
But then his sucking on her hand still made her feel a cool pleasure

Yes, but the neck... It is more intimate than the hand, more sexual. I don't really see any other valid reason. 

The next time that Xiang Liu drank her blood was as FFBei (I think). And she refused to let him drink from her neck. Because she knew that it is an intimate act. Looked at what happened in the hot spring when she was still a man. Can you imagine, now as a woman and in the intimacy of her bedroom, on her bed with her not wearing undergarment!!!


Her getting turned on is also the reason why, IMO, avoided his neck bites after.  

However, his biting on her wrist still managed to make her feel cool pleasure (in sexual way)



Her getting turned on is also the reason why, IMO, avoided his neck bites after.  

However, his biting on her wrist still managed to make her feel cool pleasure (in sexual way)

I belive she would have felt pleasure regardless of where he bites her, because she was attracted to him, but the neck... one thing leads to another. It's like the difference between pleasure and urge. 



IMO the novel stands out because TH managed to build such an epic character, which is XL. If we take XL out of the picture, all that remains is honestly not that special, above average for sure, but nothing really wow. I am not really a TH fan, at best I have a love-hate relationship with her style. Her characters do stand up though.

I shared your sentiment about Xiang Liu being the standout, and in my opinion the brightest spot of Lost You Forever. I wrote a rant/roast on the novel and the other 3 main characters about a week ago, during the height of my frustration with Xiao Yao and this novel on the other thread:


As you said, the political scheming of this book is amateur and the supposed male lead Cang Xuan's journey to reunite the land etc. was lacklustre. Frankly, it's just the backdrop for Xiao Yao's and her story. And Xiao Yao's herself isn't a particularly likable or dynamic/compelling protagonist - IMO. Without Xiang Liu and the revealed in the epilogue, this novel would not still be gathering attention and discussion. 

I think Tong Hua is a good writer. Her use of words and style are solid. It's just that her books are "romance", but they don't follow the expected romance conventions which leaves some readers frustrated because what they got is not what they were looking for.  I feel less frustrated if I approach LYF through the lens of traumatized characters and their choices, but I too feel frustrated because Xiao Yao is not my cup of tea. But, she's true to the character that TH created so I can't fault Tong Hua for that.



Her getting turned on is also the reason why, IMO, avoided his neck bites after.  

However, his biting on her wrist still managed to make her feel cool pleasure (in sexual way)


I belive she would have felt pleasure regardless of where he bites her, because she was attracted to him, but the neck... one thing leads to another. It's like the difference between pleasure and urge. 

Yup. The attraction was already there so it would be pleasurable regardless of where he bites her. But the neck would definitely be more intimate and therefore, dangerous. I think the way that Tong Hua described the feeding scene in her bedroom with FFB was also very intimate. It would be interesting to compare the novel to the drama here. I hated the way they did this scene in the drama.

If I recall correctly, they were lying next to each other on the bed and Xiao Yao watched him drink from her wrist, unliked in the drama where she looked away. Her attitude and treatment of him were also very different in the novel as well. A moment ago she snapped at "I can't recall his name" to get out because she noticed him leering at her chest (she wasn't wearing her undergarment). The next she crawled into bed with FFBei without her undergarments! She knews the intimacy of that and yet....She's one confused and conflicted woman. 

Without Xiang Liu and the revealed in the epilogue, this novel would not still be gathering attention and discussion.

Indeed, TH managed to turn the tables with the epilogue. 

I don't know if I mentioned this before. But I started reading the novel after watching the drama and I started from the point whem CX became the king of Xuan Yuan.  I was kind of shock reading the epilogue. Then I wondered if I missed something which made me re-read the book from the begining. Then reading discussion on several channel also made me realise that I may miss TH's easter eggs hidden in the book. The story itself is average in my opinion and scale. However, she is good at the use of word, short conversation and writing techniques are quite interesting. 

If I recall correctly, they were lying next to each other on the bed and Xiao Yao watched him drink from her wrist, unliked in the drama where she looked away. Her attitude and treatment of him were also very different in the novel as well

I tried to re-build that scene in my head. Take their position on bed in the drama (when she laid on bed as the starting point: XY was lying on the left side of FFB who was lying further inside the bed)

Xiao Yao released his hand and laid down beside him, staring at the ceiling.

