Going by the leaks, that's one more thing the YaoLius will have to put up with. No more spending the wedding night drunk :/

We really can't have nice things, smh.

TH and the drama production have tried their best to push the 1-1 relationship (XY-Jing). I heard someone said the production team wanted to send the message of "HEAL" to viewers. 

For sure, they pour alchohol on our open wound (for XL). I don't mind she ended up with Jing by the end. But to elevate the CP, trashing such character is quite painful


TH and the drama production have tried their best to push the 1-1 relationship (XY-Jing). I heard someone said the production team wanted to send the message of "HEAL" to viewers. 

For sure, they pour alchohol on our open wound (for XL). I don't mind she ended up with Jing by the end. But to elevate the CP, trashing such character is quite painful

Well, they’ll have to do quite some healing, alright.

Because there’ll be a war lol

Also, even if they’re trying to push the “loveline”, I think they’re not doing a very good job. 

I came in blind, had no idea who the little dude was and even started as a Jinger.

But it took me less than a nanosecond to see the patheticness (that’s not even a word lol) of everything else when The Hair showed up in my screen. I forgot what year I was in. Earth’s axis may have shifted a bit. I swear, the lights flickered in my apartment. Real Stranger Things vibes. Thought it was the Demogorgon but it was just Chubby.

So, whatever, give me my bae any day of the week till 2156. That man should be put on the Louvre because he’s a walking work of art. Mona Lisa would be smiling even more bahahah

My take on this is that while it's not a change of heart per se, it would be consider a betrayal/infidelity and thus a change of heart by proxy. Remember that the Lover's Bugs are designed to ensure the love and loyalty of the lovers (cant remembered the exact quote , sorry) . And back then virginity/purity is of paramount importance in a woman (as sexist as that is), so losing virginity/purity to a man that is not your lover would be a huge betrayal .

I read a theory somewhere that XL didn't actually died from the arrows, but from the Lovers Bugs turning into the Hearbreak Bugs when XY in Jing consummated their marriage. Someone even wrote that Tong Hua alluded to this in an interview. I don't really remember all the details in the novel so don't know if it match up/possibility and I have not seen the primary source for this supposed Tong Hua interview, so take all of this with a gigantic silos of salt. Interesting idea, though.

I agree that in pre-modern times, that was the attitude.  Which, of course, makes one wonder exactly WHY Jing wanted XY's marriage to Feng Long broken up?  The dude was married himself with a kid.  It's not like he could offer XY anything she would accept.  Why not let her find whatever happiness she can with good guy Feng Long?

But I don't think that is how the PLB works, because there are any number of situations where the physical act could occur and that doesn't mean they have stopped loving someone.  If it is about betrayal and infidelity, then how does kissing on Jing NOT count?

Which, of course, makes one wonder exactly WHY Jing wanted XY's marriage to Feng Long broken up? The dude was married himself with a kid. It's not like he could offer XY anything she would accept. Why not let her find whatever happiness she can with good guy Feng Long?

XY asked him. Jing's reason for breaking up the marriage with Feng Long was that he thought XY was unhappy. IMO, that was just an excuse and he's selfish and didn't want to see XY getting married to another guy.

Chapter 33:

The final bit of anger inside Xiao Yao vanished and she stared at the cup of tea in her hand in a daze until she finally calmly spoke “Xiang Liu said that you gave him a lot of money to hire him to prevent me from marrying Feng Long.”

“I did do it, but I never could have imagined that Xiang Liu was so extreme in how he did things.”

“Why did you do it?”

“That day, on the streets of Qing Qiu, you told me you were getting married but there wasn’t a hint of happiness in your eyes. No one forced you so why are you forcing yourself to marry Feng Long. I….I couldn’t let you marry Feng Long like that. I begged him to cancel the wedding but he said no. I wanted to find you but I knew I was pouring oil on the flame. Right when I was at wits end, I ran into Fang Feng Bei. I remembered that you promised to do one thing for Xiang Liu as the price for breaking the voodoo bug in Zhuan Xu. Since Zhuan Xu became Emperor, the provisions have been scarce in the army base so I discussed a deal with Xiang Liu to buy the promise you made to him. I asked him to beg you to cancel the wedding. But I couldn’t have imagined that he would show up at the actual wedding ceremony to ask you to fulfill your promise. It was my fault, Xiao Yao I’m sorry!”

