wrote: i'm going to see Miyavi! live! *faints* *wakes up* *faints again*

congrats :DD his live in 2009 was amazing
taiiyaki wrote: so i just wanted to say how much i love arashi. lol like most of u didn't already know that. i downloaded their new album beautiful world and although some of the songs didn't wow me one song in particular has my hair standing on end. Doko ni demo aru uta (どこにでもある唄。) Vocal: Kazunari Ninomiya. before listening to this song i didn't give nino much credit as a singer in arashi. i'm more a fan of his acting. after listening to this song 10 times in a row i have big respect for his talent as a singer and a writer. it's such a beautiful song. i found the lyrics and translation on jpopasia and it's beautiful words in any language. this song is my fave on the album and may become my it will be in my top 10 along with truth, pikanichi double, sakura sake, Kotoba Yori Taisetsu Na Mono, Boku ga Boku no Subete

Did you find a place where you can DL tracks that contribute to the Oricon chart rankings? if so, please share the love :)
no unfortunately. i downloaded it from lj. can't remember which community but it was open download at the time.
I love the bands FOZZtone, Chicago Poodle, NICO Touches The Walls and Syrup16g. :)
waaaaaaaaah i want it to be october (except not cause then winter would be just around the corner, plus i'd skip over my birthday.. wait that might not be a bad thing :D )

i'm so anxious, excited, impatient, you name it. i want to try to memorize more of MYV's lyrics before the concert though, i should probably work on that. i wonder if we'll be allowed to take pictures, probably not =/
it seems really far away so i kind of forget about it now and then and it'll hit me all of a sudden that i'm going to see Miyavi and i get excited all over again. i'll be like at work, serving a customer, and suddenly start grinning like an idiot. sigh. it'll be even worse afterwards when i can daydream back to the memory of the concert, i'll be totally useless for like 3 weeks. rofl
It seems like it'll be a good show. He seems really excited. It's all he can tweet about hehe.
I just had to share this video of Miyavi. I <3 the way he uses the entire guitar.

ooh yay thanks for posting ^_^
and i know what you mean, sometimes his hands move so fast you can't really follow what he's doing cause he's just all over the place lol
nice. i've read all u guys raving about miyavi but i have never watched or listen to his music. i love singer song/writers who play guitar...eric clapton, babyface, john mayer, jason mraz, damien rice, etc. and i love the video posted above. that's talent. what is his music generally like?
You ask what's Miyavi-samas music generally?

I'd say it's everything.. you want rock you'll get it, ballads check, random guitar clapping check, rap check. :D
woah how did i let this thread die? hahaha RE Miyavi's style... his guitar style is influenced by blues, spanish guitar and... shamisen... yes...shamisen. his music varies from pop to blues to rock to electronica...and all of it is phenomenal. he has a style all his own, no matter what genre he experiments with his flare and personality are unmistakably his, everything he does is very unique and very passionate. and he's damn sexy.
anyone familiar with Fade? the vocalist, Jon is working with Gackt, it's a group called Yellow Fried Chickenz it's got the drummer from Luna Sea too, quite a lineup... anyway my brother in law mentioned it to me last night, he knows Jon through work, he used to be involved with his work as a translator or something lol and now he's singing with freaking Gackt. insane. i told him he needs to get us tickets if there's a show when we go to Japan. i'm not a big Gackt fan but i like the sound of this new group a lot, it's a little heavier and less poppy and glitzy than his usual stuff. and i'm amazed that Jon can keep up with him so well on vocals, considering Gackt has an immensely huge voice..

great single
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Risa Niigaki will be graduating from Morning Musume after their Spring 2012 Tour :'(
i just don't get the big girlgroups like mm my friend becky loves them
I LOVE Morning Musume ~~ they're my fav group EVER !! I will miss Gakki ;___; ~ She's my absolute favorite from MM ~~