AH :
This is true, more or less. She doesn't trust that she can rely on other people. In QS Town, her companions are all weaker than her (at least when they first meet) and she enjoys being the one who looks out for them in her own gruff way. That's a dynamic that feels safe for her.

Found the part of the novel where XY says this:

The Yellow Emperor stared at Xiao Yao “What kind of man do you want?” The Yellow Emperor did not come from a noble or imperial birth right or received such an education, he was born in an ordinary family so when conversing with him, he was much more blunt than the Grand Emperor.

This bold topic would have made any young girl blush but Xiao Yao. She really thought about it and said, “Before I came of age I was already pretending to be a man. When young ladies are just noticing guys I was trying to just survive. I was alone for so long that really I just wanted someone to keep me company. Not someone I want to marry – I want someone I can live with, share happiness and sorrow with, fight and make up. I just don’t want to talk to myself anymore. But I’m scared because think about it, my own grandfather, mom, dad, they all abandoned me before. How can I trust someone won’t abandon me? I took in lonely elders and orphans because I know they need me so they won’t abandon me.

Xiao Yao chuckled “People think I am kind but really I’m just weak. When I’m with those who are weaker than me, I feel like I am in control and am needed so I won’t be abandoned. That is when I feel safe.

The Yellow Emperor rested on the pallet and stared at Xiao Yao.

She continued “When I became a girl again, I thought marrying is so far away and never thought about it. But I know I’m scared of a man like you. In your heart, there will always be choices that are more important than the woman you love.”


Just woke up and the first thing I'm doing is fighting Jing antis in the main comment section ?

I saw the comment. I was going to like it until I saw the wet noodle part. I was like "Nope" Jajaja

At this point, it's better to just ignore the comments or you'll end up with high blood pressure.


I saw the comment. I was going to like it until I saw the wet noodle part. I was like "Nope" Jajaja

At this point, it's better to just ignore the comments or you'll end up with high blood pressure.

I find it annoying how the antis don't point out  how XY was single for a period of time when Jing got married and other ships don't jump on the opportunity to catch her then.  Instead, they let her settle for someone she doesn't even love. There were so many chances where the other two could have make their love known and snatch XY away but they chose not to.

I wonder if Jing's character was meant to weak to elevate XY's strengths. Like how she exposed Hou in the later chapters. I wish the author would have written that differently to be Jing but whatever. I'm okay with strong female characters. Men need to be save at times. lol 


I find it annoying how the antis don't point out  how XY was single for a period of time when Jing got married and other ships don't jump on the opportunity to catch her then.  Instead, they let her settle for someone she doesn't even love. There were so many chances where the other two could have make her love known and snatch XY away but they chose not to.

Exactly, so many.  I agree TinaL's comment in the thread also.


I saw the comment. I was going to like it until I saw the wet noodle part. I was like "Nope" Jajaja

At this point, it's better to just ignore the comments or you'll end up with high blood pressure.

There's not a day that we don't see a slander on Jing's character here on LYF in mdl. 


I was alone for so long that really I just wanted someone to keep me company. Not someone I want to marry – I want someone I can live with, share happiness and sorrow with, fight and make up. I just don’t want to talk to myself anymore.” 

When I saw this line before I thought of when XL asked XY who she wanted to spend her life with and who she wanted to marry. She said yes to marry YSQ and I think the other answer would be FFB she would see him as a companion in life like what said here. I think YSQ/FFB is XY’s heart is not the same as TSJ/XL. Just like how we feel they are the same but different, Im sure XY feels that same way. TSJ/XL’s title/identities have a lot of weight attached to them compared to YSQ/FFB where they both have a lot more freedom and allow her to be free and happy as well. (Though later TSJ was able to let go of everything for her. )

Basically I think if she could, she’d take both guys, marry one and still keep the other by her side like in the beginning in QingShui Town ? If XL didn’t die we could have a YaoLiuJing ship and then there’s be less shipping wars ?  