“Who are you?”

“Who do you want me to be?” Fang Feng Bei coldly answered.

Xiao Yao said nothing and after a long time she spit out “You can be whoever you damn well please!”

Fang Feng Bei half rose up and his head slowly descended, but as his lips were about to touch Xiao Yao’s neck her hand came up “Stop!” and his lips kissed her palm.

Fang Feng Bei immediately laid down but Xiao Yao turned herself to the side and handed him her wrist “Bite here.”

“Why not there?” Fang Feng Bei’s expression was tense.

Xiao Yao started to really miss the easy going, whatever goes, totally game Fang Feng Bei “Why do you think? Fang Feng Bei!”

Fang Feng Bei was quiet for a moment and then reached for Xiao Yao’s hand and two sharp teeth appeared and pierced through her wrist. This was the first time Xiao Yao could see him sucking her blood. There was no pain, only the frisson of cool excitement.

Since when FFB was about to bite her neck, she hid her neck by her palm, she had to use her left hand to do so. Then she turned to her side, meaning to her right side towards him. He would bite on her left wrist. They must be very close to each other (distance between his mouth and her axis was an arm length, meaning distance from his shoulder and her body was about half of that). 


Great review, I belive it is very accurate. Most of the time I share the same view, but there are moments when I am conflicted and I look at this story from the opposite side. Maybe because I find it easier to cope with the idea that it was XL who didn't allow things to happen, so I personally can't totally blame XY for not trying. IMO she would had eventually given up everything if XL asked her to. 37 years underwater, after she found out that CX paid XL a mountain for her return she wasn't sure if she is disappointed or relieved. Disappointed for obvious reasons, but relieved?  To me this relieved sounded exactly as what YangZi said în that interview, that she is grateful to XL that he chose to handle things this way, otherwise  IMO she would have followed him without looking back, even în death.  I belive it was him that saved her by pushing her away and not her strong will. She wasn't strong at all when it came to XL, one word from him and it would have been game over, IMO. What is your heart thinking deep down, XL? The crystal ball. XL, why did you pick Gong Gong? I wish I was the one who saved you. As that scene from QS Town went, she kept opening the window, while he kept closing it over and over again. 

Since when FFB was about to bite her neck, she hid her neck by her palm, she had to use her left hand to do so. Then she turned to her side, meaning to her right side towards him. He would bite on her left wrist. They must be very close to each other (distance between his mouth and her axis was an arm length, meaning distance from his shoulder and her body was about half of that).

Thank you for providing the excerpt H19279

Yes, they were lying very close to each other. It was very intimate given the setting and her deshabille state. And they slept together side-by-side for that whole night. A little precursor to their 37 years under the ocean. It also showed that she trust and have affection for him.

Some YaoLiu's fans joke that if only Xiang Liu was less honourable and leaned into his FFBei persona, the story could have ended right here. They could have little baby serpents, tell everyone else to f-off and roam the world together. But then he wouldn't be the Xian Liu that we liked so much.

This scene is, of course, also an echo of the scene in the hot spring, only now, she's the one asking him about his "true form". I think AH mentioned this in an earlier post. Can we read this as a signal, that from this point, it's Xiang Liu's unwillingness to let go of his true identity that keeps them apart?

@liddi...please help with correction.

Hufftt...sorry, the wifi network was disconnected for a moment.

記者:小說的第一部不到400頁,直到第72頁十七的身份才表露,剛剛進入正題,而小六更是到了第154頁才顯露女人身份。如果說整部小說故事節奏不夠緊湊,你是否贊同? 這才是官方!!!

桐華:這個觀點我不能贊同。沒有無緣無故的愛情,一份感情能經得起時間和各種挫折的磨練,正是因為基礎夠牢固,就像小六和十七。只有理解了他們的愛情是建 立在什麼樣的基礎上的,才會理解何為“長相思”。@沒腦的貓子作者回覆。


6-12 13:40






Reporter: The first part of the novel is less than 400 pages long. Shiqi’s identity is not revealed until page 72, which is when it gets to the point. Xiaoliu’s identity as a woman is not revealed until page 154. If the story rhythm of the whole novel is not tight enough, do you agree? This is official!!!

