For those who are looking for yet another excellent YaoLiu fanfic, please check out this 14-chapter 相思结 The Knots of Yearning on Weibo by YOLO苏璎, which covers Xiao Yao after learning of Xiang Liu's death, and her 16 year search for him, refusing to allow herself to believe that he was really gone. And for those wondering, it is a happy ending, in which Hong Jiang himself does play a part too. 

Do note the author is very strict about misappropriation of her works, modifications, adaptations and lack of credits to the original source.

NOTE: It does look like a Weibo account may be required to read the full text.


For those who are looking for yet another excellent YaoLiu fanfic, please check out this 14-chapter 相思结 The Knots of Yearning on Weibo by YOLO苏璎, which covers Xiao Yao after learning of Xiang Liu's death, and her 16 year search for him, refusing to allow herself to believe that he was really gone. And for those wondering, it is a happy ending, in which Hong Jiang himself does play a part too. 

Do note the author is very strict about misappropriation of her works, modifications, adaptations and lack of credits to the original source.

how many fanfic for Yao-Liu have you read? I can't remember how many fanfic that I've read, LoL. All sorts of scenerio with various return points. Haha, it can be said that there are large amount of fans who are unrest with TH's ending. 

BTW, I would like to share with you the poem which is used as title for chapter 45.

XY survised the 2nd muder attempt by Xing Yue. Then she asked Xing Yue the reason. And XY learnt about CX's secret love for her. CX confessed to her but at the end of the chapter it seemed that they found a way to continue their life. 

I still have trouble to see the indirect meaning of this poem to fit chapter 45. However I find the poem so emotional and moving. Does it convey CX's feeling for XY?  That seems not because the poem about a mutual love. It fit XL-XY relationship most but XL was not mentioned in this chapter

Vol 3 Ch12 (Chapter 45)错将生死作相思  Mistaking Life and Death for Longing 

 十诫诗 ——仓央嘉措 [1]

The Ten Commandments

A love poem by the 6th Dalai Lama, Changyang Gyatso













Translation [2]: 

First, it's better not to meet each other, so that we can't fall in love.

Second, it's better not to know each other, so that we can't miss each other.

Thirdly, it is better not to accompany each other, so that we can not owe each other.

Fourth, it is better not to cherish each other, so that we can not remember each other.

Fifth, it is better not to love each other, so that we can not abandon each other.

Sixth, it is better not to face each other, so that we can not meet.

Seventh, it is better not to misunderstand each other, so that there is no negative consequences.

Eighth, it is better not to agree each other, so that there can be no continuity.

Ninth, it is better not to rely on each other, so that we can not be struggle up together.

Tenth, it is better not to come across, so that we can not gather together.

But we once met and knew each other, seeing each other is like not seeing each other

I and you are inseparable from each other, avoid teaching life and death to be lovesickness.

[3] : Explanation from Where does Ande and Jun know each other, and where does the lovesickness come from? ( "How on earth can I forget you completely? How can we get rid of the endless lovesickness of reincarnation? Love is so tired and painful, in the end, I still can't forget my deep affection for you. This sentence points out the emotions of the whole poem, but this sentence shows the suppressed emotions. I want to cut off my past lover, but I can't let go of it in my heart no matter what, only one person loves before and after my death.
This is a very helpless and affectionate love poem. Pain because of love, helplessness because of no result. If I had known this, it would be better to have never encountered it.
If you feel this way in your life, it hurts so much that you might as well let go. It's a bit like Zhuo Wenjun's "Baitou Yin" [4], it's the kind of feeling that you are in love with each other, and it is better to forget about each other in the rivers and lakes.

[1]【经典新视角】《十诫诗》赏析 - 简书 ( 

[2] Ten Commandments_Baidu Encyclopedia 

[4]: Baitou Yin (white-haired lament) which complains at the inconstancy of male love, is attributed to her.  Zhuo Wenjun - Wikipedia 

@Liddi, the translation tools for last two sentences give unclear meaning. if you have time, can you take a look at the last 2 lines. Thanks


how many fanfic for Yao-Liu have you read? I can't remember how many fanfic that I've read, LoL. All sorts of scenerio with various return points. Haha, it can be said that there are large amount of fans who are unrest with TH's ending. 

To be honest, not many. Apart from AH's fic, the ones I recommended are the only ones I have read and enjoyed thus far. I did sneak a peek at a few English ones here and there too. Most times, I am just buried in the novel or the leaked script, but am so glad I found this latest fic (and fishmonger Xiang Liu which @Kokuto shared on the other thread) which gave me some reprieve after feeling a little sad yesterday over this fictional character.

BTW, I would like to share with you the poem which is used as title for chapter 45.

Useless trivia but the first two lines of the poem were first used in 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart Vol 2 Ch20, and will always be a source of so much pain in the context of Ruoxi and 4th Prince's tragic, doomed love.

First, it is best not to have met each other, so that we would not fall in love
Second, it is best not to have known each other, so that we would not miss each other

This is my translation of the last two sentences:


However, we once met and knew each other, why meet if it is the same as never having met.
How can I part forever from you, so as not to yearn for you in life and death.

Basically I think what it says is this:

We once met and fell in love, but I would rather we never met each other, because without meeting, there would be no love. Since I have fallen in love with you so deeply, how can I separate from you and end my love, so as not to suffer the pain of missing you whether I am alive or dead.

The title of Vol 3 Ch12 (Chapter 45) 错将生死作相思 is slightly different from that last sentence though. 错将 means "mistakenly treating", which makes the meaning of the line slightly different. So the title probably translates to "Mistakenly Treating Life and Death as Longing".

