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Plot-wise, I'm happy too~

However, all the "science" they threw in was just... I mean, I know it's a fantasy but, er, wormhole? What an out-of-nowhere solution to things...
i was expected something else but i'm ok with that ending.. cause in our minds we can imagine many things about their future.i'm gonna miss this drama so much! I didnt understand much about the science part to tell you the truth but ok..i'm happy if she's happy!Although i wanted to see the 7 little babies hahah :)
A few unanswered questions are left with me after the final episode... so like are they still "married" even though they didn't wed officially and what about when she starts getting old, he said he wanted to grow old with her, is he going to remain forever young or is he going to one day instead of disappearing every random moment be able to stay with her as it seems his return trips get longer and longer.
corgi2 wrote: A few unanswered questions are left with me after the final episode... so like are they still "married" even though they didn't wed officially and what about when she starts getting old, he said he wanted to grow old with her, is he going to remain forever young or is he going to one day instead of disappearing every random moment be able to stay with her as it seems his return trips get longer and longer.

The only aspect that really be considered bittersweet is that he won't age and she will, but I think the entire message was to savor the time regardless of the outcome. Like you said, his trips are becoming longer and longer and I would say it's subtly implied that he is back for good at the end when he appears in the bed and says "I'm back."

The marriage was sort of glossed over, but they are still "married" and living together. Although I can't say if they were married for real, it seems pretty likely.
I loved the end and I give this a 10. Very solid all through out. Although...I would have pushed this over the top with my giddiness if a few items were addressed with a bit more clarity. But I have to say, YFAS is one of those dramas for me that was just SO EXTREMELY solid all through out that where normally I would not forgive it's few VERY SMALL flaws, I can easily forgive here. Balanced against the amazing quality of this drama the answers that weren't put neatly into the puzzle are so trivial. And I have a good imagination so it's all good.

How about that *Kiss on the red carpet!!!??? WOWSERS!!* Nicely done.
Jeaniessi wrote: How about that *Kiss on the red carpet!!!??? WOWSERS!!* Nicely done.

i held my breath during that scene. it was indeed really nicely done
I liked the ending, at least they tried to be a little realistic about it.
I just finished watching this and I really liked it alot.
Just finished it and totally loved it.
Especially Jeon Ji Hyeon's character! She was totally amazing! Playing all these different sides and emotions of her character. The show was totally hilarious at times, then tear jerking sad and had so many "awwww" moments :)
It was also great that Cheon Song Yi didn't lose anything of her temperamental and very powerful personality in the scenes where the 2 were together :)
In episode 20 it* was so cute and funny how possessive and protective *she was :D
Kim Soo Hyun was the perfect "anti-pole" to her and also great, although there were times I found him to be a little bit too mute.

Now where is something with similar characters? ;)