Winny Aye:

yeahhhhhh....looking forward to...♡♡

here it is? 

Qingshui town family -- XiaoQi

"A short companionship~"  {一场短暂的相伴~}

{ill let you all create your captions for each photo to tell a story} * family* *simple life* *memories* 

@dtsj_sapphire - Qing shui town family

I love the second drawing, depicting the night view. "A summer starry night watermelon, sweet life at Hui Chun Tang".

Winny Aye 

In life and death situation there's a saying a man could fall in love fast.

{ive read a research saying men fall in love faster than women do, and the sad thing is they also recover from break up longer, but this is some research i read, ill be glad to know more abt how others see this esp the ones who can relate much to this, coz the single me on this type of topic is likely to have a different opinion from those who're/have been in rel'ships or are married, so ill be happy reading responses on this} ?

 Blueberries Field:

@dtsj_sapphire - Qing shui town family

I love the second drawing, depicting the night view. "A summer starry night watermelon, sweet life at Hui Chun Tang".

hiii, that's a loveeely description.? everyone has their own moment to enjoy. thankssss. (⁠^.^)


Qingshui town family -- XiaoQi

"A short companionship~"  {一场短暂的相伴~}

{ill let you all create your captions for each photo to tell a story} * family* *simple life* *memories* 


 Winny Aye:


ikr(⁠^.⁠^⁠) would love a mini book or a fan fic for qs town fam while waiting for s2?, we can do brainstorming here with every art we find lol {wish to collect enough QS town family arts for support lol}

Winny Aye 

His heart was set on Xiao Liu despite being in man form.
Xiao Liu cared about him even get shy although Shi Qi was still crippled, and did not have all those earthly wealth. But a gem is still a gem.

{was laughing at the cut for this gif, sorry so cute and funny?}

"he's a woman."

Winny Aye 

Nevertheless he's the only person that make XY felt she has most equal & freedom in decisions with life. Like she did not feel forced. Or at least, I feel it that way. 

There is a lot of echoing situations with Jing and XY. I will discuss about it later. :)

interesting.? ill look forward to reading moreeee.?

thanksss again for sharing your thoughts abt Shiqi and Jing and with Xiaoliu and XY, had fun reading.??

Lao Mu-- "Our plays in Qingshui Town are the most down-to-earth among the entire crew. Our plays are full of oil, salt, soy and vinegar, and we eat, drink, shit and sleep. Our plays in Qingshui Town show how ordinary and down-to-earth we are."

Mazi-- "The role of family is that as long as you look back, we will be here."

what's the significance of this?

fan art version {C-yaojingS}

{drama versn} fill in the blanks :⁠-⁠D -- "i don't _____ "

 "i want ______"


Lao Mu-- "Our plays in Qingshui Town are the most down-to-earth among the entire crew. Our plays are full of oil, salt, soy and vinegar, and we eat, drink, shit and sleep. Our plays in Qingshui Town show how ordinary and down-to-earth we are."

Mazi-- "The role of family is that as long as you look back, we will be here."

Quig Shui family is life..?


Winny Aye 

His heart was set on Xiao Liu despite being in man form.
Xiao Liu cared about him even get shy although Shi Qi was still crippled, and did not have all those earthly wealth. But a gem is still a gem.

{was laughing at the cut for this gif, sorry so cute and funny?}

"he's a woman."

is that your edit..? first one...hearts one...? so cute...abd beautiful 


sorry, what do you mean, is it abt hong yi's answer? it was his opinion during their grp interview abt lyf. (⁠^⁠.^⁠) ?

Aaah. Good. I was worried.


wow sexy!

yes..DW can very sexy ...XD...but he can also be sweet ..♡♡

By the way....hello...nice to meet here..