masakoquintard wrote: lol it would seriously suck to be miss a live show. is your bro in law a musician, roadie, exec, all around cool person? I wondering what it would be like to experience Japanese fans. In the west, there's usually lots of noise and jumping/dancing at shows, and people use some overtly..*cough*creative*cough* ways to get backstage. I remember Girgumesh said they thought Japanese crowds were quieter.

mm he's a performer in Tokyo. Sugizo (guitarist for Luna Sea and XJapan, he does guest spots with Miyavi and some other artists too, he's like the Japanese version of Slash) did a guest spot on his show one time and he liked the show so much and liked hanging out with the performers backstage and stuff so asked them out to a bar after to hang out, and has given them tickets to Luna Sea and another show he did. i guess he told him that he has a sister in law who's a fan, when he saw him at Luna Sea's concert he told him to say hi to me for him ^_^. anyway i wouldn't say they're "friends" but they've hung out a couple times so i think if i went to one of the shows with my BIL he could maybe arrange a backstage tour. how sweet would that be. i would be so awkward and starstruck though i wouldn't be able to really talk to anyone -_-; the only celebrities i've met were minor celebs and not ones that i was really into so it wasn't an issue but if i met someone that famous and that cool i think i'd be fairly useless ☆_☆

he met MtH briefly at the MTV music awards also and said they were really cool :) i hope they play in north america sometime also, if they came to Toronto or Ottawa i would totally go
i'd like to find translations for some of MtH's songs though, i got my BIL to pick me up a couple of their cds before coming home for a visit one time, and his girlfriend (Japanese) came also.. when i had opened the cds up and was looking at them his gf flipped through the liner notes and got this really shocked expression and said "waaaa their lyrics are so BAD" i think she meant bad as in dirty/rude not as in poorly written. if she can be so shocked after hanging out with my BIL for so long it must be pretty bad lol

they're coming for xmas again this year, i wonder what cd i should get him to pick up for me lol

ooh yeah and it's sad about D'espairs Ray, i never really got into them but it's always sad to hear about a band splitting up
@Lady, i totally understand what you mean about meeting famous people you're not really into. I've met a bunch of super famous people, but I've never met someone who I was really into. I think it would be super different. Famous people are just like normal people for the most part, but I would actually feel a mixture of awe and awkwardness if I met someone I was really familiar with. Kinda feeling embarrassed because I know a ton of things about this person and I'm a random stranger or thinking "what if they totally hate me" (when in reality, they probably won't remember me anyway lol).


This one is for the Jpop lovers---Has anyone listened to Yu Shirota? He's known for being in dramas and theater productions of manga and anime. I haven't seen much of his work, but I must say I'm impressed by his musical skills.

Also, I would totally have a love affair with his lips, lol. The rest of him is welcome too, but his lips kinda amazing :-p

his song Sisyphus is awesome !!
I love jrock! the first japanese song i heard was JPN Pride by Miyavi, and he's still my favorite artist! I saw him live two months ago, it was the best concert ever! I would love to see him again, it was so wonderful♥
the GazettE is my favband and I would do anything to see them live and I really hope that they'll come here(sweden) one day :) And if they come I hope that my step father could take me backstage(he works with security at concerts and stuff), he did it with MJ and AC/DC, so why not GazE? :D
And another band that I would love to see is Girugamesh, I really wanted to go to their concert in Finland but I didn't. I still want them to come to Sweden, but they just did an tour, so it's kinda impossible that they'll come here soon :/
(and yeah, my english sucks. lol)
FriendMax wrote: I love jrock! the first japanese song i heard was JPN Pride by Miyavi, and he's still my favorite artist! I saw him live two months ago, it was the best concert ever! I would love to see him again, it was so wonderful♥
the GazettE is my favband and I would do anything to see them live and I really hope that they'll come here(sweden) one day :) And if they come I hope that my step father could take me backstage(he works with security at concerts and stuff), he did it with MJ and AC/DC, so why not GazE? :D
And another band that I would love to see is Girugamesh, I really wanted to go to their concert in Finland but I didn't. I still want them to come to Sweden, but they just did an tour, so it's kinda impossible that they'll come here soon :/
(and yeah, my english sucks. lol)

Your english is great! How as the Miyavi concert? Is it a really big show? Were there lots of special effects? Does he have a big band behind him? Miyavi is one of those famous people that would make me go all mushy inside, hehehe.
^ me too lol

clips i've seen of his recent concerts has been similar to how his new album is. just him and a drummer and a very lowkey performance focusing more on his guitar. he doesn't even dress up :( but i'd still go lol i love his guitar and his voice and that's what matters i guess but i'm sure his performances were more fun when they were a little more showy. he's less hyper and spazzy now i think too, must be fatherhood ^_^
here's a clip from Russia from 2 months ago. seems like a more intimate feeling concert even though there's a crapton of people there lol

so reitora are you in this? :D
Emormfreelo wrote: Your english is great! How as the Miyavi concert? Is it a really big show? Were there lots of special effects? Does he have a big band behind him? Miyavi is one of those famous people that would make me go all mushy inside, hehehe.

