Daddy emperor is one of my favorite characters. He is just so cool and loving. I love the part where he says he is emperor so his daughters can do whatever they like and he means it!

He  obviously doesn't know that FFB is XL otherwise he might actually approve to put FFB to death.

This totally is the jumping off point for a fan fic.

Calling AH to the front desk, please. ?

I don't really want to see her kissing Jing.

I think that's actually worse than seeing Xiang Liu dying. Because Xiang Liu looks stunningly hot even covered in blood.

The Yellow Emperor grew silent and seemed very concerned “I won’t agree. Zhuan Xu and he are destined to battle to the death one day. I don’t want you to be devastated when that day comes.

See?  EVERYONE knows one of them is going to kill the other and it's going to shred XY.  The are DESTINED.

This is totally XL fans.  Repeatedly.

Xiang Liu informs Xiao Yao of Fangfeng Bei's death.

Leaked script Ep7 scenes 4,7  (Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

Xiao Yao, still in her wedding dress, sat on a pallet, her expression numb, her eyes vacant. Dark-haired, white robed Xiang Liu stood in front of her but she would not look at him.

XL: This is Qingshui Town. We will stay here for a while.

Xiao Yao acted as if she had not heard anything.

XL: I ruined your wedding to Chishui Feng Long. Do you hate me?
XY (woodenly): So what if I hate you? So what if I don't hate you? In the end, this is what I owe you. You came to ask for it, so I must pay it back.
XL (coldly): It's good that you understand.

XY (lifted her eyes to look at Xiang Liu): When did you know I was getting married?
XL (momentarily silent): Before you left Gao Xin.
XY (bitterly): You clearly had enough time to object to the wedding, yet you choose to take me away during the wedding in front of everyone, causing emnity between myself and the Chishui, ShenNong clans. 
(stared at the expressionless Xiang Liu) Why do you treat me this way? Humiliating the pride of the Gao Xin nation, destroy my reputation, making me a woman despised by the entire Great Wilderness from here on.

Xiang Liu said nothing, his expression cold as if unmoved.

XY (disappointed, wry smile): Forget it. It is already done, what is the point of me asking why? Perhaps I am just born to be unlucky!

Xiao Yao laid down tiredly and turned her back to Xiang Liu.

XY: I am tired. Please go out.

Xiang Liu looked quietly at Xiao Yao's back for a moment. Complex emotions flashed through his eyes, then he turned and left.
Hearing the sound of the door closing, silent tears rolled down Xiao Yao's face.


At a table set up in the courtyard with brushes, paper and inkstone, Xiang Liu was preparing to write when Xiao Yao opened the door and stood at the entrance. She was still dressed in her wedding finery, but had removed the heavy jewellery.
Xiang Liu glanced indifferently at her and continued with his work.
Xiao Yao walked over and sat down in front of him. She looked at the white haired, white-dressed man, cold as snow, then thought of that dark-haired, richly dressed Fangfeng Bei with his unrestrained laughter, and it felt like it was just a dream.

XY: Fangfeng Bei ruined the Chishui clan leader's wedding ceremony and took away the Gao Xin princess. What are your plans for him in future?

Without even raising his head, Xiang Liu responded coldly.

XL: He has committed such a grave mistake, naturally he has to pay for it with his death.

Xiao Yao was stunned in disbelief.

XY: Fangfeng Bei... is dead?
XL (coldly): Didn't he tell you long ago that you were just temporary companions and playmates in this mortal world. Now the game has ended, so naturally he should die.

Caught off guard, Xiao Yao's eyes glistened with tears.
Stunned, Xiang Liu lowered his eyes.

XL: He was just an insignificant lower born son of a clan. So what if he dies, there is no need to grieve for him. Could it be Your Highness thought the game was serious, and had given your heart to this passerby of the mortal world?
XY (angry and sad): Yes! It was real to me! Because Fangfeng Bei is different from you. Although you have the power of nine heads, you do not have the emotions of a single heart. He was a lowly born son with ordinary abilities, but he would teach me archery, bring me to play, share delicious food with me, giving joy to others! It is human nature to grieve for such a friend. Don't worry! If someone like you died, I would not even shed a tear!

Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Yao coldly, the veins prominent on the hand gripping the brush. However, his tone was extremely calm.

XL: You flatter yourself. I have never cared for you, so why would I worry?

So upset that she was shaking, Xiao Yao violently stood up.

XY (sneering): Yes, you never cared [for me] 无心, and I have no feelings [for you] 无意. That is for the best.

Xiao Yao turned and rushed back into the house, slamming the door.
She sat down on the pallet blankly, then thought of something. Rolling up her sleeves, she touched the mark of the bow on her shoulder. In a flash of light, the bow appeared in her hand and she caressed it with reddened eyes.
Outside, Xiang Liu stared at the door for a while and lifted his hand to continue writing, only to find that the brush had broken in two at some point, black droplets staining the paper. In a daze, he put down the broken brush.

Leaked script Ep7 scene 8  (not in the novel)

Tushan Jing was making arrangements for the provisions to be sent to the Shen Nong resistance army. Jing Ye pointed out that in the past, they could continue doing business with the Shen Nong army because the clans of the Middle Plains were not happy with the Xuan Yuan king. However, now that Cang Xuan had their support, even they would no longer extend any help to the Xuan Yuan army. She feared the consequences if Tushan Jing's actions were known by Cang Xuan, to which he said that was the reason why he had to do all the arrangements personally to ensure there was no leak.

JY: A lone piece of wood would not grow branches, a single hand cannot clap. Now that everyone is avoiding them, they could only depend on themselves. Even if they had money, no one was willing to sell provisions to them. Only you are willing to take the risk and give alms [to them].
TSJ (low voice): What right do I have to give alms to others?

Jing Ye was busy adding coal to the fireplace and did not hear what he said.

JY: Winter is coming. There is shortage of food and clothes on the mountains, so their lives will surely get even harder. I really don't know what they are striving for?

Tushan Jing quietly wrote two words on the paper: 忠义 Loyalty and Righteousness
As Jing Ye turned, she saw the words and her face was visibly moved. A short silence ensued, then she asked curiously.

JY: Then what do you hope to get out of this?

Tushan Jing lifted the brush stunned, but did not reply.


[This is followed by the scene where Xiang Liu asks Xiao Yao the 4 questions

Hou's wife died after dropping hints to Jing. Suspecting that Zhen might not be his son, he tries all ways to find his missing memories from the night he was drugged, but nothing worked. In the end, he sought out the old Lirong donkey meat seller who once had a lover among the Bai Li tribe and learnt some witchcraft from her. The old man initially refused to help him because attempts to recover the past were highly dangerous, and could either destroy one's spiritual power or worse still, put one's life at risk. However, due to Jing's insistence that Xiao Yao was not his past but his everything, the old man agreed to help him try. Through the spell, he found out that Fangfeng Yi Ying transformed herself to look like Xiao Yao and seduced him, but he could not remember anything after that.

That's a strange add. I guess they took away TSJ realizing that he respected XY too much to sleep with her in FFYY's bed?

Xiao Yao started to work on completing the unfinished medical texts that the Flame Emperor left behind using the "Hundred Herbs Manual" he wrote as she considered herself as his disciple, his manual having saved her from being killed by the Nine-Tailed fox. Her efforts were finally complete after 3 years.

Wow. Huge timeline change. Instead of starting this work around the time she got engaged to TSJ and taking 42 years to complete it, it's already done before she even gets back together with TSJ?

FFB (calmly): Isn't the ceremony not yet complete? Of course you can choose not to marry.

and don't ever show your face in front of me again!

As they passed Tushan Jing, she slowed down. His eyes were sad and complicated. Fangfeng Bei threw him a smile

Hmm, not a fan of these adds. 

GXSH: Are you suggesting that I should put my daughter to death over remarks by people who are unrelated to her?