I thought I'd moved the talk about how to move on from Xiang Liu to this thread from Love My Voice. Half of that thread is filled with Xiang Liu's related posts :-). 

But if you ladies have figured out a way to move on let me know. This is not good for my health or time management. I moved on that first time years ago when I first read the novel, but it's worse this time since I liked the character, even more this time around - I blamed you ladies and all the discussion on this thread for that :-). I should have stuck to my original decision of not watching the drama. These will be me during the second season:

Me @ all the changes:

Me @ XL's suffering and ending:

But if you ladies have figured out a way to move on let me know. This is not good for my health or time management. I moved on that first time years ago when I first read the novel, but it's worse this time since I liked the character, even more this time around - I blamed you ladies and all the discussion on this thread for that :-). I should have stuck to my original decision of not watching the drama.

I would ask the same from you too. It is ridiculous that after all this time, I still found myself triggered and down again after talking about Xiang Liu destroying his home yesterday on the LMLMV thread. Which is why I am so glad I found the latest fanfic to dive into and cheer myself up. And of course, fishmonger Xiang Liu is now perpetually a much needed source of mirth and joy.

I need S2 soon. Hopefully, after it ends, I might have some chance of moving on...


I thought I'd moved the talk about how to move on from Xiang Liu to this thread from Love My Voice. Half of that thread is filled with Xiang Liu's related posts :-). 

But if you ladies have figured out a way to move on let me know. This is not good for my health or time management. I moved on that first time years ago when I first read the novel, but it's worse this time since I liked the character, even more this time around - I blamed you ladies and all the discussion on this thread for that :-). I should have stuck to my original decision of not watching the drama. These will be me during the second season:

Me @ all the changes:

Me @ XL's suffering and ending:

Guuurl what are you even talking about? How many times have we told you that Xiang Liu won’t ever let us go :”

No moving on allowed :)

But if you ladies have figured out a way to move on let me know.

Watch tv shows that are a completely different genre. I'm catching up on The Gilded Age. Season 2 just came out a month ago. It's written by the same person who made Downton Abbey :)

Also, idk if you watched this yet. There's this Japanese movie called My Happy Marriage. The male lead reminds me of Xiang Liu but unlike Xiang Liu, his character does get the girl and a happy ending. It's on YouTube with English subs:

It's less than 2 hours long. This is one of my favorite movies of 2023 and I wish it was longer. Hopefully, they make a sequel ❤️

Xiao Yao continued to cry, not sure what she was crying for - that she loved but couldn't have, or that Zhuan Xu's love all along couldn't be had.

I found this in chapter 45.
Could it be that she realized that CX was just like her... hiding the person she loved most deep inside her heart?


First time seeing the poem for chapter 45. IMO it hints to XL, I belive CX's confession and the secret that he kept for himself all of these years struck a chord with XY, since she herself had her own secret. 

"Xiao Yao continued to cry, not sure for what she was crying about – that she loved but could not have, or that Zhuan Xu’s love all these years could not have." 

Edit lol windiaaa, we think the same. I was just re-reading chapter 45, haven't seen you posted the same fragment. 

Re-reading chapter 46

"Xiao Yao looked around and saw all the same blooming flowers just like it was before, bringing the sensation that a refined gentleman would walk through the door at any moment smiling at her.

But….that wasn’t to be!

The sunlight was the same, the view was the same, but the person looking at her with affection was no longer there. Xiao Yao’s heart hurt and her eyes saw black, she was about to collapse when Zhuan Xu grabbed her “Xiao Yao!”

“No worries, I almost tripped is all.” Xiao Yao tried to control herself but her breathing was ragged and both Zhuan Xu and Feng Long heard it clearly."

I don't know why, but I don't belive that the pain she felt was because of Jing. Could it be the bugs? This scene is kinda similar to the scene from chapter 26, but I can't figure it out the purpose. I don't quite remember, what memories did she share with Jing în that house? Other than the scene where she went looking for him în order to ask him for those crystals to save CX's life I don't remember anything else. 


"It’s been six years since Jing died, right? You still haven’t accepted his death, this trip to Qing Shui Town you didn’t even pay a visit to the last place he was at before he died.”

Why do I feel like this is said not because XY didn't a cept Jing's death, on the contrary. Perhaps it's XL who doesn't want her to / let her accept Jing's death. 

@ blabla 100

Xiao Yao looked around and saw all the same blooming flowers just like it was before, bringing the sensation that a refined gentleman would walk through the door at any moment smiling at her.

this part linked to her memory after she recovered from the injury caused by XL (after the scene in the pool,, Jing found her, she was unconscious for 10 days).

jing  was killed by the river. However i wonder now why xL knew her did not come to the river. Did he hide there, waiting to see her? 


@ blabla 100

Xiao Yao looked around and saw all the same blooming flowers just like it was before, bringing the sensation that a refined gentleman would walk through the door at any moment smiling at her.

this part linked to her memory after she recovered from the injury caused by XL (after the scene in the pool,, Jing found her, she was unconscious for 10 days)

Oh right, I forgot about that. Hmm, maybe she was sad because of Jing, but I still kinda belive that the pain she felt afterwards was because of the bug. 

Edit: I actually wonder why didn't she go visit the last place Jing was last seen alive more. 


Oh right, I forgot about that. Hmm, maybe she was sad because of Jing, but I still kinda belive that the pain she felt afterwards was because of the bug. 

Edit: I actually wonder why didn't she go visit the last place Jing was last seen alive more. 

I also feel strange about XL's words.
If xy has not accepted jing's death, she should visit the place where jing was last seen. she should at least visit it. LOL.
XL words like: Don't forget Jing's death.