This covers the events leading up Fangfeng Bei interrupting the wedding and taking Xiao Yao away. Highlighted text differs from the novel.

Leaked script Ep5

Hou's wife died after dropping hints to Jing. Suspecting that Zhen might not be his son, he tried all ways to find his missing memories from the night he was drugged, but nothing worked. In the end, he sought out the old Lirong donkey meat seller who once had a lover among the Bai Li tribe and learnt some witchcraft from her. The old man initially refused to help him because attempts to recover the past were highly dangerous, and could either destroy one's spiritual power or worse still, put one's life at risk. However, due to Jing's insistence that Xiao Yao was not his past but his everything, the old man agreed to help him try. Through the spell, he found out that Fangfeng Yi Ying transformed herself to look like Xiao Yao and seduced him, but he could not remember anything after that.

Xiao Yao started to work on completing the unfinished medical texts that the Flame Emperor left behind using the "Hundred Herbs Manual" he wrote as she considered herself as his disciple, his manual having saved her from being killed by the Nine-Tailed fox. Her efforts were finally complete after 3 years.

Feng Long set their marriage in motion.

[This cuts to the preparation of the crystal globe, her futile wait by the sea, up to the day of the wedding

Leaked script Ep6 scene 21 - Ep7 scene 1  (Vol 2, Ch15 / Chapter 32)

[Xiao Yao noticed Jing among the guests of the wedding, and her eyes reddened as she thought of the past. Just as they were about to pay their respects to the elders, Fangfeng Bei's voice suddenly rang out.]

FFB: Xiao Yao, don't marry him!

Xiao Yao dumbly stared at Fangfeng Bei in shock, while Chishui Feng Long was livid. Tushan Jing was secretly relieved, yet extremely tense. The rest of the guests were stunned, and did not notice Tushan Jing's unusual behaviour. The previously lively atmosphere quietened down.
ShenNong Yi gave out an order.

SNY: Guards! Throw this shameless bastard out!

Several guards rushed towards Fangfeng Bei wanting to throw him out, but were blocked by a strong barrier and could not approach.
Fangfeng Bei acted as if there was no one around him and walked towards Xiao Yao. As he moved, those around him backed away, and the guards who tried to stop him were all thrown to the ground.
Controlling his rage, Chishui Feng Long's words were threatening.

CSFL: Fangfeng Bei, there are honoured guests here today and I don't wish to alarm them. Before you do anything, think of your clan and your clansmen.

Fangfeng Bei totally ignored Chishui Feng Long as if he was not there, and only fixed his gaze on Xiao Yao.

FFB: Xiao Yao, don't marry.

Xiao Yao was shocked and furious.

XY: What exactly are you trying to do?
FFB: Don't marry Chishui Feng Long!
XY: (filled with disbelief): You are telling me now not to get married?
FFB (calmly): Isn't the ceremony not yet complete? Of course you can choose not to marry.

Chishui Feng Long was about to explode in rage. Xiao Yao's face was cold.

XY (pointing outside): Leave now, and don't ever show your face in front of me again! (to Feng Long) Just ignore him and let us continue with the ceremony. I do not want to miss the auspicious hour.

Chishui Feng Long controlled his anger, and glanced at Chishui Xian.

CSFL: Alright.

Chishui Xian led several guards to block Fangfeng Bei's way, surrounding him.
Chishui Feng Long nodded to the officiant to proceed with the ceremony.

Officiant: Second bow to the elders--

Xiao Yao and Chishui Feng Long faced his parents, and prepared to bow.
Meanwhile Chishui Xian and the guards began fighting Fangfeng Bei. Without using Xiang Liu's powers which would expose his identity, Fangfeng Bei is unable to break through them swiftly.

FFB: Xiao Yao, do you still remember the blood oath you swore?

Xiao Yao froze as she recalled the oath and she stopped bowing.

