Cracks knuckles and starts thinking about the Kokuto Racy Rating scale.

First, you need to watch that film I told you about. You know which one.

I'm all for nathsketch fan fic. :)

Sorry, this is just my petty response to some Jingers who was all up in arms about XiaoLiu's fans having a giggle over XY getting feelings from XL drinking her blood.

Hearing those Jingers get up in arms over XiaoLiu fans giggling over XY's feels from XL drinking her blood makes me want to finish up the gifs I'm making of all the neckbiting scenes even more. Out of spite! ? I didn't finish those gifs since I was making some for Cang Xuan instead (he needs more love). 

What is this, Big Brother? We can't enjoy what little content drama version YaoLiu has without the Jingers getting mad/annoyed at us or them lecturing us about him being a "toxic abuser" in the public comments section ??

Anyway, here's some I made before ?❤️

And I'm quoting what it feels like from the novel

Ch. 6:

In the beginning there was a sharp pain like teeth biting through the flesh. But gradually, the pain transformed into something odd. In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing.

K BYE ??‍♀️?

I find it also interesting, that she keeps testing YSQ/TSJ (she did have ground to but never once XL. I don‘t know it we should interpreted it, because she didn‘t have any expectation of XL as romantic partner so she never has the need to test if XL will abandon her or she implicitly already trusted XL, so much so that no test was needed?.

YSQ behaved in a way that started making XY have certain expectations of him. Then he promised to break his engagement and return to her as YSQ, and asked her not to let another man into her heart. His behavior, his promises, and her nascent expectations scared her. She felt like she shouldn't let herself trust those expectations. So she tests him and creates situations where she sets him up to do something that will disappoint her so she can use that situation to cut off her feelings for him. 

With XL, he doesn't really put forth anything for her to test. In front of XY, XL doesn't behave in a way that would create expectations. He hides his best intentions behind transactions. If he spares her life, he asks for poisons in return. If he offers to have her bug transferred to him, he asks for a promise in return. If he commissions a bow for her, he does so anonymously. etc. etc. And he doesn't make promises, especially not ones that he can't keep.

As FFB, XL can shamelessly flirt with XY because of FFB's reputation. She doesn't take it seriously and assumes he flirts like that with all the girls. He tells her their relationship is only temporary, pre-emptively cutting off any expectations that might develop about their relationship turning into something more. I can't think of any instances where XY comes closer to testing XL than when FFB asked her (half seriously, half in jest) to give up being a princess to wander with him. XY sees that offer from FFB (she doesn't know he is XL yet) and doesn't trust it, so she tests him. She says she'll go with him if he can give up everything, and of course he can't. So she feels like she called his bluff. 

Apart from that, I can't think of any other instances where she tests FFB or XL. Instead, the dynamic in their relationship shifts to one where she says or does things that are thinly-veiled bids, and XL ignores them or turns cold. XY says she wishes that he could always be FFB? XL says nothing and leaves. XY says she wishes she could have been the one to save him from the death match arena so she could make him be just FFB? XL raises a hand to touch her face before stopping himself and turning cold. XY says she wishes she could spend the rest of her life like this (after spending a night and a day in the ocean with XL, and eating a meal with him on an island)? XL ignores her words and summons Furball to take them back to shore. XY sends the ice crystal ball scene to XL? XL ignores it for two months, makes a deal with TSJ, and then stops her wedding in the most upsetting, hurtful and humiliating way possible.

Instead of testing XL like TSJ (out of fear of disappointment), it's like she starts to put out those bids to test whether there was a chance that he might do what she asked of FFB: give up everything else (Gong Gong and the remnant army) in order to be with her. That there was some possibility that they could become something more. And XL reaction to those bids seems to be a "no" every time. 

Bless you, Elise!

Hearing those Jingers get up in arms over XiaoLiu fans giggling over XY's feels from XL drinking her blood makes me want to finish up the gifs I'm making of all the neckbiting scenes even more.

Oh my gosh! Are you making more?? I can't handle more of your gifs. Kidding, yes I can.

Your interpretation is correct. The text 忘记 literally means "forgot", but can also be translated as "neglected to consider":

Good to know. Thanks liddi!

I would say that it is not so much she did not choose Cang Xuan over Xiang Liu, but rather she continuously chose to protect both, which indicated that they were both at least equally important to her.

I agree that she chose to protect both of them.