Tonghua: I cannot agree with this point of view. There is no love without reason. A relationship can withstand the test of time and various setbacks precisely because the foundation is solid enough, just like Xiaoliu and Shiqi. Only by understanding what kind of foundation their love is based on can we understand what "long lovesickness" is. @ 无 Brainless Cat The author replies.

Ostrich stone

6-12 13:40

I still like Xiang Liu's free and easy attitude. Since I understand that we can't be together, I will completely cut off all thoughts without leaving any room. I won't procrastinate like Yin Nanzhao, harming others and myself!

Tonghua Tonghua: I think the feelings are always mutual. Xiaotian doesn't have Luo Xun's ability to pounce regardless of life or death. Xiaotian calmly pulled him out - he couldn't sleep

Be enlightened
























At first glance, this picture looks like Tonghua is calling for Yaojing, but what is the reality?

On what basis is Yao Jing's relationship based? mercy! Hypocrisy! What is " Sauvignon Blanc "? You can’t think about it, but you can’t love it! Isn’t Yao Jing he? Why can't you think about it? Why can't I love you? So isn't Tonghua being ironic? The correct interpretation is: Only when you truly understand Yao Jing's hypocrisy can you understand what true feelings are!

Xiaoyao was indeed very "sober" in the beginning and classified Xiang Liu as someone who could not sleep, but so what? In the dreams that followed for nearly a hundred years, who was jumping around repeatedly in the dream? What does this mean? True love has no reason at all!

So do you understand Tonghua’s writing technique of writing one point and leaving nine points?

Going back to the book, Yao has always hidden Liu very deeply. She expresses many of the emotions that she cannot express verbally towards Liu by changing the subject to Jing, so what you often see is that Yao is missing her. Jing, but she is actually missing Liu. The main theme is to hide the truth and deceive oneself and others.

In the middle of the night, Xiaoyao woke up from her dream , as if she heard someone knocking on the window . She jumped to the ground with bare feet, jumped to the window in a few steps, and opened the window: "Jing... Jing, are you back?"
Miao Pu held the pearl lamp in one hand and the clothes in the other: "Miss, it's just the sound of the wind blowing the branches."
Xiaoyao felt dizzy and unsteady, she leaned against the window and murmured: " Isn't it really him? ?Under
the bright moonlightthere was a clear view outside the window , only flowers and trees , but no people. Xiaoyao was disappointed and sad, and asked quietly: "Miao Pu, why do you think I never dreamed of Jing ?"
Miao Pu put the clothes on Xiaoyao and gave Xiaoyao embroidered shoes. She didn't know how to answer Xiaoyao. When asked the question, he could only say vaguely: " I don't know."
Xiaoyao looked up at the moon and said: " I miss him very much . Even if I really can't see him anymore, it's good to see him in my dreams."

In this paragraph, Yao "awoke from a dream" at the beginning, but then Yao said she had never dreamed of Jing, so who was she dreaming of? Xiang Liu!

She seemed to hear someone knocking on the window. If it was Jing, shouldn't he come in through the front door? Why should he come in through the window? Do you still remember that time when you visited your boudoir at night ? Who came in through the window?

Who is the person looking at the moon and missing me? I’m embarrassed to say it haha.

There is also this Pearl Lamp, its full name is Seashell Pearl Lamp. You can search for this word. Xiaoyao is so crazy that she wants to collect Liuzi ’s peripherals! If you can't see the person you miss, then make a palace lantern from seashells and keep it with you at all times.

During those 37 years at the bottom of the sea, after Yao regained her hearing, the opening and closing of seashells left a deep memory in her heart. Back in Qingshui Town after the robbery , the sound of Liuzi closing the door reminded Yao of the sound of seashells opening and closing. How to express these unspeakable feelings? I can only silently place this seashell pearl lamp beside my bed, as if he is by my side, so that I can survive sleepless nights one after another...

Xiaoyao walked to the window and looked at the full moon in the sky.
Wangri is the day when the moon is full. Jing chose this day to get married. She should want their marriage to be perfect, right? But it turns out that the reunion moon does not shine on the reunion people.