CSFL (panicked): Xiao Yao!

Xiao Yao turned around slowly and stared at Fangfeng Bei.

XY: What do you want?
FFB: I want you to leave with me right now!
XY (hurt and uncomprehending): Why? Even if you wish to ruin me, why choose the most degrading method to do so?
FFB (coldly): You don't need to ask why. Just do as I asked. I want you to leave with me. Right! Now!

Xiao Yao's face was conflicted and hurt. Chishui Feng Long stared at Xiao Yao nervously and his voice trembled.

CSFL: Xiao Yao, it is time to bow!

Fangfeng Bei stared intently at Xiao Yao, coldly coercing her.

FFB: Xiao Yao, this is what you owe me.

Xiao Yao's face turned stark white.
Her face was tortured as if coming to a decision, and she stumbled weakly towards Fangfeng Bei.
Chishui Feng Long grabbed her hands, his eyes panicked and pleading.

CSFL: Xiao Yao, don't...
XY (trembling): I am sorry. I, I... cannot marry you today. I am sorry!

The guests were shocked to hear Xiao Yao's words.
Humiliated, upset and angry beyond belief, Chishui Feng Long stared at Fangfeng Bei in disdain.

CSFL: You would rather go with him than marry me? In your eyes, I, Chishui Feng Long cannot compare with an idle libertine?
XY (lips trembling): It's not like that. I...

Xiao Yao looked at Fangfeng Bei pleadingly but he remained unmoved by Chishui Feng Long's disdain. His face was indifferent, his tone cold and unyielding.

FFB: Leave with me right now!

Trembling, Xiao Yao broke away from Chishui Feng Long's grasp.

XY (voice shaking): I... I have wronged you! I don't dare ask for your forgiveness. I will accept whatever punishment you choose to give me in future!

Chishui Feng Long stared at his empty hands, his expression distorted, fingers clenched tightly together.
The guards stepped forward to stop Xiao Yao, forcing her to retreat back to Feng Long's side.
Chishui Feng Long closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the weakness and panic in his eyes were gone. His pride and self-esteem would not allow him to beg like a wretch. He straightened his back, a proud smile curved at his lips.

CSFL: Let her go!

The guards looked at Chishui Xian hesitantly.
ShenNong Yi's expression was severe and he was about to speak.

CSFL (emphasising each word): I said let her go! No one may stop her!

Chishui Feng Long smiled proudly through unshed tears. ShenNong Yi fell silent and the guards could only let them pass.
Xiao Yao gave Chishui Feng Long a silent bow.
Fangfeng Bei grabbed Xiao Yao's hand and walked out. As they passed Tushan Jing, she slowed down. His eyes were sad and complicated. Fangfeng Bei threw him a smile then strode out, forcibly pulling Xiao Yao with him.
Xiang Liu, all in white took Xiao Yao in her bright red wedding dress and walked past everyone. Not a single guest dared make a sound or movement, only stood there rooted to the ground. Outside the hall, the lively music wafted in.
Tushan Jing started coughing violently.
A Nian finally recovered from her shock and was about to run after them.

AN: Wait, sister...

Ru Shou held her back and shook his head.
Chishui Feng Long did not spare Xiao Yao's retreating form another glance. Instead, he faced his guests, his posture ramrod straight, his tone calm.

CSFL: The food and wine have been prepared. You have all come from afar. Please sit down and enjoy the food and wine before you leave.

The guests nodded their heads hurriedly, pretending nothing had happened and walked out of the ceremonial hall.

Ru Shou came forward with A Nian, and humbly paid their respects to ShenNong Yi and Chishui Xiao Ye.

RS: Lord ShenNong...

ShenNong Yi and Chishui Xiao Ye walked away coldly.
Without a change in expression, Ru Shou bowed even lower to Chishui Feng Long once again, while A Nian obediently lowered her head and stood by the side.

RS: Chishui clan leader, I will report today's events to His Majesty. We will definitely give the Chishui and ShenNong clans a proper response.

Chishui Feng Long smiled politely, though the smile never reached his eyes.

