Xiang Liu Xiang Liu's male protagonist configuration:

In the entire book "Long Love", Tong Hua praises, criticizes and sympathizes with every character. Only for Xiang Liu, he praises and praises him. The most essential words and ink create the most beautiful Xiang Liu, but they are not used as supporting roles.

Character design: "Nine Songs of the Red World" "White Lotus"

Note: The meaning of the first sentence can be summarized in an idiom - otherworldly, an elegant state that is unique and separated from the world. The second sentence can be interpreted as - coming out of the mud but not stained, washing the clear ripples without being evil. It grows out of the accumulated silt but is not polluted, and does not look glamorous after being washed by clean water.

Strength: <The Strongest> <makes the sky and the earth eclipse, and the sun and the moon lose their light. >

Note: No. 1 in the universe. In addition, these two sentences are from Xiaoyao’s perspective.

Appearance: <Unparalleled Handsomeness>

Note: This word means that beauty and handsomeness are incomparable. This adjective is a legend that Xiaoyao heard before he saw Xiang Liu. When he saw Xiang Liu's appearance, he immediately understood that the person in front of him was the handsome Xiang Liu, indicating that Xiang Liu was "handsome and handsome." ” is the consensus of everyone.

Temperament: <Clean and cold> <Spotless and graceful> <Arrogant and wanton>

Note: The first word is Xiaoyao’s perspective, the second word is everyone’s perspective, including Xiaoyao, Mazi Chuanzi Laomu, Tu Shan Jing, Zhuan Xu, A Nian, Jun Jun, and passers-by who have seen Xiang Liu... The third word is Tu Shan Jing's perspective.

Character: <The heart is as clear as glass, not even the song that can charm the mind can confuse him> <Xiang Liu: "What I do, I am not ashamed to show to others"> Note: The first sentence reflects that Xiang Liu is the best

. A pure person with a strong mind. The second sentence illustrates Xiang Liu's openness and unruliness.

Appearance: <Like a snowflake, falling leisurely, so beautiful that there is no trace of fireworks. >

Note: This place not only shows that the beauty of Xiangliu is otherworldly beauty, but also uses the image of "snowflake" to represent Xiangliu. I only gave one example here, but in fact, descriptions of snow and snowflakes often appear in the book. It symbolizes Xiangliu or something related to Xiangliu. In addition, this is also Xiaoyao's understanding - when she sees snowflakes, she sees Xiangliu, and when she sees snow, she thinks of Xiangliu.

Smile: <The stern eyebrows melt like spring water> <The perfect side face is no longer cold and ruthless, but has a bit of fireworks. >

Note: Even if you write about your smile, you should also praise your appearance - "perfect profile"... I said it before when interpreting the introduction of Tong Hua's "Sauvignon Blanc 1: First Meeting", " Only the smile and companionship of the sweetheart can be understood. If not, all that is left is deep-rooted lovesickness." The smile here refers to the smile of Xiaoyao's sweetheart, Xiang Liu. Why can Xiang Liu's smile relieve Xiao Yao's lovesickness? Because in Xiaoyao's eyes, Xiang Liu is always cold and ruthless, which makes her "want to get close but is afraid," making her feel that "even if he is in the world of mortals, the fireworks in this world cannot keep him." Only in Xiang Liu When he laughed, Xiaoyao felt that he was "no longer cold and heartless, but had a little sparkle."

Fighting: <Beautiful like snowflakes flying. >

Note: These are Xiaoyao’s original words.

Swimming: <The body is more agile than a dolphin, faster than a shark, and more elegant than a mermaid. >

Weapon: <Crescent scimitar, crystal clear, like ice. >

The above are all quoted from the original words in the book. Apart from Xiang Liu, can you find another person in the whole book who is so praised by the author? No doubt, this is a real male protagonist configuration!

In "Bu Bu Jing Xin", Ruoxi fell in love with Ba Ye and finally married Shi Shi. Could it be that the male protagonist is Ba Ye or Shi Shi? In Tong Hua's works, the hero is never whoever the heroine falls in love with, let alone whoever the heroine marries, the hero is the one who truly loves the heroine.

Zhuanxu is the male protagonist of the story line, and Xiang Liu is undoubtedly the male protagonist of the emotional line. (Weibo: A small garden)

The origin and intention of Tong Hua 's "Sauvignon Blanc"
are quoted below from Tong Hua's original words

1. About Zhuan Xu

and Jin Yong's "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain" made many readers remember Madam Hu. After her husband died, she committed suicide. The love she followed through life and death was very soul-stirring.

I was also very touched and liked this woman very much, but even when I was young, I still had a doubt. She committed suicide. What will happen to her child? How should a child whose parents are dead live? Even if the most famous hero in the world is entrusted to take care of it, so what? Who in this world can replace his parents? (It turns out that Hu Fei Sure enough, after all the hardships)

I deeply disapprove of Mrs. Hu Yidao’s suicide. So, there was my cousin and his mother. Even though my cousin grew up, he still couldn't escape the shadow of the knife that his mother stabbed him to death. He would always be fighting against the shadow of that knife in his life. As a wife, sharing life and death with her husband is a touching choice. But as a mother, now that she has given birth to a child, she must be responsible for her child. >

Note: This passage tells the origin of Zhuanxu and Zhuanxu’s mother.

2. About Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu

<So, in comparison, what moved me more was Liang Yusheng’s Wu Xuanshuang. After Li Yi died, she took Li Yi’s child and walked step by step in the wind and snow. , forever imprinted in my heart. Her love for Li Yi was deep and transcended her own life, but she chose to live to take care of Li Yi's children.

(These are all stories I read many years ago, but as I write this, I suddenly realize that I can’t remember Mrs. Hu’s name, I just remember that she is Hu Yidao’s wife, but I clearly remember Wu Xuanshuang’s name, and it seems that I can’t remember her name. It shows something. A woman attaches her life to a man, while another woman lives her own life no matter how strong the love is.)

"Sauvignon Blanc" conveys a kind of "raw" emotion. I always feel that in this world, love is soul-stirring, but it is not everything in life. Family, friendship, ideals, responsibilities... People have all kinds of ties in the world, and there is also a lot of happiness that does not come from love. Sauvignon Blanc is because of deep love, because it cannot be obtained, and because it cannot be forgotten. However, I am willing to carry this feeling and live well. Life is one encounter and parting after another, it is forgetting and beginning again and again. You've been here, you've gone. Even though I miss you so much, I still smile when I see the beautiful rainbow. >

Note: This passage clarifies the concept of the love line in "Sauvignon Blanc" - a "raw" feeling. The heroine Xiaoyao in "Sauvignon Blanc" is "Wu Xuanshuang" rather than "Mrs. Hu". After Xiang Liu died, Xiao Yao was willing to live well with this feeling of "deep love, unavailability, and unforgettable love" - "You have been here, you have left. Even though lovesickness is difficult to understand, I will still watch When you see a beautiful rainbow, smile."

