I'm Mintie. I'm 18, from England. I've been watching Japanese dramas for about a year now. Before this i was reeeaally into Anime and Manga, and then i found out that there were dramas for a lot of my favorite Anime!! I started watching these of course, but once I'd started I just couldn't stop. Before I realised it I became an addict. I've even begun to understand basic Japanese. A little while ago I came across a Korean drama and I loved it, I've just gotten into Kdrama so if you guys want to recommend me some dramas feel free to do so. I also enjoy Jpop, probably because I like listening to music in general and thats about it Nice to meet you all :)
hello! nice to meet you too!! :) :D
Hi n welcome to MDL!!!!!@ 'Hello girl' and ' coffee prince ' You might like these k dramas
Hi n welcome to MDL!!!!!@ 'Hello girl' and ' coffee prince ' You might like these k dramas
Hi...Welcome to MDL...x
hello Mintie and welcome here @ MDL now come come and share your witty comments at forum game... :D
Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome :D I'll definitely give coffee prince and Hello girl a go, and I'll probably be showing up at forum game soon :)
Helloooo, Hahahiiiii and Welwelwelcome to MDL have so much fun and enjoy as much u can (^_^)
HEYO!!! And welcome :) btw: I love UK!!! <3