CSFL: Please rise, Lord Ru Shou.

A short distance away, Tushan Jing watched Chishui Feng Long with sadness and guilt.


“That day, on the streets of Qing Qiu, you told me you were getting married but there wasn’t a hint of happiness in your eyes. No one forced you so why are you forcing yourself to marry Feng Long. I….I couldn’t let you marry Feng Long like that. I begged him to cancel the wedding but he said no.

He met her by accident, and THOUGHT she looked unhappy, and didn't bother ASKING her?  He just made the decision for her?

Yeah. It's more about HIM not wanting her to get married, IMO.

I love this added scene, which shows just how much the Gao Xin king loves Xiao Yao, and I cannot help but wish that it had turned out the way he hoped. Note the difference in words which highlights the two options available to Fangfeng Bei, both of which still end up in them being married:

迎娶 - the groom goes to fetch the bride and she marries into his family
入赘 - the groom marries at the bride's place, and becomes a part of her household.


Leaked script Ep7 scene 6   (Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

The Gao Xin courtiers were in an uproar and demanded that Xiao Yao be severely punished, and Fangfeng Bei be put to death for taking Xiao Yao away and disgracing the Gao Xin royal family's reputation. Ignoring them, the Gao Xin king instructed that someone be sent to apologise profusely to the Chishui clan and call off the engagement. When they saw that the king had no intention of taking any action against Xiao Yao and Fangfeng Bei, they demanded again that action be taken in order to appease the situation.

GXSH: Are you suggesting that I should put my daughter to death over remarks by people who are unrelated to her?

The minister was stunned.

Minister: Fangfeng Bei is of low birth, dissolute in behaviour and already has a bad reputation. This time his act of abducting the princess is deserving of death! As I see it...

Gao Xin Shao Hao interrupted him.

GXSH: The way I see it, that boy Chishui Feng Long is not the romantic type and very boring. On the other hand, this Fangfeng Bei is lively, bold and interesting. Since he dared to take her away from the wedding, let him marry the princess then!

The ministers were so shocked that they looked at each other, speechless.

RS (testing the waters): What if Fangfeng Bei refuses... to marry [迎娶 literally means the groom goes to fetch the bride and she marries into his family]?

Gao Xin Shao Hao looked at Ru Shou indifferently with an inscrutable expression.

RS (comprehending immediately): If Fangfeng Bei refuses to fetch the bride and get married, then let him marry into the bride's family (入赘) instead. He can choose to let her marry into his family, or marry into her family. We Gao Xin are a kingdom of etiquette. Your Majesty is an enlightened monarch!

Gao Xin Shao Hao nodded his head in satisfaction.

GXSH: Your petition is granted.
Ministers: Fangfeng Bei marries into the Gao Xin royal family?

Man.  THIS would be the way to solve the whole mess with XL and XY not confessing.  Daddy Emperor marries XY and FFB  into his family without them even there.  LOL!  Boy, wouldn't THEY be surprised.

Make it so beloved Ru Shuo!

And instead of a tragedy, the show becomes a 'contracted' marriage show.!  Sign me up!


Man.  THIS would be the way to solve the whole mess with XL and XY not confessing.  Daddy Emperor marries XY and FFB  into his family without them even there.  LOL!  Boy, wouldn't THEY be surprised.

And instead of a tragedy, the show becomes a 'contracted' marriage show.!  Sign me up!

I know right? Unfortunately, we have a very stubborn Nine-headed Demon who determined that Fangfeng Bei has died after the wedding incident. Can someone just knock some sense into him (or knock him out) and drag him to the altar?


Man.  THIS would be the way to solve the whole mess with XL and XY not confessing.  Daddy Emperor marries XY and FFB  into his family without them even there.  LOL!  Boy, wouldn't THEY be surprised.

Make it so beloved Ru Shuo!

And instead of a tragedy, the show becomes a 'contracted' marriage show.!  Sign me up!

Can a Kickstarter? I have a friend who's a writer in Hollywood. Tan speaks English, right?