<The length of life is limited and we cannot control it, but a good lover can increase the breadth and depth of life. >

Note: This is the view of love that Tong Hua wants to express through this book. Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao increase the breadth and depth of each other's lives.

3. About Tu Shanjing

<There is another product of emotion in "Sauvignon Blanc". Xidu Ouyang Feng, who was born in Baituo Mountain, is the most brilliant figure in the martial arts world. Ouyang Ke is his and his sister-in-law's child. In Wong Kar-Wai's film, this afterimage becomes Maggie Cheung's peerless elegance and Leslie Cheung's drunken dreams of life and death. Across the world, I can't forget it even if I want to. But where is Xi Du’s brother? Where is the owner of White Camel Mountain? No one cares, and he doesn’t even have a name. When I was listening to "Jin", I was thinking about the Ouyang man whose name is unknown on Baituo Mountain. He married a woman who didn't love him. Why? Ouyang Feng missed the woman on White Camel Mountain, but he never thought of visiting his eldest brother. Why? That woman could ask someone to deliver a can of wine to Ouyang Feng. Here, Ouyang Feng's child can be born. He is the master of Baituo Mountain on Baituo Mountain, but apparently he has never really stopped him...

A thought drifted from Baituo Mountain to Qingqiu. There are Jing, Hou and Yiying. I have been thinking that if during Gaoxin's Lantern Festival, the man rowing out on a pole of spring water and half a stream of flowers in the shadow of flowers was really Jing, not Hou, Yiying and Jing might also be a good couple. Although Yiying was planning every step of the way, when she heard the news of Jing's death, she put aside all her plans. Regardless of the opposition of her family and the eyes of the world, she put on her wedding dress, flew thousands of miles, and climbed Qingqiu Mountain alone. Her ambition was to kill Kill Hou to avenge Jing. It's just, just...the man who came with a lantern in the dim night. Oh it's you! >

Note: This passage talks about the origins of Tushan Jing, Tushan Hou, and Fangfeng Yiying, and also shows that if it weren't for Tushanhou's calculation, Tushan Jing and Fangfeng Yiying might have been a good couple. In the book, when Tu Shanjing proposed to Xiaoyao, it was also clearly written that before being framed by Tu Shanhou, the wife his mother chose for him was the one he had longed for.

<Question: Where did Shiqi first discover that Xiaoliu was a girl?

Tong Hua answered: He knew that Xiao Liu was a transformed form before, but he was so despondent at that time that he didn't care about anything. Until Xiao Liu saw him blushing while taking a bath, he(tsj)...well...died His heart skipped a beat...>

Note: This paragraph shows why Tu Shanjing can't live without Xiao Yao - Xiao Yao helped him regain his self-esteem as a man.

4.About the growth line:

<To all strong people: Sufferings become sufferings only because those who encounter them are defeated. And we defeated suffering, crushed them into pieces, kneaded them into our own bodies, and turned them into our own strength. Therefore, we never regard suffering as suffering. >

Note: This passage clarifies the concept of growth line.

5.About the ending:

<The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc" is not a tragedy, but it is said that I have no credibility. They say that my definition of tragedy is different from others.

Note: This is the ending of "Sauvignon Blanc" that Tonghua told readers in advance before "Sauvignon Blanc" was published. Tonghua said that this book is not a tragedy, which means that its ending is not a tragedy. I also agree with this point. But when I read a book, I not only look at the ending, but also the process. In my opinion, although the ending of "Once Promised" is a tragedy, the process is very beautiful. Although the ending of "Sauvignon Blanc" is not tragic, it does not affect the process of reading in my opinion. It's not sad, so it's just a different definition. I think some people use Tonghua's words to refute me, saying, "Tonghua has said that this book is not a tragedy." What does it mean that the ending is not sad? If the ending is not sad, it can be said in the book. Isn't it painful for the characters in the movie? It's not a tragedy for Xiaotian to live well, but isn't it painful to be burdened with this kind of "deep love, unavailable, and unforgettable" feelings? She just said, "Even if the lovesickness is difficult to understand, I will still be here." When you see a beautiful rainbow, smile.” But that doesn’t mean it’s not painful when you’re “unfathomably lovesick”!(@a small garden ~weibo)

Below is the circumstance involving Gong Gon in Once Promised, the text was translated from my native language with Google's assistance. Just to give you brief idea of Gong Gong's motivation and reason to be loyal to Shen Nong

Thank you for this. I imagine text that has been translated from Mandarin to Vietnamese to English might lose a bit of detail or nuance, but for the broad strokes this definitely provides helpful context for Gong Gong's motivations.

The deity still tell stories that 3000 years ago Xuanyuan Huangdi conquered eighteen peaks of Yibei mountains in just one night.

Oh, a great detail to help give a sense of how old the Yellow Emperor is! I assume the Yellow Emperor conquering those peaks marked the establishment of Xuan Yuan as a kingdom that would rival Sheng Nong and Gao Xing. 

After that, in that battle, Yuwang was beheaded by Huangdi.

Wow he personally beheaded his own son-in-law? The Yellow Emperor was ruthless. 

Gong Gong happily proposed that the vassals gather together to nominate a leader and swear by blood, vowing to obey that person's orders, so that they can repel Huangdi.

It seems like the problem for Sheng Nong from the beginning of the war with Xuan Yuan was that Sheng Nong didn't have a viable potential leader after the Flame Emperor's death. Prince Yu Wang wasn't suited to the role when he was alive (he was soft-hearted, weak and indecisive, which was why the Flame Emperor was so keen to have powerful and decisive Qi Yo / Chi You promise to support him), and none of the great Generals were suited to ruling either. There wasn't a good candidate for the Sheng Nong factions to rally behind. Gong Gong suggested nominating someone, but even he didn't seem to have a candidate in mind.