Up to the first and last time she ever begged Cang Xuan for anything, and that was for Xiang Liu's life. I never recalled her begging Xiang Liu not to kill Cang Xuan, except for that one time way back in Qingshui town after she first found out about Cang Xuan's real identity, and that was only just to point out that Xiang Liu should not need to kill Cang Xuan because there is no personal enmity between them.

It's true that she didn't ask XL to spare CX's life exactly. I think that's mainly because she felt like she didn't have enough pull with XL and he wouldn't listen to her, so there was no reason to bother asking. 

I would also point out that even though XY didn't exactly ask XL to spare CX's life, she did try to convince him that killing CX was a bad idea and even threatened to personally kill Gong Gong if XL tried to go after CX again. 


Chapter 46:

Xiao Yao raised her silver bow and pulled back an arrow aimed at Xiang Liu. “Gong Gong lives for his fallen kingdom and stubbornly refuses to surrender, that’s something admirable! But people cannot fight against the inevitable, now Xuan Yuan, Sheng Nong, and Gao Xing have all united, each of the tribes, clans, and families are coexisting peacefully. If you kill Zhuan Xu then the entire vast wilderness will be launched into disarray and war will begin again. Hundreds of thousands of people will be swept up in the devastation. Is this what Gong Gong wants in order to cling to his loyalty, be true to himself at the cost of the peace of the world?”

Xiang Liu smiled a sardonic grin. “If I kill Zhuan Xu, then it means the vast wilderness isn’t yet united. How can you say we’re going up against the inevitable?”

“You know in your heart whether what I’m saying is right or not!”

Xiang Liu stared at the silver bow in Xiao Yao’s hand and smiled. “You want to use the archery skills I taught you to kill me?”

Xiao Yao’s hands shook but she yelled, “Don’t move!”

Xiang Liu continued to walk towards Xiao Yao with a laugh. “Can’t believe you’re going to get revenge for Chi Sui Feng Long. If you’re that into him then you should have married him. I mean, Jing’s been dead for a few years now…”

Xiao Yao was so furious at his words the silver arrow flew forward with a whoosh.

Xiao Yao’s archery skills were personally taught by Xiang Liu, her bow was one-of-a-kind and hand-forged by the Jin Tian family, and the two were standing not far from each other. So in a split second the arrow embedded itself in Xiang Liu’s chest. Xiang Liu’s body visibly shook slightly but he continued to walk towards Xiao Yao. “Don’t forget I’m called Nine Lives Xiang Liu! If you want to kill me then you need to shoot a few more arrows! And you have to be more accurate! Right here!” Xiang Liu pointed at his heart and then spread his arms wide.

“You think I won’t dare!” Xiao Yao pulled back another arrow.

But ——- blood was spreading like a plum blossom on his white robe and Xiao Yao’s heart hurt so she closed her eyes and in that moment her arrow flew forward and missed, grazing his arm. Xiang Liu stopped in his tracks and he smiled at Xiao Yao, it appeared to be mocking but was in truth hiding his joy.

Xiao Yao wanted to pull another arrow but her heart was jumbled and she couldn’t do it anymore. She finally put her bow down, all the energy from Feng Long’s death dissipated and Xiao Yao turned to Left Ear. “Let’s go back!”

Xiang Liu said to Left Ear. “Stand to the side. If I want to kill her, there’s nothing even ten of you here can do!”

By now Left Ear knew that Xiang Liu was Bei, and Left Ear couldn’t understand what was happening before his eyes right now. He silently stepped aside.

Xiao Yao stepped onto the waves and walked towards Xiang Liu. “What are you going to do now? Kill me and bet with the heavens whether the Lover’s Bug legend is true or not?”

Xiao Yao walked right up to Xiang Liu and looked up at him. “I’m sad and angry, that’s all true, but in the end I still can’t kill you to avenge Feng Long. But you listen to me – if you try anything against Zhuan Xu, I will go assassinate Gong Gong! My archery skills were taught by you, you know what you taught me was all about killing. My poisons, you’ve sampled it all and even if it’s useless against you, it'll kill Gong Gong easily!”


Because TongHua said it herself :
The heroine's choice has always been due to psychological deficiencies, and her psychology is closely related to the growth of childhood and teenagers, which is what is often called the original family in psychology today.

So I believe her actions with Jing were compensatory psychology.
Only by believing in it can this storyline make sense.

I don't believe that TongHua doesn't know about it... she must have learned everything about mental illness.

