

Even Mr. Ah Bi knows that they love each other, and the person Xiaoyao misses is himself (xl)

think that in parts because XY as a character lacks awareness and insight into her own feelings. Throughout the novel, she never really looks into her own heart to examine her feelings for XL or Jing. We seeing her behavior probably have a better understanding of her feelings than she does.

At this point, it's not even funny: by the end of the novel, it seems that every major character apart XY herself (without getting into the debate of whether she really knows or not) know that she is in love with XL... Let's recap:

Those who we know, know for sure:

  • Tu Shan Jing
  • the Yellow Emperor
  • the Grand Emperor
  • Ah Nian (in the novel but especially in the drama version since she took out Ah Bi's role)
  • Li Rong (as seen in the leaked script of drama S2)
  • Left Ear
  • XL himself (best proof: the Lover's Bug)

Those who suspect it very strongly:

  • Ah Bi
  • Lie Yang
  • the Royal Mother
  • Cang Xuan: maybe? XL used the bug 2 times to prevent XY from dying (first time as a transaction but not for Xing Yue assassination attempt). XL never blackmailed CX with his bug connection to XY. XL came purposely 2 times to confront CX, breaching the formations surrounding Five Gods Mountain waters and Zhi Jin Summit skies in the process only to help WXL/XY. CX knows that XY as WXL was kind of friend/frenemy with XL. CX was jealous of XY relationship with FFB. By chapter 50, he knows that FFB is XL. Each of these cues taken independently may not prove anything, but by connecting the dots, there's no doubt about it. I add also the scene in the drama when XL take XY away after Merlin's assassination attempt because there's a shot of CX replaying in his head what XL just said to him "I won't let anyone gossip about Princess and me, the furtive demon and ruin her reputation"
  • The Voodoo King: maybe? Because he knows that TSJ is not XY lover and XL knowing the Jiu Li folk ballad may be a proof that XL came to consult him about the Lover's Bug. Thus being why XL knows so much about the bug (I guess Lirong replace the Voodoo King in the drama?). If one subscribes to this theory, the Lover's Bug being very rare, and XY and XL having each moved all the way to find the Voodoo King to know more about it, can't be a coincidence
  • Furball (^^)
  • Hong Jiang: maybe? As someone already pointed it out a few pages earlier: his adopted son slept away from the army's camp for 37 years and suspiciously failed to kill Cang Xuan 3 times

Those who know she loves FFB:

  • Chi Sui Feng Long
  • Li Jie Chang (and he knows FFB is XL)
  • the Yellow Emperor (but he "didn’t want to probe further into romantic entanglements")
  • the guests at XY/FL wedding/the "entire world" as they misunderstood XY for being a runaway bride, eloping with FFB her lover (cf. the rumor chapter 33)
  • citizens of Zhi Yi city/Zhe Province/Xuan Yuan Castle who have witnessed the Gao Xing Princess/FFB dates

Leaked script Ep3 scene 9   (Vol 2 Ch12 / Chapter 29)

[This takes place after Cang Xuan successfully arranged for the capital to be moved from Xuan Yuan city to Zhi Yi city. However, there is no indication that Xiao Yao ever spoke to her grandfather about being tied down by her bloodline, and whether he would agree if she wanted to seek out Xiang Liu. The old Xuan Yuan king also did not talk about the task being related to his own regrets ]

XYK: I have a task I wish you to do.
CX: Please name it.
XYK: See if there is a way to persuade Xiang Liu to surrender.
CX (surprised): Persuade Xiang Liu to surrender? I fear this is no easy task.
XYK: Yes, it is extremely difficult. Over the past few hundred years, De Yan, ShenNong Yi they have tried one after another, but were all turned down by Xiang Liu. Nonetheless, I still hope that you would try.
CX (considering): If it can be accomplished, this would benefit the country and the people. I will entrust this to someone capable and resourceful, and do my best to make it happen.
XYK: Alright.

