This just showed up in my feed. She was a cute baby. :3

I just found out about the IU/Eunhyuk scandal :o it wasn't a very flattering picture of Eunhyuk. I hate that so much fuss is made about these scandals, it's their private life. As long as it doesn't affect their music, I'll be a fan always :D
lol did you read what their agencies said? :'DD
i feel really sorry for both of them...especially IU - i mean yeah it was her fault for uploading the pic but its not like she did it on purpose - argh it just annoys me seeing people slut shaming her :( i can see that this is gonna affect her career in a reeeally bad way...but i just hope all of her fans don't turn on her :'(

She may star as Nodame in the Korean adaptation.
Honestly... I wouldn't be so bothered about it. She can portray a college student, since she is one, and I think she can play a quirky character very well (didn't even finish it, but her character in Pretty Man was weird and quirky as heck lol).
What do you guys think?
i'm not a fan of IU so i'll be biased if i'll comment on this..
I think IU would work as Nodame.