GXSH: The way I see it, that boy Chishui Feng Long is not the romantic type and very boring. On the other hand, this Fangfeng Bei is lively, bold and interesting. Since he dared to take her away from the wedding, let him marry the princess then!

GXSH: Your petition is granted.
Ministers: Fangfeng Bei marries into the Gao Xin royal family?

I really wasn't a fan of Shao Hao in the parts of Once Promised that have been translated. He was so ruthless. But in LYF he's pretty good. Way more so with these adds!

迎娶 - the groom goes to fetch the bride and she marries into his family
入赘 - the groom marries at the bride's place, and becomes a part of her household.

Awesome details! Thanks for the explanation!

Leaked script Ep5

Leaked script Ep6 scene 21 - Ep7 scene 1  (Vol 2, Ch15 / Chapter 32)

Leaked script Ep7 scene 6   (Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

Thank you for the translations liddi! ^^


Daddy emperor is one of my favorite characters. He is just so cool and loving. I love the part where he says he is emperor so his daughters can do whatever they like and he means it!

He  obviously doesn't know that FFB is XL otherwise he might actually approve to put FFB to death.

I don't know about putting FFB to death because he's XL.  He's been working with XL all this time.  Depends on his plans for CX.  And how they are actually going to portray that.  IF CX does the unforgivable, to me, and betrays him, I think Daddy Emperor would have been totally behind that marriage.  Another weapon to use against CX and Xiyan.

I do like Daddy Emperor in this show.  It doesn't hurt that he keeps beloved Ru Shuo at his side. :)

I can't believe the BURN he put on poor Feng Long.

XY (angry and sad): Yes! It was real to me! Because Fangfeng Bei is different from you. Although you have the power of nine heads, you do not have the emotions of a single heart. He was a lowly born son with ordinary abilities, but he would teach me archery, bring me to play, share delicious food with me, giving joy to others! It is human nature to grieve for such a friend. Don't worry! If someone like you died, I would not even shed a tear!

Leaked script Ep7 scene 8 (not in the novel)

Tushan Jing was making arrangements for the provisions to be sent to the Shen Nong resistance army. Jing Ye pointed out that in the past, they could continue doing business with the Shen Nong army because the clans of the Middle Plains were not happy with the Xuan Yuan king. However, now that Cang Xuan had their support, even they would no longer extend any help to the Xuan Yuan army. She feared the consequences if Tushan Jing's actions were known by Cang Xuan

I'm always so annoyed when they add these new scenes for that fox that make him look better. Jing gets everything good with these changes while Xiang Liu gets crumbs ?

Leaked script Ep7 scenes 4,7  (Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

This is so heart breaking all the extra bits that I cried. They clearly love each other.

I'm always so annoyed when they add these new scenes for that fox that make him look better.

The fact that they have to twist themselves into pretzels by adding scenes in order to make him look better while having to reduce Xiang Liu's actions for that to happen is saying the quiet part out loud.

XY (angry and sad): Yes! It was real to me! Because Fangfeng Bei is different from you. Although you have the power of nine heads, you do not have the emotions of a single heart. He was a lowly born son with ordinary abilities, but he would teach me archery, bring me to play, share delicious food with me, giving joy to others! It is human nature to grieve for such a friend. Don't worry! If someone like you died, I would not even shed a tear!

Uhnnn, they are the SAME guy, XY, you know that.  Sure, Jan, indeed.

I'm always so annoyed when they add these new scenes for that fox that make him look better. Jing gets everything good with these changes while Xiang Liu gets crumbs ?

What do you get out of it?  

Jing needs all the PR help he can get, after season 1, even if his fans don't realize it.

And we see even his people recognized what I've said all along.  It isn't XL who is transactional.  It's the merchant prince, whose life is about transactions.

This totally is the jumping off point for a fan fic.

Calling AH to the front desk, please. ?