[In the next scene, we see the old Lirong donkey meat seller asking Xiang Liu to remove the lovers bug after realising who Xiao Yao was; and Xiang Liu recalling Lirong Chang's efforts to persuade him to surrender, which would indicate this is the first of multiple envoys sent by Cang Xuan.

The next time we see any mention of this is when Xiao Yao returns after leaving mid-way through her wedding. This time, Cang Xuan realises that Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are the same person, something the old Xuan Yuan king had suspected when he first tasked Cang Xuan to get Xiang Liu to surrender ]

Yes, scenes are added to make Jing look less selfish. There is also a scene I just translated where Jing finally acknowledges his own selfishness in manipulating Xiao Yao's kindness back in Dragon Bone prison, taking away her right to choose between him and Xiang Liu, and his wish to give her back that choice.

Jing is what I would call a fake gentleman. Hiring someone to ruin your ex-wedding, but minimizes the damage. Please!! The outcome is the same, you shit. And giving XY back her choices now after the damage has been done when you again just took her choice away with the wedding sabotage plan. Please! Spare me. It's a pattern of behavior for him.

Ironically, by adding the scene of him admitting that he took her right to choose between him and XL, they just confirmed that he sees XL as a threat/rival for XY right from the beginning. Kinda diluted their attempt to push XiaoJing as the  only 1:1 pairing. 

This wasn't explicit in the book, but the implications were there. Repeatedly reminding her of his existence and her promise to him. The stalking/skulking whenever XY is with FFB. He doesn't do this with FL, because he doesn't see FL as a threat. The amount of time he prevents XY from running after FFB/XL. There was a particular scene after XY found out about her real father and XL comforted her. She wanted to jump after him into the ocean (completely forgetting that Jing was around) and Jing grabbed her. His internal monologue there was something about a fear that if he doesn't hold on to her, she will disappear from his life forever (I'm paraphrasing).

My impression is that Jing knows that XY loves XL, and that he is her second choice. He got what he wanted at the end of the novel, but how long will the happiness last when you know that the person you desperately love actually loves someone else and is eternally yearning for this person?

This takes place after Xiao Yao leaves Qingshui town for Qingqiu. Here, Cang Xuan finds out Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are the same person, and immediately sees the parallel between them with Chi Chen and A Heng.

Leaked script Ep8 scene 10  (not in the novel)

Heavy snow had covered the Shen Nong army camp.
Shen Nong soldiers in worn clothes were escorting carts carrying provisions into the camp. Excitement and joy appeared on the faces of the shabbily dressed soldiers in the camp when they saw the carts of provisions.
Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu stood behind the soldiers, observing everything.

HJ (grateful): If you had not procured these provisions, I fear many of our brothers would not have survived this winter.
XL (calmly): It is my duty as the military advisor of the Shen Nong army.
HJ (curious): How did you manage to convince Tushan to help?
XL: A businessman would naturally talk about business.
HJ (even more curious): What kind of business transaction would convince the Tushan clan leader to take risks and provide us with provisions for free?

Xiang Liu looked at the carts of provisions and the joyful soldiers before him, and fell silent for a while before changing the subject.

XL: I fear that the Xuan Yuan king (Cang Xuan) will send men to do a thorough sweep of Qingshui Town. Adoptive father, please instruct the men to be vigilant and avoid exposing the location of the base.

Hong Jiang's attention was immediately distracted, his face tense.

HJ: What's going on? Could it be the matter of the provisions has been leaked?
XL: No. With Tushan Jing's ability, this small matter is not something he could not handle.
HJ: Then what is the reason?

Xiang Liu fell silent again.
Unable to [make him say more], Hong Jiang sighed.

HJ: You must have your reasons for not telling me, so I won't ask anymore. I will summon the generals right away and instruct them to be careful.

With this, Hong Jiang hurried off.
Xiang Liu remained where he was, calmly looking at the carts of provisions.