I love this added scene, which shows just how much the Gao Xin king loves Xiao Yao, and I cannot help but wish that it had turned out the way he hoped. Note the difference in words which highlights the two options available to Fangfeng Bei, both of which still end up in them being married

I also loved that scene in the novel when Xiao Yao asked the Yellow Emperor if he would agree to her finding and playing with Xiang Liu. After his conversation with Xiao Yao, he asked Cang Xuan to get Xiang Liu on their side :') I was actually happy thinking Xiang Liu might switch sides LOL.

Chapter 29:

Xiao Yao casually said “It’s because you and Zhuan Xu are here that I don’t dare be impetuous and do what I want. My bloodline has destined me to be tied down so why even bother? If I said right now that I’m going to find Xiang Liu to play with, will you agree?”

The Yellow Emperor grew silent and seemed very concerned “I won’t agree. Zhuan Xu and he are destined to battle to the death one day. I don’t want you to be devastated when that day comes. Anything else you want, I will do my best to give it to you.”

“Zhuan Xu is a man and now the Emperor so that is why you are so strict and demanding with him. I’m not the same, you want to pamper and coddle me because you want to alleviate your guilt towards Grandmother, my Mom, my Uncles, all of that you want to now give me. But there is no amount of power in this world that can guarantee my happiness. Plus what you owe them is owed to them and you can never make it up with me, and I don’t want it! You just be my grandfather, and like all the grandfathers in the world, you worry about my future marriage and happiness but can do nothing about it other than worry until in the end you sigh and say “grandchildren have their own fated happiness!”

Xiao Yao fanned herself and smiled at the Yellow Emperor “You never experienced wanting to do something but not being able to, right? Try that on me then!”

The Yellow Emperor looked very torn.

That night after Zhuan Xu was done with work and leaving the court, the Yellow Emperor’s servant came up and he followed him back to the Yellow Emperor’s residence.

He saw the maids preparing dinner and said “I’ll dine here with Grandfather.”

Zhuan Xu ate dinner with the Yellow Emperor and afterwards the maids brought out sour date tea. Zhuan Xu took a sip “It’s strangely tasty” and the Yellow Emperor explained “Xiao Yao won’t let me drink tea with dinner but after dinner she concocted a special tea for me.”

Zhuan Xu smiled “It’s amazing she’s willing to put the effort into learning healing medicine for Grandfather.”

The Yellow Emperor said “I called you here because there is one task I need you to do your best to make happen.”

“Grandfather please tell me.”

“Find a way to get Xiang Liu to agree to come to our side. I know it’s very difficult, in the past hundreds of years I’ve asked Qing, Hou Tu, Cang Lin, and even Little Zhu Rong, all of them tried and were turned down by Xiang Liu. But I wish for you to try nonetheless.”

“Yes.” Zhuan Xu paused and then asked “Why does Grandfather care so much about Xiang Liu?”

The Yellow Emperor said “Just an old man’s little bit of regret.”


Man.  THIS would be the way to solve the whole mess with XL and XY not confessing.  Daddy Emperor marries XY and FFB  into his family without them even there.  LOL!  Boy, wouldn't THEY be surprised.

Make it so beloved Ru Shuo!

And instead of a tragedy, the show becomes a 'contracted' marriage show.!  Sign me up!

Can someone just knock some sense into him (or knock him out) and drag him to the altar?

Can a Kickstarter? I have a friend who's a writer in Hollywood. Tan speaks English, right?

I need this, please!


Thanks for translating the leaked script. I feel like I have read all the XL -   XY parts that I would want to watch. 

I don't really want to see her kissing Jing.


I know right? Unfortunately, we have a very stubborn Nine-headed Demon who determined that Fangfeng Bei has died after the wedding incident. Can someone just knock some sense into him (or knock him out) and drag him to the altar?

But it's not like he made an announcement / staged a death, right?  He told XY, and then CX came up with the guards killed him story, IIRC.  Calling XY!!!  This is your chance!  Get 8 wooden spoons and start banging him in the heads!  Ru Shuo, this is your chance for redemption!  Find them and give them the news before they drop the romance ball ... again.

This totally is the jumping off point for a fan fic.