His Smile:

I will be 100% on Team Xuan if his performance is disappointing. I can never tolerate wooden acting in a drama.

I wouldn't have a team at all.  I would just be watching to get depressed because this drama is a rollercoaster. Jajaja

He did not set there fire but it was a fire death maze or something like that it’s just cnetz we’re saying it looked like he made the fire though I didn’t look like that to me. What bothered me is when the guards saw them u can see the ground is burned except where XY and Jing was, it would’ve made more sense to just have the whole ground area blackened to show how burned everything was 

YangZi and Deng Wei were amazing. The acting wasn’t the problem in that scene. Also drama watchers shouldn’t have to read the novel before watching the drama imo the drama should’ve been able to explain it. In novel when CX met with FL and talked about Jing is when Xiao Xiao told him abt how Jing saved XY with what he did. But in drama there wasn’t such a scene. I wonder if they’re waiting to explain what happened in the next episode ? 

The fan made videos which basically just added a bgm and a couple flashbacks were so much better than whatever the drama did it. Also, they should know this was one of the famous/ saddest scenes in the novel, it should’ve been treated better than what they gave us. After seeing that fan made videos was better than what they gave is I realized it’s not that our expectations were too high it’s that they did too little. 


Thank you for this thread. I enjoying all of the comments and thoughts, gives different perspective on the story. Other side has different narrative so it's quite interesting to read from both sides.. until some fans try to highlight their CP while downgrade other CP lol. Sometimes comment section gives me headache. 

Btw is that true that there'll be less Yao-Jing's scene after the breakup? I'm all ship rn but since he's the endgame I really wanna see them more.

Jing will be out of the picture a lot after the breakup and death scene hence why there was a lot of confusion that the end game was going to be a different person since he was "gone".  

I'm assuming when Tong Hua wrote this, she wasn't fully set on who she wanted the endgame to be LOL all that back and forth w/ the headaches and heartaches. 


Jing will be out of the picture a lot after the breakup and death scene hence why there was a lot of confusion that the end game was going to be a different person since he was "gone".  

I'm assuming when Tong Hua wrote this, she wasn't fully set on who she wanted the endgame to be LOL all that back and forth w/ the headaches and heartaches. 

If he had confessed, then that would change alot of things in the drama. I think she could still be with XL and still have Jing at the end. I think alot of people got upset because she never knew any of the stuff XL did for her and there was no closure. His fate was already sealed. Tong Hua could have given them a bit of bliss and still have the happy ending with Jing. Then we probably wouldn't have all these fanwars. lol

I honestly loved the maze scene. I didn't find it lacking and believed every ounce of DW's sorrow. I wonder why people think its another voice actor. I'd recognize his sexy rasp anywhere, and it wasn't lost during that scene. I'm usually a *really* picky person regarding whump scenes (sad/painful angst), and this fit every bill for me. I adored it, and I cried along with him. My only regret lies with the editing because, like others, I found the fake fire to be a little bit distracting. Still, I'm so used to bad CGI with c-dramas that I just ignored it and focused on the story. I also wish he'd kissed her face as he did in the book, but I'll hold onto how book accurate they were with their passionate knee and deep kiss and let this one slide. 

 Naomi Necro:

I honestly loved the maze scene. I didn't find it lacking and believed every ounce of DW's sorrow. I wonder why people think its another voice actor. I'd recognize his sexy rasp anywhere, and it wasn't lost during that scene. I'm usually a *really* picky person regarding whump scenes (sad/painful angst), and this fit every bill for me. I adored it, and I cried along with him. My only regret lies with the editing because, like others, I found the fake fire to be a little bit distracting. Still, I'm so used to bad CGI with c-dramas that I just ignored it and focused on the story. I also wish he'd kissed her face as he did in the book, but I'll hold onto how book accurate they were with their passionate knee and deep kiss and let this one slide. 

Whoa whoa whoa. I'm seeing he IS dubbed. IS HE?! It sounds exactly the same as his real voice? Rasp included. Wtfffff? My mind is blown.  I've been listening to the BTS and his interviews- its literally the same voice. I'm so confused. 

I’m confused on dubbing DW  Too. He sounds the same as him in the drama. They said it was because of his accent!

He was voiced by Sun Rui Yang - the one who voiced him in TTEOM

 His Smile:

He was voiced by Sun Rui Yang - the one who voiced him in TTEOM

EVERYTHING IS  A LIEEEEE. I went back and looked through all of his BTS and when he's not being silly, his voice is literally identical excluding that tiny bit of accent. I bet, with some vocal coaching, he'll soon dub his own work.  Wow wow wow. I feel completely thrown for a loop, lol. At least their voices are suppppppper close and well-matched. It's too bad we couldn't hear his real voice acting during that scene. I watched the BTS and he did a great job. 

 Naomi Necro:

EVERYTHING IS  A LIEEEEE. I went back and looked through all of his BTS and when he's not being silly, his voice is literally identical excluding that tiny bit of accent. I bet, with some vocal coaching, he'll soon dub his own work.  Wow wow wow. I feel completely thrown for a loop, lol. At least their voices are suppppppper close and well-matched. It's too bad we couldn't hear his real voice acting during that scene. I watched the BTS and he did a great job. 

I actually started watching cdrama way back 2017. I think during this period, they hired professional voice actors who matched the actors voices, like Mark Chao and Yang Mi in TMOPB. 

You'll never notice the difference until you hear the real voices of the actors during interviews. 

I found cdrama very cringey before because their dubbers voices didn't match the actor's face, but nowadays it's almost flawless, and you will be shocked to find out that actors are being dubbed. Hehehe

 His Smile:

I actually started watching cdrama way back 2017. I think during this period, they hired professional voice actors who matches the actors voice like Mark Chao and Yang Mi in TMOPB. 

You'll never notice the difference until you hear the real voice of the actors during interviews. 

I find cdrama very cringey before because they're dubbers doesn't match the actor's face, nowadays it's almost flawless that you will be shocked finding out that actors are being dubbed. Hehehe

I think it’s part of censorship in China to develop and standardize only the approved mandarin dialect widely. I agree with voice coaching thing you mentioned. In reality, many Actors/ actresses are from so many different parts of China with their own accents. Not to mention that the dubbing in China is huge and very well developed. It comes handy to put speed on production. The on sight voice recording are very rare even for those using their own voice. 

I have seen the scene so much, but this last time was the first time I noticed DW was crying so hard that he either drooled on or his snot fell on YZ's hair and that just made cry harder. *thumbs up*


I have seen the scene so much, but this last time was the first time I noticed DW was crying so hard that he either drooled on or his snot fell on YZ's hair and that just made cry harder. *thumbs up*

The BTS did a better job of showing how much he was distraught. His whole body was trembling, and his face was full of tears.

 His Smile:

The BTS did a better job of showing how much he was distraught. His whole body was trembling, and his face was full of tears.

Could you share the link again? I can't find it.

They left some of the shaking in the scene