It does seem to raise the question: what would Gong Gong have done in LYF if he actually succeeded in defeating Xuan Yuan in battle to the point of being able to restore Sheng Nong? Who would rule the re-established kingdom? Gong Gong vowed not to seek the power of a king. Xiao Zhong Rong surrendered to the Yellow Emperor. It doesn't seem like there was anyone else with any sort of claim. 

Or actually, ironically (and this is definitely a stretch), Xiao Yao would have almost as strong a claim as Xiao Zhong Rong. She was the daughter of great General Qi Yo / Chi You who died in the final battle between Sheng Nong and Xuan Yuan and never surrendered. But of course she was also the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor (who invaded Sheng Nong and killed Yu Wang), the daughter of Xuan Yuan Ba (the woman who defeated Sheng Nong and finally conquered it for the Yellow Emperor) and the sister-cousin of CX (depending on when Gong Gong managed to defeat Xuan Yuan, potentially the Emperor of Xuan Yuan and the leader of the army that Gong Gong defeated)... so she also wouldn't really be a viable candidate.  

Xy likes Jing, it doesn't mean love.

Xiao Yao just say : because Jing will never leave him. Have you ever heard Xy say that Xy loves Jing?

Even though xy doesn't say it, all his actions and unspoken words show that xy loves xl.

Xiaoyao placed her greatest hope and entrusted it to Jing, it was natural that Xiaoyao was sad about Jing's departure.

I can't remember if there was ever an instance where XY said that she loved TSJ in the novel. I can't recall her ever saying that she loved anyone at any point. But just as we can infer that XY loves XL based on her thoughts and actions if not her words, we can do the same to conclude that XY loves TSJ.

Part of the anguish and depression that XY experiences after breaking up with TSJ (when he gets married, especially after CX becomes the Black Emperor) and after TSJ goes missing and is presumed dead can be attributed to her sadness about losing the peaceful life and family that she hoped to have with him. But it wouldn't make any sense for that to be the whole reason for her anguish and depression. Feng Long promised Xiao Yao that if she married him, he would never have another woman. He promised to let her continue studying medicine if she wanted to. Xiao Yao pictured herself raising their children. CX would have made sure that Feng Long treated her well. If it was just a matter of wanting a peaceful life, wanting a man who wouldn't leave her and wouldn't take another wife, wanting a family... and then being sad about losing them, then XY should have been devastated after her marriage to Feng Long was permanently prevented. But she wasn't.

There are plenty of moments in the novel where XY is physically attracted to TSJ, where he makes her blush or feel shy, where he makes her happy, where she wants to touch him, kiss him or cuddle with him... it's a different kind of love than the love she feels for XL, but that doesn't make it not love. 


Chapter 28:

“Did you discuss terms with Zhuan Xu about marrying me?”

“I did and he told me that if I wanted to marry you, I need to swear that you will be the only woman in my life. He asked me to think carefully about it.” Feng Long pointed to himself. “You’ve known me for tens of years, you ought to have some idea of my personality. I’m not all that interested in fun with the ladies and even if I play around it’s when the occasion requires it. If I marry you, I don’t mind my friends thinking I’m a wuss who is scared of my wife and won’t dare dawdle with other ladies. If you marry me, I will only have you in my life. I can’t promise to be all that tender and considerate, but I will do my utmost to be good to you.”

Xiao Yao finished her bowl of wine and sat there in silence saying nothing.

Feng Long poured her another bowl. “I know I can’t match up to Jing and you won’t truly love me, but I really am most suited for you. We’re equal in family background, as long as you are willing both families will be happy to give us their blessings. You’re the best in terms of looks and personality but I’m not all that bad either. At least standing beside it, we will only be envied and no one will think a glorious flower is stuck in a pile of manure.”

Xiao Yao took a sip and spit out her wine in laughter. Feng Long took the bowl from her and handed her a handkerchief.

Feng Long said, “Truthfully, even having these two reasons is hard enough in this world. There is no guarantee we won’t face conflict ahead but at least we will always be on the same side. We will both forever support Zhuan Xu so we won’t have the chance for a huge problem to arise between us. I know women want romance to be pure but sometimes you can think that all these unpure reasons are the invisible threads that bind us together tightly. It might even be stronger and tighter than pure romance. At least you know that I will never leave you, because to betray you is to betray Zhuan Xu!


She arrived at a mulberry tree and remembered how she used to pick the leaves in the morning to bring them to the wooden hut to wash Jing’s hair in the afternoon. The tree was still here but the person was long gone.

Xiao Yao plucked two leaves and held it in her hand and silently continued on. She arrived at the edge of the cliff and could see in the distance Cao Ao Peak but it was covered in clouds.

She remembered the wooden hut and the nights she didn’t want to waste sleeping so even if she yawned she still grabbed Jing to keep talking about whatever and it just made her happy.

The wooden hut was likely still there but the person who kept her company to talk was now a father.

Xiao Yao ripped the mulberry leaf in her hand into shreds and opened her hands to let it float away in the wind. The wind carried it into the air towards the clouds.

There was still the scent lingering in her hands and Xiao Yao stared at her palm: With Feng Long she would never rise early to get mulberry leaves; they would never just wash each other’s hair; she would never talk all night not wanting to waste the time on sleep because even if she wanted to talk Feng Long wouldn’t be interested in listening; if something happened they would talk openly and calmly, and if nothing happened then Feng Long would likely not be home a lot so when he was home he would be tired and wanted to rest; likely she would never lose her temper with Feng Long and the two of them would treat each other respectfully.

Actually it wasn’t that bad, if she had a problem she could discuss it with him; most of the time she would have a lot of freedom to plant a herb garden in the residence and open her own medical clinic since Feng Long hated rules so wouldn’t mind if his wife was a healer; when Feng Long came home they would have dinner and if he was out then she would eat alone.

If they had a child then she would be busy since she vowed to make her child her most important person after being abandoned by her mom. She would do everything for that little one so that whenever the little thing thought of mom it would be the sweetest memory of how good of a mom she was.

As the child grew up she and Feng Long would grow older.

Xiao Yao smiled, it really was like what her grandfather said, to pick a suitable person to grow old with wasn’t all that hard.


Xiao Yao stared at Zhuan Xu but couldn’t figure out what was on his mind “Gege, do you think I should marry Feng Long?”

“Do you want to marry Feng Long?”

He vowed to have only me as his woman for his entire life. And promised to be good to me. I’ve known him for tens of years and know his personality. We can be friends and it can’t be hard to be a respectful married couple.”


“Feng Long is most suited for me because of our backgrounds and our personalities. It all matches.”