FFB (half serious, half in jest): Why don't you stop being a princess and roam the world with me?

Xiao Yao tilted her head to look at Fangfeng Bei, and it appeared as if she was considering his words. Fangfeng Bei continued to smile uninhibitedly, but there was hidden tension in his eyes.

XY (laughed): Alright. As long as you give up everything, I will go with you.

Xiao Yao looked at Fangfeng Bei with a cheerful smile.
[End flashback]

Xiang Liu's eyes were sad amid the cheers of the soldiers around him.

Leaked script Ep8 scenes 11-12  (Vol 2 Ch16 / Chapter 33)

While at Qingqiu, Xiao Yao was summoned back to the old Xuan Yuan king's residence, and nervously stood before her severe-looking grandfather who frowned but did not say a single word. When Cang Xuan came in, she immediately hid behind him. Despite his cold expression, Cang Xuan kept her shielded from the old Xuan Yuan king.

XYK: You dared to cancel your wedding in front of the whole world. I thought there was nothing you fear anymore.

Xiao Yao bowed her head and hid behind Cang Xuan, who did not move either.

XYK: Come out and answer! What is really going on between you and Fangfeng Bei? If he wants to marry you, does he not even have the courage to come and see us?

Cang Xuan furrowed his brows.
Xiao Yao slowly moved to Cang Xuan's side and stood next to him, peeking guiltily first at the old Xuan Yuan king, then at Cang Xuan.

XY: Fangfeng Bei, he, he... is dead.

Both the old Xuan Yuan king and Cang Xuan were extremely shocked.

CX (complexed expression, veiled meaning behind his words): Are you sure Fangfeng Bei is really dead?

Xiao Yao was guilty, but put on a bold air right after.

XY: He is indeed dead, and the person Fangfeng Bei will never appear again in the future!

Cang Xuan understood what Xiao Yao meant, comprehension dawning in his eyes.

XY (grieved): Fangfeng Bei... he can be considered to have died because of me. Whatever happened between us... I don't want to talk about it anymore!

The old Xuan Yuan king pondered for a moment and looked at Cang Xuan.

XYK: Xiao Yao left with Fangfeng Bei before the entire world. Now Xiao Yao is back, but he is dead. An explanation must be given to the world.

Understanding the plea behind Xiao Yao's anxious stare, Cang Xuan addressed the old Xuan Yuan king coolly.

CX: When the guards I sent caught up with Xiao Yao, Fangfeng Bei refused to let her go. While trying to save the princess, the guards killed Fangfeng Bei in a moment of desperation. (glances at Xiao Yao) Killing Fangfeng Bei also gives the Chishui clan and the world an answer, appeasing Feng Long and ShenNong Yi. I doubt the Fangfeng clan would dare speak on behalf of their lowborn son anymore.
XYK: This is fine too.

However, Xiao Yao's expression was bitter. Cang Xuan threw her a glance.

CX: Go and get changed. I still have things to discuss with Grandfather.
XYK: Go ahead.

After watching her leave, Cang Xuan turned to the old Xuan Yuan king.

CX: Grandfather, when you asked me to persuade Xiang Liu to surrender, did you already know that Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are the same person?
XYK (sighing): It was just a guess back then. I only confirmed it today.

Cang Xuan tried to control his anger.

CX: If it were not for Chi Chen, Aunt would not have... Xiang Liu had the audacity to mess with Xiao Yao. It's absolutely monstrous!
XYK: Xiao Yao is different from your aunt. From the start, Xiao Yao has always put you first, prioritised you over all. What you fear will never happen.

Startled by the old Xuan Yuan king's words, Cang Xuan's fury immediately dissipated and he calmed down, an involuntary smile curved on his lips.

