Hiya all! :) I'm Leigh, from the UK. Only just discovered this site! =D Just wanted to say hi to all you drama dudes. =] Been watching dramas from Asia for nearly 10 years now, so thought it would be cool to do some reviews and just bask in all your awesomeness! :P Sooo, hi friends! :) Raaawr! Leigh
pucca8 wrote: Hi welcome :)

Fanks :)
Hi from me....also from England. What part of the UK are you from?
Welcome to MDL. I'm quite new as well!
winnie19 wrote: Hi from me....also from England. What part of the UK are you from?

^_^ Yay! I'm from the North-West. =] Not very far from Liverpool. I don't have the accent though =]
HELLOOOO Bi'jeon welcome to MDL
Welcome from one new bee to another. I am not a dude, though!
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Welcome to MDL~!!!
Bijeong wrote: ^_^ Yay! I'm from the North-West. =] Not very far from Liverpool. I don't have the accent though =]

I have family in Liverpool....they talk really fast with their scouse accent. I live in London....
Hi there, welcome to MDL! :D
winnie19 wrote: I have family in Liverpool....they talk really fast with their scouse accent. I live in London....

Aah..I think every person on the internet who is from the UK always seems to be from London. =P

Thanks all peeps for the welcomes! :)
Hello Leigh :D Welcome to MDL