“Do you even care about that stuff? Do you want this yourself?”

Xiao Yao said, “I really want you and dad to approve and bless me. Plus it’s important that he said that I would be his only woman in his life and be good to me. Gege, in the vast wilderness can I even find another guy better suited for me?”

Zhuan Xu said nothing and after a moment he laughed. “There can’t be another guy more suited. Later on he will be my right hand man and you will be even closer to me. It’s easy for me to see you and if anything happens then I can take care of you. With me there, he wouldn't dare to not be good to you!”

Zhuan Xu was sighing and laughing as if he figured something happy out. “There really isn’t a better suited guy than him!”


Chapter 31:

Feng Long softly said, “If you like living on Sheng Nong Mountain, let’s ask his majesty to give us a peak since there are so many palaces uninhabited. If you like Zhi Yi, the Chi Sui clan has a big residence in Zhi Yi and you can renovate it. If you find both places too hectic and want quiet then we can go to Chi Sui. Have you been there? There are lots of rivers and lakes, like Gao Xing, so you’ll like it a lot. The Chi Sui residence is very lovely, centered around a lake and especially beautiful in the Summertime.

Feng Long looked at Xiao Yao’s expression and continued, “If you like medicine, you can keep learning and even if you want to become a practicing doctor I would fully support you.

Xiao Yao felt that if her life was exactly as Feng Long offered then it was already such a good life. Chi Sui castle wasn’t very big and was beautiful and serene. Perhaps she can open a medical clinic in Chi Sui Castle, there might not be blissful happiness but there also won’t be gutwrenching sadness. The days would pass in mellow calmness. She wanted to say yes but the word was stuck in her mouth and she couldn’t bring herself to actually say it out loud so she nodded her head.

Feng Long asked “So you agree?”

Xiao Yao nodded again. “Yup.”


Chapter 33:

Ah Nian scoffed. “I write regularly with Zhuan Xu gege, plus he’s the ruler so his actions are watched by everyone. I often go to talk with Ru So about Zhuan Xu. I probably know more about his life than you do. Jiejie, did you run away from your wedding because you don’t like the Chi Sui clan leader?

Xiao Yao thought. “Yeah, I guess so!” Even though running away was forced by Xiang Liu, the truth was that she didn’t love Feng Long.


"If it was just a matter of wanting a peaceful life, wanting a man who wouldn't leave her and wouldn't take another wife, wanting a family... and then being sad about losing them, then XY should have been devastated after her marriage to Feng Long was permanently prevented. But she wasn't."

I might be totally mistaken here, but regarding her marriage to Feng Long and her expectations, I kind of remember a scene where XY was made aware that Feng Long is going to be away for most of their time, thus not really a solid companion to her? Idk, I might be wrong, but to me her marriage to Feng Long meant freedom, and not so much companion ship and we know for sure that that's what XY was after. 

"Xiao Yao thought. “Yeah, I guess so!” Even though running away was forced by Xiang Liu, the truth was that she didn’t love Feng Long" 

Yea, but lets not forget she delayed setting a wedding date with Jing for 45 years too! And by all accounts 45 years is a lot, yellow emperor I belive made sure to point this out, when he asked XY if she is sure that she wants first to finish the medical book, because that îs going to take a lot longer than a few years. 

Btw did Jing ever tell her that he loves her? I mean  no one could really expect XY to admit out loud that she loves XL, the bugs are already prof of that, but with Jing is another story. They were engaged, he was the one XY brought home to her family, he was the husband to be,  you could have expected something more în terms of love declarations from her, instead of "because he is the only one that won't abandon me" 

Additionally, latter, after the marriage robbery, Tien Er's thought of 2 people helping each other in life had great impact on XY.  She decided to return to Jing to solve their problem (together) 

I might be wrong, but while I agree that the discussion she had with TianEr did open her eyes about her past mistakes regarding her relationship with Jing, I don't really think she went looking for Jing with the thought of solving their problems. I honestly don't remember what her exact motivation was, but I belive it was more as an apologize for her not trying enough and expecting Jing to do all the work for them?  În a way I interpreted that part as her admiting that up til then she wasn't really putting enough effort into their relationship.

XY went to TSJ to confront him about making a deal with XL to have him use the promise that XY made to stop her from marrying Feng Long. 

In that encounter, she remembered Tian Er's words and apologized for the role she played in the failure of their relationship because her conversation with Tian Er made her realize that a relationship needs both parties to put in effort in order to succeed. 

By the end of their encounter, XY hadn't decided to get back together with TSJ, but she was willing to treat his illness and to work with him to deal with FFYY and TSH, signaling that there might be hope for them to get back together in the future. 


Chapter 32:

Xiao Yao said to Yu Shin, “Take me to Qing Qiu, I want to see Tu Shan Jing.”

Yu Shin noted that Xiao Yao called the clan leader by his full name and wasn’t happy about it. He just smiled and wasn’t going to do anything but Xiao Yao impatiently said “Tu Shan Jing will see me! If I’m lying, you will only make a useless trip and I’m in your hands and you can punish me however you want. But if what I say is true and you turn me down, you’ll upset Tu Shan Jing.”

Yu Shin lived in the world of jewelry and saw many customers and was good at discerning those with power. He made a decision and summoned a cloud carriage to take him and Xiao Yao to Qing Qiu.

On the cloud carriage, Yu Shin asked Xiao Yao, “Why do you want to see the clan leader?

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows and said nothing. Why? She had so many whys to ask Jing! Why stop her wedding? Why hire Xiang Liu? Why? Why?


Chapter 33:

When Xiao Yao left Qing Shui Town, she was furious and wanted to demand to know why Jing paid Xiang Liu to stop her wedding. She wanted to know why he would shame her like that. But the cloud carriage winged horses were not the best so the trip took over two days, and by then Xiao Yao’s anger had dissipated and now she felt resigned. What could she do even after she found out why? Even if Jing did it, what could she do to him? She couldn’t kill him.

Xiao Yao started to regret this trip. She really had her brain fried in anger by Xiang Liu. How could she just storm here to Qing Qiu like this?

Xiao Yao hid in the bath and wouldn’t go out. The maids didn’t rush her and would occasionally call out to make sure she didn’t faint in there.

Xiao Yao bathed for two hours and she decided in the end that she couldn’t hide forever. She toweled off and changed into fresh clothes and walked outside to find Jing waiting for her in the room. 


“Why did you do it?”

