Hi everyone, 

I'll write an article about Yokai in J-Drama and wanted to watch some dramas/movies for it. If you have recommendations please share them with me. :) 

Thank you! ^.^

Some stuff that I watched this year and might fit what you're looking for:

Here are some good Japanese movies about ghosts:

Ugetsu (1953)
Throne of Blood (1957)
Pitfall (1962)
Kaidan (1964)
Kuroneko (1968)
House (1977)

I'm not sure if you're interested in anime recommendations, but if you are then I'd recommend Mushishi, Natsume Yuujinchou, and Mononoke.

Some stuff that I watched this year and might fit what you're looking for

Thanks for the recommendations, they look good. :) 

Here are some good Japanese movies about ghosts

Thank you, I'll watch the movies. ^^ Thank you for the anime recommendations as well, I can't use them in the article but for reference they might be helpful. :)