[Later when Cang Xuan told her off for running off to Qingqiu, Xiao Yao placated him by saying that at the time, her thoughts were jumbled and did not know how to contact him, so she contacted the only person she knew in Qingshui Town, proprietor Yu and only got him to send her to Qingqiu during a momentary rashness. She told him that of course she would have thought to get in touch with Cang Xuan first after causing so much trouble]

[This takes place after Cang Xuan successfully arranged for the capital to be moved from Xuan Yuan city to Zhi Yi city. However, there is no indication that Xiao Yao ever spoke to her grandfather about being tied down by her bloodline, and whether he would agree if she wanted to seek out Xiang Liu. The old Xuan Yuan king also did not talk about the task being related to his own regrets ]

They really are determined to strip all hints that showed XY's feelings for XL, aren't they? Bastards.

I also don't like how they are making it out as XL chose his ending with the resistance army, partially because he can't be with XY or that he would considered giving up his commitment to them and runs off with XY.  It's very different from my impression of XL in the novel.

The more I read about the leak scripts, the less I want to watch Season 2.

Oh, and we finally get to see HJ. Some posters here will get a face to post on their dart board :-)

Thanks for the translation, @liddi.

 Snowdrop Meadow:


Thank you! I also want to say I'm extremely grateful (as everyone in this thread I'm sure) for your translations of the alleged leaks. Everyone can gradually come to terms with the changes and decide if season 2 will be watchable on their own before the premiere thanks to you. I hate most changes they made in regard to XL, but still think what they did to CX is the worst. Personally the "illusion" part is the breaking point for me, where not only the characters, but also the timeline and storyline take the hardest blow. 

Thank you very much for your kind words. The leaked script is not totally bad - I like added details we never get in the novel, especially regarding the rebel army, the reason Hong Jiang stayed true to his cause, Xiang Liu's inner thoughts. However, watering down Cang Xuan's role, invalidating Xiang Liu's efforts or giving the credit elsewhere, omitting entire chapters and the change in timeline butchers the narrative, and I can only hope and pray that the final version we get addressed these concerns. 

Speaking of which, @liddi : in the S2 leaked script does XL realize that the Yellow Emperor/Grand Emperor/CX trying to bring him to abandon Chenrong at all costs is suspicious? Are they elements that can support that XL understands that they do that for XY and, by extention, that XY loves him just like Ah Heng loved Chi You? Even knowing that if XL understood this and realised that it would give him a chance to be with XY, it won't change his mind and the ending he chose for him.

In the leaked script which I just translated, the old Xuan Yuan king first asked Cang Xuan to get Xiang Liu to change sides, and Cang Xuan realises that Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are the same person soon after Xiao Yao comes back following the wedding fiasco. Cang Xuan already notes the parallels between Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, with Chi Chen and A Heng, even though his grandfather reassured him it would never happen with Xiao Yao. Will share if I do find scenes later on that indicate that Xiang Liu was aware of their real motivations. The thing though is that so many envoys had come to persuade him over the years, even before Cang Xuan took over the throne, so unless there is an explicit reason, he would have no cause to suspect that this time was any different from the past.

Also liddi; thanks for the link to your translation of the "who do you want to marry" conversation between XL and XY. I'm curious as to the wording of the last question. In my translation, the term that was used is "whom do you want to travel side by side with" (sorry, this is a literal translation as I'm not a translator). The implication with this particular wording is a companion that will walk through life together with you, side by side. We know that XL as FFB is the one that XY spent time with experiencing and enjoying the world. This wording is also a throwback to an earlier conversation between XY and FFB about the difficulty of finding someone to walk together with through life.

Both the novel and the leaked script worded the last question the same way:

你最想和谁相伴一生?With whom do you most wish to spend your life with?  
[相伴 literally means to accompany each other]

So yes, it does mean the person she wants to walk through life together with her.

In which case, it can imply that the answer she refused to verbalise is Fangfeng Bei whom she knows is Xiang Liu, without the responsibilities of the rebel army to keep them apart.