“That day, on the streets of Qing Qiu, you told me you were getting married but there wasn’t a hint of happiness in your eyes. No one forced you so why are you forcing yourself to marry Feng Long. I….I couldn’t let you marry Feng Long like that. I begged him to cancel the wedding but he said no. I wanted to find you but I knew I was pouring oil on the flame. Right when I was at my wits end, I ran into Fang Feng Bei. I remembered that you promised to do one thing for Xiang Liu as the price for breaking the voodoo bug in Zhuan Xu. Since Zhuan Xu became Emperor, the provisions have been scarce in the army base so I discussed a deal with Xiang Liu to buy the promise you made to him. I asked him to beg you to cancel the wedding. But I couldn’t have imagined that he would show up at the actual wedding ceremony to ask you to fulfill your promise. It was my fault, Xiao Yao, I’m sorry!”

Xiao Yao coolly said “Nothing to be sorry about, it was a willing transaction between us all. My deal with Xiang Liu was fair and willing, your deal with Xiang Liu is also fair and willing. But I hope that you will never get involved in my life again! Whether I’m happy or not has nothing to do with you!

Xiao Yao felt her coming to Qing Qiu was ridiculous but now that she said her piece, she had nothing else left to stay for, so she stood up to say her farewell to leave. Jing jumped up and blocked the door while calling, “Xiao Yao…..” while his body shook like he was about to keel over.

Xiao Yao quickly assisted him and took a look at his ill visage and wanted to take his pulse.

Jing pushed her hand aside. “I’m fine! It’s dark now so please stay one night. You can leave in the morning. If you don’t want to see me, I’ll leave immediately.” Jing’s face was stark white which made his eyes even darker, there appeared a million things he wanted to say but couldn’t and it all turned to despair.

Xiao Yao remembered what Xan Tian Er said and sighed before sitting down. “I’ll leave tomorrow.”

Jing stared at Xiao Yao for a moment and then sadly said, “I’m leaving. You rest well and Jing Ye will keep watch outside. If you need anything, let her know.”

Jing walked to the door when Xiao Yao suddenly said, “I have something to say to you.”

Jing turned and quietly waited.

Xiao Yao pointed to the pallet. “Please sit.”

Jing sat down across from Xiao Yao as she stared at the smoke wafting from the brazier and didn’t say anything for a few moments.

Jing quietly watched Xiao Yao and wished this moment could go on forever.

Xiao Yao sai,d “All these years, I have not slept well and constantly thought about the past.”

Jing was shocked, he hadn’t slept one night well all these years either and constantly thought about the past. But Xiao Yao appeared fine, so Jing thought she had totally gotten over him.

Xiao Yao said, “Fang Feng Yi Yang is underhanded but you also gave her the chance. In the beginning I said it was fine and I didn’t care, but I hated you and resented you deep down. So at each occasion, I would either avoid you or act like I was fine. I never let you see that I was still affected by you, but I always took note of your reactions.”

Jing said, “I know, I was wrong.” Back then he thought Fang Feng Yi Yang was innocent and it was the Tu Shan clan that wronged her. He didn’t want to hurt her but then he forgot that by doing so then he ended up hurting Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao said, “You were wrong but it wasn’t only your fault. All these years I’ve been diligently learning medicine and my attitude has changed a lot and the way I see things. I discovered that it wasn’t right for me to blame it all on you.”

“No, you were always good to me….”

Xiao Yao gestured for Jing to be silent and let her finish. Xan Tian Er said that a person’s life was like walking a mountain road with no clue what to expect. People want a partner for the walk to assist and help. I promised to walk the road with you, but I was always pessimistically waiting. It was like if we went to climb a mountain and agreed to do it together, but when I saw you heading down the wrong path, I didn’t stop you and let you continue the wrong way. So I saw a drop and didn’t help you from falling and instead stood to the side watching coldly.”

Xiao Yao asked Jing, “Did you know that Fang Feng Yi Yang tried many times to kill Zhuan Xu? One time she even shot an arrow into his chest.”

“What?” Jing looked shocked.

Xiao Yao said, “Fang Feng Yi Yang was always polite and well-mannered in front of you, gentle and sweet, but I knew from the very beginning that she was calculating and deadly. I also knew you were soft-hearted and felt apologetic to her. Fang Feng Yi Yang was sure to use your personality and your regret against you. But I did nothing, I didn’t even warn you. I stood to the side and watched. My childhood made me pessimistic about human emotions. I felt like nothing will last forever and no one can be relied on. I never truly believed in you and I didn’t want to make the effort first. So when what I expected happened, I felt like it was exactly as I predicted. I knew people can’t be trusted. But I didn’t know that what we put in is what we get back. We need to make the effort to achieve the ending we want. Xan Tian Er said that if I never planted the seeds and tilled the field, how can I expect to reap the crop in the end?

There were tears in Xiao Yao’s eyes. “Every night I thought about the fault and knew that I was wrong. My own pessimistic personality and attitude, my own distrust of others, it caused me to lose the man I like. If I made a bit more effort, said more or did more, perhaps the result would be completely different. Zhuan Xu thought I couldn’t get over it because I hated you, but in truth it’s because I can’t forgive myself. Jing, you shouldn’t feel guilty anymore. The world thinks we’re both very smart and calculating but when it came to our feelings and relationship, we both made mistakes. A person can make mistakes that can be fixed, other times it can never be fixed…….”

Every night when she woke up from her dreams, she knew she was wrong but it was too late to fix. That pain was like a saw cutting through her bones. But it was all too late……..

Xiao Yao’s tears fell and she turned around to use her sleeve to wipe her tears but it fell more and more.

Jing was so anxious he grabbed her “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao….don’t cry! You did nothing wrong, I promised to make the effort and to have faith in you and to protect you, but I didn’t do it.”

Xiao Yao leaned her head on his shoulder and cried soundlessly. In the thousands of nights in the dark, she hated Fang Feng Yi Yang, hated Jing, and in the end, hated herself.


What did she just say? She was the one who said they were now strangers, yet she just cried buckets of tears in his arms.

Xiao Yao’s attitude turned cool and she said, “I said what I wanted to say so you can go now. Tomorrow I’ll go back to Sheng Nong Mountain and you don’t need to see me off.”

Jing stared at Xiao Yao and said nothing. It took ten years for Xiao Yao to finally lose her composure and the tears were still in the corner of her eyes but she was once again calm and rational. This time she said the final things she needed to say, after this parting he likely would never see her again.

