New Japanese single :D
and I like it, for once they have big smile on their faces, it's so refreshing :D

It really looks like they're having fun while singing it~ I love the dance floor and the box parts! haha dorks <3 Another MV coming up this september! So excited! I believe, AJ wont appear there, sadly. :(
dongholove wrote: Ofcourse~ Haha^^ a pic you can't post here?!
What is it? Is it the one you tagged me on facebook? HAHAHA OMG

It's half naked pictures of them with tattoos...

Wahhhhhh!!!! MUST WATCH!!!!!!
U-KISS(minus AJ) + KIBUM ㅠㅠ I cried. I'm so happy!!!!!!!! <333
It's been a long time T__________T Eli hugged him!!!
This video was taken this morning at the airport. U-kiss is going to japan, i think they were on the same plane! It was only Kibum's side view and back though... But if you don't believe me, here's a pic of kibum today, arrived also in japan, wearing the same clothes as seen in the video. ^_______^
I am certainly sure it is kibum, believe me! This is such a precious moment <33333
dongholove wrote: U-KISS(minus AJ) + KIBUM ㅠㅠ I cried. I'm so happy!!!!!!!! <333
It's been a long time T__________T Eli hugged him!!!
This video was taken this morning at the airport. U-kiss is going to japan, i think they were on the same plane! It was only Kibum's side view and back though... But if you don't believe me, here's a pic of kibum today, arrived also in japan, wearing the same clothes as seen in the video. ^_______^ I am certainly sure it is kibum, believe me <3333]

Ok...ok..I believe you..Don't need to cry..kekeke!!!
:O, yeah that's him ^^ maybe it's just me, but I couldn't help noticing the awkwardness :/ except with Eli
twinklelie wrote: :O, yeah that's him ^^
maybe it's just me, but I couldn't help noticing the awkwardness :/ except with Eli

I also noticed that. Specially with hoon. It was so awkward.. he was shocked. But i hope they introduced him to kibum. I am still hoping one day, I could see them complete 9. I still have this little hope, it will come true. T_____T sorry I am being emotional here cause i love them all too much and i wanted to make them back together T__T if i could only.... T__T
Yeah, well you gotta admit that it's normal that there's some awkwardness between Hoon & Kibum. Hoon is the one who replaced him after all ^^'
I hope they can be friends though. :( ..It's not like hoon wanted kibum to be out. :/

soohyun cried T___________________________________T
aww Soo Hyun don't cry, you're making me cry TT-TT I think it would be great if they were friends :D yup, right about Hoon (not his fault), but I would be awkward nonetheless, especially knowing that I replaced the guy who's in front of me :/
yes ofcourse, i know what hoon feels too :( _<
dongholove wrote: yes ofcourse, i know what hoon feels too :( _<

why Soohyun cried?
he cried because of Kibum, I guess :/
twinklelie wrote: he cried because of Kibum, I guess :/

why should he cry? because of happiness?
dunno, I wasn't there But I think he's sad because he misses Kibum, I guess :S I really don't know, I wish I did :/