lol figured you'd enjoy that Sleepy.. they're quite funny together, they need to do more stuff together. I really want his new songs, MYV needs to release a new album soon. I've caved and started dl'ing a couple from youtube that I can't find here, (when I go to Japan I plan on buying every MYV album I can get my hands on anyway.) but the new songs are only live versions and I don't want screaming fangirls on my ipod haha
ladyfaile wrote: lol figured you'd enjoy that Sleepy.. they're quite funny together, they need to do more stuff together.

I really want his new songs, MYV needs to release a new album soon. I've caved and started dl'ing a couple from youtube that I can't find here, (when I go to Japan I plan on buying every MYV album I can get my hands on anyway.) but the new songs are only live versions and I don't want screaming fangirls on my ipod haha

That hug at the beginning was super adorable. You can tell they get along well. :)
That interview is so cute and funny. ...I like how they give each other crap and are so comfortable with each other.
gackt: "i wasn't drunk! why would you say that on the radio T___T " myv: "hehehehehe" kawaii ^^
i need to watch that radio clip ASAP ! but i can't watch it at school and at home the laptop is broken D:
oh that sucks Hava T__T the middle part is subs only cause they play a song but still amusing Gackt actually has a nice voice for radio, though he jokes about not being any good at it
new single teaser
Miyavi vs Yuksek - Day 1

i really like it ^_^ it's different, more electronic and more heavily produced than any of his other recent stuff but it's an interesting collaboration and i really like the beat and his voice is fantastic :D can't wait for the full release, July 11th, i'll be buying the single on itunes since i'm too impatient to wait for the full album
i love love love miyavi!! especially selfish love lol
Full PV:

*Edited to add: hot.
i thought the full pv wasn't out for another month. zomg! @____@ *Edited to add: super crazy hot =D~
ahhh it's so good T____T
i can't wait for the single to be released. i might dl ahead of time just cause i'm impatient but i'm buying it when it comes out

edit: what's the difference between the single and the EP i wonder? cause the EP is available now on itunes :D comes with a MYV vs Yuksek version of Futaristic Love, instrumental of Day 1 and a couple of lives!! I think I'll just get it now :D the single is probably just Day 1 plus maybe the instrumental no?
if anyone was debating whether or not to get the EP do it!! the Yuksek version of Futuristic Love is great :D the lives are really good too. i can't stop listening to this

live version with subs :D
That is awesome!! he is a great guitarist! He needs to be on the cover of the next Rolling Stone "Guitar Gods" issue. Seriously... East really needs to meet West musically. Sad that.
OMG i just fell in love <3 LOve Rocker Boys <3