Xiao Yao smiled, “Wrong is wrong, even regret can’t change things. I will try hard to forget and keep on walking forward for your sake and for mine. Let’s not see each other ever again!

Because he correctly guessed what Xiao Yao would say, Jing actually smiled and said, “Have dinner first and afterwards I have something to say to you.”


Xiao Yao’s heart hurt. How did Jing live all these years? With so much turmoil in the vast wilderness, as clan leader he needed to take each step carefully and needed the support of his family the most, yet his brother and his wife both wanted him dead.

Xiao Yao asked, “After your sister-in-law died and you became suspicious, how come you didn’t tell me?”

“Without evidence, if you’ve already moved on then why do I need to involve you anymore? Knowing after tonight that you still… I thought things can’t possibly get worse so I decided to just tell you.”


Xiao Yao said nothing, even believing nothing happened between Jing and Yi Yang, and the child was Hou’s, did that mean she could start over again with Jing?

Jing didn’t dare to hope and he was already thrilled that Xiao Yao believed him. Before he resolved his mess, he didn’t dare say anything or hope for anything.


The two of them silently stared at each other, like there was more to say but what they wanted to say had all been said.

Jing stood up “It’s late, you get some rest!”

That night Xiao Yao didn’t know if Jing slept well but she couldn’t sleep. She thought about Jing’s health, Yi Yang and Hou, about what to do from now on……


Xiao Yao walked out and said, “You are kind and loving and it’s not a personality flaw, but faced with Yi Yang and Hou then it becomes a weakness.”

Jing said, “I understand. It all stops now and I won’t retreat anymore.”

Xiao Yao nodded. “That’s more like it.”

Jing walked her to the front door and Xiao Yao said, “No need to send me off. Jing Ye will lead me out.”

“Wait!” Jing stopped Xiao Yao and took out the fish amethyst from his waist and handed it to her.

Xiao Yao didn’t accept it nor did she reject it.

Jing said, “This is my payment for the medical consult, will the Princess please accept?”

Xiao Yao thought and said, “If I accept, then I have to fully cure your illness.”

Jing said, “I will do as the doctor says and take care of myself. After some time I will go to Zhi Yi castle and ask the Princess to continue to treat me.”

Xiao Yao took the fish amethyst and walked away without saying a word.

Jing let out a pent up breath, as long as she was willing to see him, even if just as a patient, then he was happy.

Maybe because I am in the believer camp of loving more than one person simultaneously is possible, I never see PLB as proof that XY doesn‘t love Jing romantically, as her love for Jing doesn‘t negate her love for XL and vice versa.

I agree with this. 

What îs interesting îs the question she asks XY after she puts 2 and 2 togheter "îs he good to you"?,  instead of the more typical question of "do you love him"?

Also when Aheng asked her why did she choose Jing, XY's answer is because he is the only one who won't abandon her, but the expected answer should have been because he is the one she loves. 

Given that the context here is a parent and child talking about a marriage in a Chinese historical fantasy setting, I thought these questions and answers were normal / expected. 

The parents in this context almost never seem to care about love. If they love their child, they care about security (social, financial and physical) and that their child will be treated well. Often they also care about standing (is it a good match in terms of social standing, so that their child and their family will not be criticized) and reputation. And maybe a few similar factors. The thinking seems to be: if there isn't love initially, it can bloom later. If it doesn't bloom later, as long as the other factors are there, it's still okay. Love is rare, unreliable and sometimes even dangerous, and it wouldn't guarantee security, happiness, longevity, or creating a good foundation for future generations. 

I used to read that theory somewhere.  It said XL actually didn't kill the bugs but just lured the bugs into his body. So XY's bugs stayed inside him (the sparkling bugs flight to his heart). If so, how could the XY's bugs detect what was going on with XY after her marriage?

Agreed. And Xiang Liu specifically says that he can kill them, and then the text confirms that he did. 


Chapter 48:

Xiang Liu picked up Xiao Yao’s hand and used his finger as a knife to slice into the flesh of her palm and his palm back and forth until he drew a blood spell. “I cannot remove the bug, but I can kill the bug!


Sir Bi understood what happened – the heart-and-life-connected Lover’s Bug was planted between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao, which is why Xiang Liu could save Xiao Yao’s life earlier. Xiang Liu managed to now break the bug by using his own life as the lure to kill the bugs. It was a suicidal method, but a method that only Nine Lives Xiang Liu could use by taking one of his lives.

And comparing love is rather reductive since it can come in so many different shades - passionate, intense, calm  companionship - which one is "superior" is dependent on who's doing the judging. In real life too, the person you ended up with may not be the one that you have the fiery, burning desire for. That doesn't make the other relationship less then, they are just different. 

I agree.

My comment is based on the ideal of what the Lover's Bugs is supposed to be/designed for. They are Lover's Bugs, not familial love or friendship bugs; they are for those who have romantic love for one another. They are typically grown by stubborn  young women who wants to tie the man they love to them, ensuring loyalty and fidelity. We are talking about Heathcliff and Catherine level of obsession and passion with a dash of Romeo and Juliet naive tempestuousness; You and me, living and dying together, ride and die forever and ever. There is no room for a 3rd person in this relationship, so any change of heart aka, having romantic love for another person would mean death. The person who would use this bug is not someone that would say. "It's OK if you also love another person romantically, as long as you still love me, it's all good". Hah! As if! Nope! That's a betrayal and It will be death for both of us. Having sex with someone else? Same deal. Hence, XY's feelings for Jing is love, but it's not the romantic love that would trigger the Lover's Bugs to turn into Heartbreak Bugs because it doesn't threaten the romantic love that XY have for XL.

This assumes that because the bugs are most often cultivated by a particular type of person, that the Lovers' Bugs must do everything that that type of person would want the Lovers' Bug to do... which seems like circular logic. There is no indication that the cultivator has control over how the bugs work. Xiao Yao clearly is not capable of changing how they work. The rules of the bugs are what they are, and the cultivator has to live with them / work within the parameters of those rules. 

We don't know how those rules (and all the spells related to the Lovers' Bugs) came to be in the first place... Perhaps they were originally created by a woman who wanted a ride-or-die relationship, who would want the bugs to turn into a Heartbreak Bug and kill her and her lover if she (the cultivator - as XY is in LYF) slept with another person. Or maybe not. I don't think the novel gives us enough information about the origin of the bugs to draw the conclusion that the Lovers' Bugs would definitely turn into Heartbreak Bugs if one host slept with someone who wasn't the other host, even if there was still love between the hosts. 