haha thanks^^
it was awesome! everyone went crazy when he came out and it was just so great! it was pretty big, there wasn't that much special effects and there was a drummer and a bassist(i think?) behind him :)
KalekaGazelka wrote: ^ me too lol

clips i've seen of his recent concerts has been similar to how his new album is. just him and a drummer and a very lowkey performance focusing more on his guitar. he doesn't even dress up :( but i'd still go lol i love his guitar and his voice and that's what matters i guess but i'm sure his performances were more fun when they were a little more showy. he's less hyper and spazzy now i think too, must be fatherhood ^_^
here's a clip from Russia from 2 months ago. seems like a more intimate feeling concert even though there's a crapton of people there lol

so reitora are you in this? :D

it was fun even though he wasn't hyper and stuff, he's always amazing! actually i think his performance couldn't get better than it was, even if he was calm :) the fans were a little to crazy and i almost fainted once because it was so crowded :/
no, i cant see myself in the video because i'm so short and everyone was jumping and stuff, but in the beginning you see a girl with a yellow thingy around her head and i'm almost right behind her :)
KalekaGazelka wrote: ^ me too lol

clips i've seen of his recent concerts has been similar to how his new album is. just him and a drummer and a very lowkey performance focusing more on his guitar. he doesn't even dress up :( but i'd still go lol i love his guitar and his voice and that's what matters i guess but i'm sure his performances were more fun when they were a little more showy. he's less hyper and spazzy now i think too, must be fatherhood ^_^
here's a clip from Russia from 2 months ago. seems like a more intimate feeling concert even though there's a crapton of people there lol

so reitora are you in this? :D

it was fun even though he wasn't hyper and stuff, he's always amazing! actually i think his performance couldn't get better than it was, even if he was calm :) the fans were a little to crazy and i almost fainted once because it was so crowded :/
no, i cant see myself in the video because i'm so short and everyone was jumping and stuff, but in the beginning you see a girl with a yellow thingy around her head and i'm almost right behind her :)
ahhhhh ^_^ i want to see him so bad. Myv's the only reason i use Twitter lol. he updates his twitter himself, several times a day. he's like addicted or something lol he even posts pictures sometimes. there was a nice one the other day of him and his oldest daughter, she's really cute. he even posts stuff about changing diapers and playing with the kids and things like that lol he turned into such a family man. it's so neat to see stuff like that from a big celebrity though, reminds you that they are only human and have regular lives at home like anyone else. even big celebs get elbow deep in baby poop now and then haha
i need to learn more Japanese though he posts more in Japanese than in English i think. but he does do quite a few English posts for us gaijin which is great. he also posts things on his youtube account in english sometimes. seems like he enjoys taking videos when he's touring and stuff and often gives English commentary.
he's so active with his fans i love it. most celeb facebook twitter youtube etc accounts are maintained by staff it's not usually the star him/herself posting on it. it just shows how down to earth he is and just a genuinely good person who cares about his fans.
mitsu wrote: i need to learn more Japanese though he posts more in Japanese than in English i think. but he does do quite a few English posts for us gaijin which is great. he also posts things on his youtube account in english sometimes. seems like he enjoys taking videos when he's touring and stuff and often gives English commentary.
he's so active with his fans i love it. most celeb facebook twitter youtube etc accounts are maintained by staff it's not usually the star him/herself posting on it. it just shows how down to earth he is and just a genuinely good person who cares about his fans.

I follow him on twitter, too, hehe. His tweets are like 75% Japanese, but much of it is in slang. I really liked the tweet he did last week about how kissing his daughter goodnight makes him want to do his best the next day <3

Two other people who I think do their own tweets are Jin Akanishi and Yu Shirota. A few weeks ago Yu was having a convo about porn. It was funny, lol. For those who are interested, Jin usually tweets in English, and Yu uses Japanese most of the time. He'll sometimes insert a spanish or english sentence every once in a while.
dapinaymrs wrote: haha thanks^^
it was awesome! everyone went crazy when he came out and it was just so great! it was pretty big, there wasn't that much special effects and there was a drummer and a bassist(i think?) behind him :)

Thanks for the link Lady and thanks for the description reitora :)

I think this may be an amazing way to experience him because his talent can really shine through. He's an amazing artist and doesn't need all of the theatrics. I wonder when he's coming to my area....:)
I follow him too, on twitter, hehe^^ I don't use twitter much and I don't read his tweets anymore, same with Aoi@gazette and Ruki@gazette, I forgot to read them one day and after that I just don't, I'm to lazy haha!^^'
I'm learning japanese right now, I'm not good at it, I can't remember a thing! x3

Kawaikochan: Where do you live? :3 I'm sure he'll come one day~