Remember how I tried and failed to come up with a plausible change to Tong Hua's ending that would work without fundamentally changing XL's character? Unfortunately I think that still applies even with this change to make the King of Haoling so supportive. 

Although... this is making me think... what if there was one more big change? What if, when XL asked XY if she wanted to marry TSJ/YSQ, she said no? What would XL do?

XL (momentarily silent): Before you left Gao Xin.

Oh I hate that this isn't as clear as the novel when he said two months, meaning that he definitely received the ice crystal ball right away and knew about the wedding before it was publicly announced. 

XL: He was just an insignificant lower born son of a clan. So what if he dies, there is no need to grieve for him. Could it be Your Highness thought the game was serious, and had given your heart to this passerby of the mortal world?
XY (angry and sad): Yes! It was real to me! Because Fangfeng Bei is different from you. Although you have the power of nine heads, you do not have the emotions of a single heart. He was a lowly born son with ordinary abilities, but he would teach me archery, bring me to play, share delicious food with me, giving joy to others! It is human nature to grieve for such a friend. Don't worry! If someone like you died, I would not even shed a tear!

XL: You flatter yourself. I have never cared for you, so why would I worry?

XY (sneering): Yes, you never cared [for me] 无心, and I have no feelings [for you] 无意. That is for the best.

NOT a fan of these changes. At all.

JY: Winter is coming. There is shortage of food and clothes on the mountains, so their lives will surely get even harder. I really don't know what they are striving for?

Tushan Jing quietly wrote two words on the paper: 忠义 Loyalty and Righteousness
As Jing Ye turned, she saw the words and her face was visibly moved. A short silence ensued, then she asked curiously.

JY: Then what do you hope to get out of this?

Tushan Jing lifted the brush stunned, but did not reply.

This is an interesting add, but the implication seems strange. TSJ was sending the provisions to the remnant army because he promised to do so in exchange for XL using the promise to stop XY from getting married. I doubt that TSJ would do anything to support the remanent army in any other circumstance. But this seems to imply that he was being charitable to the remnant army and helping them selflessly out of the goodness of his heart. 

I don't know about putting FFB to death because he's XL.  He's been working with XL all this time.  Depends on his plans for CX.  And how they are actually going to portray that.  IF CX does the unforgivable, to me, and betrays him, I think Daddy Emperor would have been totally behind that marriage.  Another weapon to use against CX and Xiyan.

The Grand Emperor was adamant about not wanting XY to have anything to do with XL. He was willing to destroy the Fang Feng family in order to extract TSJ from his engagement and have XY be with him rather than XY having anything to do with XL. 

And when CX betrayed the Grand Emperor and invaded Gao Xing, the Grand Emperor didn't hold it against CX. He married Ah Nian off to CX and handed his throne over to CX. 

I'm always so annoyed when they add these new scenes for that fox that make him look better. Jing gets everything good with these changes while Xiang Liu gets crumb

 AH :
This is an interesting add, but the implication seems strange. TSJ was sending the provisions to the remnant army because he promised to do so in exchange for XL using the promise to stop XY from getting married. I doubt that TSJ would do anything to support the remanent army in any other circumstance. But this seems to imply that he was being charitable to the remnant army and helping them selflessly out of the goodness of his heart. 

No. This scene only shows that Jing Ye thought he was being charitable. She didn't know that there was an agreement between Jing and Xiang Liu to take Xiao Yao from her wedding in return for 37 years of provisions.


The fact that they have to twist themselves into pretzels by adding scenes in order to make him look better while having to reduce Xiang Liu's actions for that to happen is saying the quiet part out loud.


But it didn't work in season 1.  It ain't going to work in season 2.  They can't touch this!


No. This scene only shows that Jing Ye thought he was being charitable. She didn't know that there was an agreement between Jing and Xiang Liu to take Xiao Yao from her wedding in return for 37 years of provisions.

Not exactly.  She wants to know WHAT he's getting from it, which implies that she doesn't think he's doing it for charity.  Instead, she understands, with Jing, it's all transactional.