Now the novel leave room for interpretation.



It's because we are long-lost sisters. You also have Latin blood in your Kokuto cells.

We used to joke with mom that she had a Spaniard or Portuguese in the woodpile, waay back, since her hair was jet black.


"If it was just a matter of wanting a peaceful life, wanting a man who wouldn't leave her and wouldn't take another wife, wanting a family... and then being sad about losing them, then XY should have been devastated after her marriage to Feng Long was permanently prevented. But she wasn't."

I might be totally mistaken here, but regarding her marriage to Feng Long and her expectations, I kind of remember a scene where XY was made aware that Feng Long is going to be away for most of their time, thus not really a solid companion to her? Idk, I might be wrong, but to me her marriage to Feng Long meant freedom, and not so much companion ship and we know for sure that that's what XY was after.

Yes, I agree that one of the main things XY wanted from her life partner was companionship, and Feng Long wouldn't be able to provide that in the same way that TSJ/YSQ or FFB could. In part because of Feng Long's personality and priorities, but also because there wasn't love between him and XY the way there was between TSJ and XY (or between XL/FFB and XY).

Yea, but lets not forget she delayed setting a wedding date with Jing for 45 years too! And by all accounts 45 years is a lot, yellow emperor I belive made sure to point this out, when he asked XY if she is sure that she wants first to finish the medical book, because that îs going to take a lot longer than a few years. 

She did delay setting a wedding date, which meant she delayed leaving CX and becoming the Tushan Clan leader's wife (which would require living in Qing Qiu with Tushan Zhen and all the nasty Tushan Clan elders and having to deal with household / clan matters). 

But during the 42 years when she worked on the medical texts she still saw TSJ all the time. He came to visit her and the Yellow Emperor regularly, just like CX, and he went with her (or rather, she went with him) to Gao Xing. 

I don't interpret XY being okay with not getting married right away as a sign that she didn't love TSJ. They were engaged, together, and happy. I see it as a sign that she wanted to spend a bit more time with CX before leaving him, and also that she maybe wasn't super keen about taking on the role of the Tushan Clan leader's wife. 


Chapter 38:

The Yellow Emperor asked Xiao Yao on her thoughts for the wedding date.

Xiao Yao glanced out the window at the busy doctors and said, “I want to have more progress on the medical text first before setting a wedding date.”

The Yellow Emperor reminded her, “That will take more than two or three years. Are you sure?”

Xiao Yao nodded. “The Sheng Nong Herb Manual has been in my possession for the last four hundred years and saved my life countless times. I’ve never done anything for it or better said that I want to do something for the Flame Emperor who sacrificed his life to write it. The text that he used his entire life to write, I don’t want it to be used by doctors simply to make money or gain fame.”

The Yellow Emperor sighed “Xiao Yao, you keep saying you’re not like your mom but you are actually just like your mom!”

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows. “I’m not like her at all!”

The Yellow Emperor laughed. “Fine, you’re not like her!”

That night Zhuan Xu came to Xiao Yue Peak and heard Xiao Yao’s decision on the wedding date and smiled. “That works.”

Likely due to the engagement with Jing, Xiao Yao realized that her time on Xiao Yue Peak with Zhuan Xu was finite rather than forever. With the battle between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing taking on losses for both sides but Xiao Yao didn’t personally know anyone who died and she didn’t find out the details of the war, she felt it so far removed from her so she stopped avoiding Zhuan Xu.

The two of them resumed their old ways hanging out. Every night Zhuan Xu would come and chat happily with Xiao Yao as they hung out.

 AH :
Or actually, ironically (and this is definitely a stretch), Xiao Yao would have almost as strong a claim as Xiao Zhong Rong.

In term of bloodline, I think Xiao Zhu Rong is close relative with Yan Emperor. I remember FL once said to his sister that she is princess of Shen nong (althought the kingdom did not exist anymore). Chi you was deciple of Yuwang's father. But he came from low class. 

Moreover, those the royal houses of those 3 kingdoms had a lot of cross family marriage: Ah Heng (princess of Xuan Yuan) married to Shao Hao (prince and later emperor of Hao xing), Yuwang's elder sister later married to Quing Yang (Ah Heng's eldest brother, actually he had died before the marriage). But If Quin Yang hadn't died,  he would become Xuan Yuan King, then when Xuan Yuan defeat Shen-nong, it would be more reasonable to claim the ruler as the Yan Emperor's brother in law or co-ruler with his wife. 

About Jing and XY. They share some habbit together such as washing hair, sun-bathing, staying-up late as you mention. However, I found those are kind of routine, daily activity. Moreover, such habbit stermed from the time in QS town. XY first took care of Jing when he was injured (for about 6 month?). She knew his body, every single scars. Jing could take care of XY, knowing her habbits and he also tried to comfort.  Somehow he spoiled her with soft manners. My feeling toward the itimacy (such as kissing) between them is look like she was curious about his body, proud of her treatment to him (so she is the one who take control in the relationship), she wanted to learn about romantic action, how to show affection etc. It is like a teenager girl wants to learn liking/loving. It resonates the conversation between her and Shi Qui about Tian Er. For most of the time I always think she like/love him rationally. However, as I mentioned in some previous post, when she was almost unconcious in the 2nd assasination by Xing Yue,  she saw a figure (it was ZX) and she thought it was Jing. I did think that is evident of love. 

One time when I re-read the part when she heard about XL's death. and her feeling at that moment. Suddently I wanted to know how she felt when she knew the news of Jing's missing. It is surprising that TH did not write anything about her feeling. The whole part is about her action, the process of searching for him. Very rational thinking. And then after 4 days, she fell unconscious. But it could result from exhaustion and sadness. In contrast, TH wrote very detail of her feelings (like a knife cut through her heart, the whole body sored etc) when XL died or when she knew ZX betrayed her (aka, she kind of "lost" her brother). And we know how much she loved ZX (in term of brotherhood). 

 AH :
They were engaged, together, and happy. I see it as a sign that she wanted to spend a bit more time with CX before leaving him, and also that she maybe wasn't super keen about taking on the role of the Tushan Clan leader's wife. 

I have different opinion about this. As FL told to XY that she could still stay in Shen nong after marriage if she wanted. ZX could give them a place there. So when XY married Jing, she could ask ZX the same. Jing did not require her to do anything for TS clan/family, In fact he even wanted to hide her from formality. He wanted to keep her for himself. We know that TSJ would listen and accept any XY's request. So if she said she wanted to live part-time (or full time) near ZX, TSJ would accept. And she still could work on the book regardless of marriage or not. Actually it can be a good excuse for staying in Shen nong after marriage.

