to make it more tragic than it already is.

Xue Chongzi basically gave up ascending to last level so he could remember his dead disciple. Elder Yue lost the love of his life. Xiaohei gave up his life to defend the Infinite Heat. Shangjue has to live his life wondering if Qian is really pregnant and he has a kid out there. Only Jishang got her happy ending, which she totally deserves btw. I was bawling when she refused to let Ziyu give Jin Fan the Chuyun Chonglian because he sacrificed his life for it, and Jishang wanted to honor Jin Fan's sacrifice instead of thinking of her own happiness. When did the kids all grow up? *cries* I cried more when Yuanzhi called Jishang big sister, and Ziyu called Shangjue brother Shangjue. 

I can see why they decided to mass release the final episodes, they're basically one long ass showdown and revelation. I'm normally not a fan of Wuxia, but this one is close to perfection except for the ending. I love how everything was coming together in the final arc. But alas, so close, yet so far. Oh well, at least it's over.