Wow, only 6 episodes? That was short. It would be awesome to have them on RM.
ep. i loved the punishment lol..the guinea pig was soooo cute hehe...and the pig too looking fwd to ep. 5 & 6 now :)
just watched Ep. 7...the more i watch them the more they grow on me..i now know almost every members' name lol... the kids were sweet...most times lol i wonder whose kids they are...they are apparently all celebrity kids
ep. 8 was fun..laughed a lot...the kids were so adorable..^^
Does anyone know how many episodes there will be?
Lylina wrote: Does anyone know how many episodes there will be?

i don't know..i'll keep watching as long as they air it lol

just watched episode was so funny...esp. the cheek to cheek game...Andy was so scared Eric <3
I saw the first ep of this (I didnt know any of them before (only seen Eric act) so was bit confused) they seemed a little awkward & uncomfortable with the whole show prolly cos it was their first one I dunno if i will continue to watch...
RainFlower wrote: I saw the first ep of this (I didnt know any of them before (only seen Eric act) so was bit confused) they seemed a little awkward & uncomfortable with the whole show prolly cos it was their first one I dunno if i will continue to watch...

lol..i don't think many people are watching FOL i have been talking to myself here as well (if you noticed) lol..but i will continue watching..i enjoy's funny..i like them
looking forward to watching ep. 12...hopefully someone subs it soon...Shinhwa Vs SHINee!!! ^^
@KamZ, can you please tell me where are you watching the episodes? :P I kinda wanna watch it.
Dufresne wrote: @KamZ, can you please tell me where are you watching the episodes? :P I kinda wanna watch it.

youtube...they have it all there...i have watched 11 eps so far...i think 12 eps are out..but the 12th one is not subbed yet..really looking forward to that one coz it has SHINee as guests ^^

i don't think many people are watching it..this thread has only my comments...atleast 90% of it'll be nice to have someone to discuss watch it palli lol

I can send you the link if you want...if you find the link for 1 episode you will easily find the rest too
episode 12 was DAEBAK!!!...laughed so much in this ep....SHINee <3...i finally know all their names lool...earlier i just knew MinHo :D
just start ep 1 to 8... the remaining will probably watch tomorrow... They grow more on me now:-) They are all cute and funny... I know Andy because of We Got Married... so i saw there last Concert...I cried when Andy cried... So I'm glad that I was able to watch their comeback!!! I salute them for being strong and intact for the last 14 years... While everyone around breaks-up or change members...they remain loyal and good to each other.. specially Eric, cause i read somewhere that Eric got a really really good offer to go solo.. but still he choose his group...He just let an opportunity pass just to be with his group mates.. I really hope my favorite kpop be as strong and loyal as Shinhwa!!!
wow..i didn't know ep 14 had SHINee too..yayyyy..can't wait to watch...the episodes with SHINee have been the best SB episodes...
KamZ wrote: wow..i didn't know ep 14 had SHINee too..yayyyy..can't wait to watch...the episodes with SHINee have been the best SB episodes...

i think it the last ep. with Shinee..because the last ep. was incomplete...
so maybe a part of it was with Shinee then the half will be a different one...