Xiang Liu is Xiao Yao's "exception":

Anyone who is CX's enemy is her enemy. Except for XL

Anyone who attempts to harm CX, she will not goes easy on them. Except for XL

CX is the most important person to her and she won't choose anyone over him. Except for XL

No matter how good something is, if it's not worth it anymore, she'll give it up. Except for XL

She does not retain anyone's images in her special mirror. Except for XL

She won't be the first to confess her feelings to anyone. Except for XL

She choose to associate with those who are weaker and dependent on her so they won't leave her. Except for XL

What else did I miss?

You can be rational and logical all you want, but the minute you get bitten by the love bug all your principles go out the window. Girlfriend got it bad and she doesn't even realize it. 

Love this!

Here comes a third interpretation. I see Tong Hua comments as more general. While love is an important aspect of life, it's not everything and there are other things that are also important. This applies to XL and his commitment to the resistance army; and to CX and his pursuit of the throne. It ironic then, that for the two people that ended up together, love was everything to a rather unhealthy degree. Perhaps I should say that to Jing, love is everything because for XY it is more about not being alone.

This is how I interpreted Tong Hua's words too. And she does not just say it in this post. This is something she mentions time and again in other interviews - that love, however incredible, is not everything in life, and that women should first learn to live their own lives well:

"My view is that love can make life very beautiful, but it is not the only thing in life. Women should first live their own lives well. Only a woman with financial and mental independence can embrace love calmly."  -- Tong Hua,  20 Jul 2019

Let us not forget too that in that same post, she compares the two female characters - one who follows her husband in death, abandoning her child, whose identity is tied only to a man; while the other chooses to live and care for the children despite how difficult it was, choosing to live a life that is hers. Which is all in keeping with the message she reiterates in all her interviews.

Oh my goodness.... that is so so sad... hope against hope, could the production team please have a bonus ep where the belly was opened n XY saw n understood. Even in silence, that would be a great solace??? and closure???

Unfortunately, if the leaked script is to be believed, she never finds out in S2 either...

Chapter 49 – Fear that Reunion is But a Dream:
What do you imply? I think it's better to look at the original text in Chinese if we want to analyse sth from the tittle of the chapter. In my language it is translated as " Reunion as if a dream". Jing was back (like a dream). Quite suitable tittle

The title for Vol 3 Ch16 (Chapter 49) is 相逢犹恐是梦中, which literally means "reunion that is feared to be just a dream". In other words, they are reunited, but are afraid that it is just an illusion, not reality. This matches Koala's translation of the chapter title "Fear that Reunion is But a Dream", which @windiaaa041293 shared.

相伴 literally means to accompany each other

Yesterday I read a detail translation and analysis of this quote.

In the novol, FFB had conversation with XY after leaving the donkey restaurant (after her engagement with FL). There they discussed why was it difficult to find an accompany partner. That part is pretty interesting. I found that the chinese words have such rich content.

definition of accompany in FFB’s opinion is 

  • 志趣相投 
  • 倾心相待

This may be the cause why he asked XY in QS town the 4th question 

Chapter 12 Vol 2

Xiao Yao turned and walked away. The night was quiet and the road was long – which way was her path?

Xiao Yao softly asked “Bei, tell me…..why is it so hard to find a person to walk the path with?”

Fang Feng Bei said “Finding a person isn’t hard, finding a person who shares the same interest, genuinely treats you well, and makes the journey more interesting, that is what is hard.”

Xiao Yao asked “Can one never forget a person for an entire life?”

“Depends on the person. If you are talking about Jing, then I think it’s highly possible.”

“Do you mean he can’t forget me, or I can’t forget him?”

Fang Feng Bei smiled “However you want to interpret.”

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows and angrily said “There are a lot of good men left in the vast wilderness!”

“There are plenty of good men, but there isn’t many who will really put you inside his heart.”

“What do you mean? So I shouldn’t marry Feng Long?”