The moon has always been Yaoliu 's intention. What about the full moon and perfection here ? Yao gave up on true love, and even Liu chose to fulfill her, choosing a relationship that he thought was perfect, but in the end it was all in vain. Saluting the moon, it can be seen that Yao already has an obsession with perfection.

Xiaoyao looked at the blue sky. There was no anger at being deceived, no fear of dying, only sadness after her hope was shattered . She has been living a very hard life since she was a child, her heart has been wandering, and she always feels that she will be abandoned at any time. After getting engaged to Jing, her heart finally stabilized. She thought everything was different, but she didn't expect Jing He actually left. Like her parents, he had to abandon her due to unavoidable reasons. The days ahead were too long, and she didn't want to insist in pain anymore. Since Jing was sleeping in this sea, she was willing to be with him.

After Jing died, her biggest feeling was the sadness after her hope was shattered. She thought she could finally settle down, but in the end she got nothing. It is said here that she is willing to be buried with him in the East China Sea, but later when Yao thought of Miaopu , she suddenly didn't want to die anymore. Could it be that Jing was not as good as Miaopu? Whose territory is the East China Sea?

When Yao was imprisoned in the crystal coffin, she desperately wanted to kick it open at first. She was full of will to survive, but after encountering the large vortex, she wanted the crystal coffin to be stronger. Why? Because Yao is waiting for Liu to heroically rescue Mei !

Xiaoyao suspected it was a dream and looked at Xiang Liu blankly.

"It almost seems like a dream"! How many times had Yao dreamed before he could not tell the difference between dream and reality? (halo~ Can you pay attention to your image? Your fiancé just died...)

Liu asked Yao several times who the murderer was , but Yao started to run away again. Liu was so angry that he wanted to get rid of the poison and didn't want to be tied to a stupid woman like her. Frightened, Yao quickly changed the subject and kept poking at Liu's heart: You want to get rid of the curse and want a divorce, right? I have now found someone who is willing to accompany me for the rest of my life. I am so mad at you! He will also accompany me to see the moon that you and I saw! I also want to sing him my love song with you ! Hum! (What nonsense!) Liu Zi was really speechless! (Please, can you, a widow whose husband just died, stop smiling so playfully?)

There are too many such examples. Yao Jing's emotions cannot be looked at carefully. They are all candy-flavored glass slag, haha.


So far, 2 episodes later, and with 160 pages of script left from where I stopped reading, he has not spoken a word about the nature of the bugs to Xiao Yao. I don't recall it mentioned during my original quick glance through of the script, but will share if it is mentioned again later.

Many thanks for all the time you put into translating things for us.  If Xiao Yao never find out the nature of the bugs, it will be a major omission. I wonder what would be the drama team's purpose for doing that?

Xiao Yao looked down, she had been injured before and knew how long it took to stop hurting. To stop hurting she had to forget! But time was like sand, it would cover up everything in the heart.


Jing, I don’t want to!

If the price to pay to not hurt is to forget you, then I would rather be in pain always so that you can live in my heart, until my life reaches its conclusion.

This paragraph is also the same when they are at the bottom of the sea, when they meet a school of fish, and discusses remembering and forgetting.


Very interesting article, I am curious about the translation too, if liddi doesn't mind. 


因為數字37的漢字拼音諧音十分的 明顯就是「深情」,也就是希望能夠 和自己最心愛的情人一心一意的去 一往情深了!希望兩個人的感情並 不是一時一刻的,也並不是短暫的曇花一現的!



The love of the number 37 means "deep feeling", because the homonym of the Chinese character Pinyin of the number 37 is obviously "deep feeling", that is to say, I hope I can fall in love with my beloved lover wholeheartedly! I hope that the feelings of two people are not temporary, nor are they short-lived! In fact, the number 37 is a homophonic love code 37 meaning love.



The love meaning of 37
37 symbolizes "missing your wife" in love. The number 37 is homophonic in Chinese Pinyin, which clearly means "missing his wife", which means that a man truly misses his most beloved wife, which means romantic love. This man always misses his wife, has trouble sleeping and eating, is restless, and even has trouble concentrating on work. In fact, the number 37 is a classic homophonic love code.

Author: Xiaoyingni