In my opinion, XY was not interested in being wife. For her, companion was enough. She had Jing visiting her frequently. She just needed his presence, his care. On the wedding day, she seemed to be unfamiliar with the state of "wife", she drank so much. She was so drunk that she fell into sleep and they did nothing in the first night


We used to joke with mom that she had a Spaniard or Portuguese in the woodpile, waay back, since her hair was jet black.

Probably, yes. My hair is so black that it becomes blue in the sun sometimes lol

On the wedding day, she seemed to be unfamiliar with the state of "wife", she drank so much. She was so drunk that she fell into sleep and they did nothing in the first night

Going by the leaks, that's one more thing the YaoLius will have to put up with. No more spending the wedding night drunk :/

We really can't have nice things, smh.

Can someone explain why XY wanted to accompany CX/ZX to QS Town? 

Is it just because she worried about CX's safety, that she could give him medical treatment if he got injured? But CX also had many good royal doctors/physicians. In fact her presence in QS town helped XL knowing CX's presence. She indirectly involved in Feng Long's death. 

Or because she wanted to know the war (in other word what was going on to XL and the resistance army). She was afraid of asking about that war since she has no proper reason for interfere or express her own thought about that war (deep down, she worried about XL) 

In term of bloodline, I think Xiao Zhu Rong is close relative with Yan Emperor. I remember FL once said to his sister that she is princess of Shen nong (althought the kingdom did not exist anymore). Chi you was deciple of Yuwang's father. But he came from low class.

Moreover, those the royal houses of those 3 kingdoms had a lot of cross family marriage: Ah Heng (princess of Xuan Yuan) married to Shao Hao (prince and later emperor of Hao xing), Yuwang's elder sister later married to Quing Yang (Ah Heng's eldest brother, actually he had died before the marriage). But If Quin Yang hadn't died,  he would become Xuan Yuan King, then when Xuan Yuan defeat Shen-nong, it would be more reasonable to claim the ruler as the Yan Emperor's brother in law or co-ruler with his wife. 

Yes, all correct. 

Zhu Rong, Xiao Zhu Rong, Feng Long and Xing Yue are all descendants of the Sheng Nong royal family and related to the Flame Emperor. Xiao Zhu Rong would have a claim to the throne because of that and because Zhu Rong was a general of Sheng Nong who died fighting for Sheng Nong on the battlefield. But Xiao Zhu Rong surrendered to the Yellow Emperor. That would pretty much eviscerate his viability as a candidate to rule Sheng Nong if Gong Gong defeated Xuan Yuan and was able to restore it. 

Qi Yo / Chi You / Chi Chen was referred to as the Beast King in Jiu Li but that was an empty title. As you said, he had no connection to any of the deity royal or noble families in Sheng Nong or the other kingdoms. But like Zheng Rong, he was a great General of Sheng Nong and died on the battlefield defending Sheng Nong. He was also the Flame Emperor's only disciple and Yu Wang's closest ally.

However, I found those are kind of routine, daily activity.

XY and TSJ's romance is definitely softer and more domestic than the romance between XY and XL, and I get that a lot of readers find it less thrilling or even boring and that they might view it as unromantic or indicative of less intense feelings because of that. But XY seemed perfectly happy with that kind of romance. IMO it's different, but not inferior. 

However, as I mentioned in some previous post, when she was almost unconcious in the 2nd assasination by Xing Yue,  she saw a figure (it was ZX) and she thought it was Jing. I did think that is evident of love. 

I agree. 

One time when I re-read the part when she heard about XL's death. and her feeling at that moment. Suddently I wanted to know how she felt when she knew the news of Jing's missing. It is surprising that TH did not write anything about her feeling.

We discussed this topic a few pages back. IMO, Tong Hua didn't write about the news being delivered to XY because no one actually delivered that news to her. XY arrived in QS town because of TSJ's letter and came across the evidence herself, and we see her reaction to that evidence: denial. Which is also how she initially reacted to the news of XL's death. 

The whole part is about her action, the process of searching for him. Very rational thinking.

I didn't view her reaction as rational at all. She was in denial and pushed herself to her limits searching for TSJ. She made herself ill and was completely single-minded. She only stopped searching right before their scheduled wedding day, when she left her search in order to go and hold a one-person wedding ceremony, and she considered herself TSJ's wife after that ceremony. Then she stepped into an assassin's trap, knowing that it was probably a trap, in the hope of seeing TSJ again. When it turned out to actually be a trap, she didn't try to fight and let her assassin send her to her death so the two of them (her and TSJ) would be dead in the ocean together. 

I have different opinion about this. As FL told to XY that she could still stay in Shen nong after marriage if she wanted. ZX could give them a place there. So when XY married Jing, she could ask ZX the same. Jing did not require her to do anything for TS clan/family, In fact he even wanted to hide her from formality. He wanted to keep her for himself. We know that TSJ would listen and accept any XY's request. So if she said she wanted to live part-time (or full time) near ZX, TSJ would accept. And she still could work on the book regardless of marriage or not. Actually it can be a good excuse for staying in Shen nong after marriage.

I would agree with this if the text didn't explicitly point out that "Likely due to the engagement with Jing, Xiao Yao realized that her time on Xiao Yue Peak with Zhuan Xu was finite rather than forever."

In my opinion, XY was not interested in being wife. For her, companion was enough. She had Jing visiting her frequently. She just needed his presence, his care. On the wedding day, she seemed to be unfamiliar with the state of "wife", she drank so much. She was so drunk that she fell into sleep and they did nothing in the first night

I agree that she wasn't interested in traditional wifely duties and that she was sometimes shy about intimacy, which might extend to consummating a marriage. 


Can someone explain why XY wanted to accompany CX/ZX to QS Town? 

Is it just because she worried about CX's safety, that she could give him medical treatment if he got injured? But CX also had many good royal doctors/physicians. In fact her presence in QS town helped XL knowing CX's presence. She indirectly involved in Feng Long's death. 

Or because she wanted to know the war (in other word what was going on to XL and the resistance army). She was afraid of asking about that war since she has no proper reason for interfere or express her own thought about that war (deep down, she worried about XL) 

I interpreted her wanting to go with CX to QS town in chapter 46 as her being worried about XL (and maybe also CX).