“I don’t mean anything. You asked me so I honestly told you my thoughts.”

“Xiang Liu, I really don’t know, what is your heart thinking deep down inside?”

“You and me are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?”

Xiao Yao mocked herself “Yes, it’s my over thinking! No matter what you feel deep down inside, none of has anything to do with me!”

Xiang Liu stared down the dark alley and said nothing.

They really are determined to strip all hints that showed XY's feelings for XL, aren't they?

Yes, we are robbed of most scenes which reaffirms her less than platonic feelings for him, which is really frustrating.

I also don't like how they are making it out as XL chose his ending with the resistance army, partially because he can't be with XY or that he would considered giving up his commitment to them and runs off with XY.  It's very different from my impression of XL in the novel.

Hmm.. I don't quite see it that way. I think that the question slipped out, and Xiang Liu was afraid to hear Xiao Yao's answer. 

If she had said yes without demanding he gave up everything, that would have meant that she was willing to follow him despite his responsibility with the Chenrong army. If that happened, she would be left alone by the end of it when he died in battle. That was something he knew she desperately feared, to be abandoned without anyone to rely on, and something he could not allow to happen to her. 

If she had said yes but demanding he gave up everything (which she did), it reaffirms that she wanted to be with him but he cannot be with her, because she specifically reiterated that she needed someone who would be willing to give up everything for her, and he would never abandon the Chenrong army.

If she had said no, then it was clear cut that she did not want to be with him after all.

In the end, Xiao Yao's snarky comment that he was not the only one who knew how to talk big, told him that she thought this was yet another of his flirtatious banter, and she did not take him seriously, which may have been both a relief and disappointment for him. 

Leaked script Ep3 scene 9 (Vol 2 Ch12 / Chapter 29)

Leaked script Ep8 scene 10 (not in the novel)

In the leaked script which I just translated, the old Xuan Yuan king first asked Cang Xuan to get Xiang Liu to change sides, and Cang Xuan realises that Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are the same person soon after Xiao Yao comes back following the wedding fiasco. Cang Xuan already notes the parallels between Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, with Chi Chen and A Heng, even though his grandfather reassured him it would never happen with Xiao Yao. Will share if I do find scenes later on that indicate that Xiang Liu was aware of their real motivations. The thing though is that so many envoys had come to persuade him over the years, even before Cang Xuan took over the throne, so unless there is an explicit reason, he would have no cause to suspect that this time was any different from the past.

Thank you very much @liddi

There's a lot of information!

  • the Yellow Emperor knows FFB is XL quite early on but didn't take action (didn't "officialy" investigate it, didn't share the information with CX, didn't take the chance and try to kill FFB - XL in a more vulnerable form).
  • Cang Xuan knows FFB is XL after XY returns from the runaway bride episode, so way before the equivalent drama episode of novel chapter 50. But he can't do anything about him because FFB is now "dead"
  • Hong Jiang sense that something is off with XL but doesn't know about his involvement with XY

The Yellow Emperor is indeed smart: his posture could be interpretated as practically the equivalent of giving his blessings to XY-XL. But the truth is: 

  • he knows that XL would never abandon Sheng Nong (chpt 31 "Only you will waste such precious things" about the ice crystal ball) 
  • he knows that XY would never abandon CX, especially over a man because she would never replicate her mother's story
  • if XL do abandon Sheng Nong for XY (extremely low probability of occurrence), it can only be good for the Yellow Emperor: as he failed to poach XL numerous time himself, having his granddaughter succeed in a "beauty trap" would be very welcomed (and ironic since XL believed at one point that XY played him as WXL - and also funny because FFB admited himself "Your beauty scheme was no use on him, but it’ll work on me."). If Sheng Nong lose their great general and strategist, it would sign the end for them. Also, having his granddaughter having her happy end with the man she loves would make up for the Yellow Emperor's "little bit of regret.”