 His Smile:

There's not a day that we don't see a slander on Jing's character here on LYF in mdl. 

When I saw the wet noodle part sigh sigh sigh.  It’s why I’m happier in this thread lol I think it’ll keep happening though as LFY is available on Netflix so more people will watch and come here to tell us how  “weak” Jing is again. Then it’ll become a tale as old as time, an endless cycle ? I never though Jing was weak even before reading the novel, just watching the drama I was so intrigued by how frustratingly kind this person is and didn’t believe it could be possible. ? he’s so nice that you just want to bully(playfully) him then pinch his cheeks and spoil him lol

I think YSQ/FFB is XY’s heart is not the same as TSJ/XL. Just like how we feel they are the same but different, Im sure XY feels that same way. TSJ/XL’s title/identities have a lot of weight attached to them compared to YSQ/FFB where they both have a lot more freedom and allow her to be free and happy as well.

Oh I love this observation! 

TSJ/XL’s title/identities have a lot of weight attached to them compared to YSQ/FFB where they both have a lot more freedom and allow her to be free and happy as well. (Though later TSJ was able to let go of everything for her. )

Although she calls him Jing in the end, he's pretty much back to being YSQ in every other sense at that point. I'd say he fulfilled his promise to return to her as YSQ, just a couple decades later than he planned ^^


When I saw the wet noodle part sigh sigh sigh.  It’s why I’m happier in this thread lol I think it’ll keep happening though as LFY is available on Netflix so more people will watch and come here to tell us how  “weak” Jing is again. Then it’ll become a tale as old as time, an endless cycle ? I never though Jing was weak even before reading the novel, just watching the drama I was so intrigued by how frustratingly kind this person is and didn’t believe it could be possible. ? he’s so nice that you just want to bully(playfully) him then pinch his cheeks and spoil him lol

We will never stop seeing comments about him being weak, useless, needy, and clingy! I actually like him because his overall demeanor is the complete opposite of the two men who are in love with XY.


When I saw the wet noodle part sigh sigh sigh.  It’s why I’m happier in this thread lol I think it’ll keep happening though as LFY is available on Netflix so more people will watch and come here to tell us how  “weak” Jing is again. Then it’ll become a tale as old as time, an endless cycle ? I never though Jing was weak even before reading the novel, just watching the drama I was so intrigued by how frustratingly kind this person is and didn’t believe it could be possible. ? he’s so nice that you just want to bully(playfully) him then pinch his cheeks and spoil him lol

@ " he's so nice that you just want to bully(playfully) him then pinch his cheeks and spoil him lol" 

Yeah right exactly like what xiao yao did to him in ep 26 ?

 AH :

Oh I love this observation! 

Although she calls him Jing in the end, he's pretty much back to being YSQ in every other sense at that point. I'd say he fulfilled his promise to return to her as YSQ, just a couple decades later than he planned ^^

? Definitely more than a couple decades later 


? Definitely more than a couple decades later 

Was it a century? lol


Was it a century? lol

Definitely more than 70 years. 

TSJ/XL’s title/identities have a lot of weight attached to them compared to YSQ/FFB where they both have a lot more freedom and allow her to be free and happy as well. (Though later TSJ was able to let go of everything for her. )

I definitely agree with this. 


When I saw the wet noodle part sigh sigh sigh.  It’s why I’m happier in this thread lol I think it’ll keep happening though as LFY is available on Netflix so more people will watch and come here to tell us how  “weak” Jing is again. Then it’ll become a tale as old as time, an endless cycle ? I never though Jing was weak even before reading the novel, just watching the drama I was so intrigued by how frustratingly kind this person is and didn’t believe it could be possible. ? he’s so nice that you just want to bully(playfully) him then pinch his cheeks and spoil him lol

I did a double take and was like "nope". Jajaja  But I am trying not to comment anymore because it's time I could be spending reading this thread or rewatching parts of LFY...lol

 AH :

Definitely more than 70 years. 

Yes! Most that time they were both in comas anyway. LOL