So I believe that Xiaoyao from start to finish only love XL.
She just likes tsj and it's just a feeling of dependency on his mental illness.

PLB didn't turn into a heartbroken BUG from start to finish

The jinggers feel proud, because TongHua says Jing is a love letter to girls.
(Those who believe it are already trapped in the dragon bone prison, LOL)
Isn't TongHua's writing style always like that, on the surface it looks like praising, even though he is criticizing, criticizing, criticizing.
After we read the book, for those who understand, we will know whether what Tong Hua said was praise or criticism.

Unlike XL, TongHua always gives compliments, compliments and compliments. So it's no wonder XL is his favorite.

Then TongHua said that this was a happy ending, but why did the director of the show cry after Tonghua told the real story? Isn't that a happy ending? Why do you have to cry?

Don't believe too much in what Tong Hua said.Maybe what TongHua wants to say is: read, understand, and find the answer yourself. Can you be free from the dragon bone prison or trapped forever in the dragon bone prison created by Tong Hua.

LM (pleading): There is no future for you both. Let her go! Both of you have different stands. Don't be like... the Great General... loving each other devotedly, but forced to fight to the death in battle...

Looking at the tear-filled old man, Fangfeng Bei's eyes were grief-stricken as he recalled what happened not too long ago.

What's the context for this part?

CX is a pragmatic ruler but I thought that he is presented as a man of his word?

From what we know of how he ruled, he was shown to be a man of his word. But he hadn't ruled for long, and he invaded Gao Xing despite being sheltered there for hundreds of years and calling the Grand Emperor his Shifu. If CX promised Gong Gong or XL something that seemed too good to be true, my assumption is that they would be more likely to assume that CX simply wouldn't fulfill the promise faithfully than they would be to assume that CX was making those promises because of XY. 

Anyway, it seems unlikely that he could have allowed XL to disappear given his conditions for fulfilling his promise and XL's stubborness...

Yes, when CX made that promise to XY I'm sure he was well aware that XL was not going to stop, so the condition for his promise would not be met. However, I do think he probably would have tried to fulfill the promise if, by some miracle, XL actually did stop. Hopefully CX would have learned his lesson after aiding in TSJ's murder.

If we take into account that XY at the moment of the story when she planted the bug on CX, did love CX romantically but failed to durably plant it because as XL said, CX did not willingly accept the bug, it all makes sense, doesn't it? 

I agree that there is room to question whether XY's feelings for CX were always strictly platonic, and if her feelings for CX were romantic at the time that she planted the bug in him then that would resolve any questions raised as to how XY was able to establish a connection with him using the Lovers' Bug. 

The drama emphasizes the idea of a romantic shared love bewteen XY and CX better

It's interesting. The drama includes the scenes you mentioned, but ended up removing XY's childhood promise to marry CX (although the original version of the scene is included in the trailer). In the novel, at CX's first wedding, XY thinks to herself that this is not the wedding she envisioned, and she recalls the pledge she made to him as a child.

And there are a few places in the novel (including the scene in chapter 47 that you quoted) where it's suggested that XY would have married CX under the right circumstances (e.g., if she was his only wife, if she believed he could choose her over everything else, and if she didn't fall for someone else). 

Plus, as you mentioned, WXL asked Xuan in chapter 6, "You and Ah Nian…..is it really just sibling feelings between you guys?"


Chapter 26:

Seeing Zhuan Xu getting married, Xiao Yao plastered a smile on her face but had no happiness in her heart. They stumbled, they fell, they drifted, they fought, along the way her and Zhuan Xu both grew up and now he was getting married. But this wedding wasn’t what Xiao Yao had envisioned.

In her memories: her Eldest Uncle’s wedding to the Sheng Nong Kingdom’s Princess was a lavish ceremony. She and Zhuan Xu got in a fight, he said a married daughter was like water splashed outside. She remembered later her Fourth Auntie committing suicide, Zhuan Xu’s nightly nightmares, her comfort that she would forever be with him. Zhuan Xu said she would marry one day and leave her, she innocently said that she wouldn’t marry another, she would marry him……

Though the crowd and the noise, Zhuan Xu turned to look at Xiao Yao. When their eyes locked, both had a perfect seamless smile locked on their face: no matter what, at least we are both still alive, as long as we stay alive, nothing else matters!


The actual term used in the novel is 耳鬓厮磨 (literally it means "ears and temples rubbing against each other") and is meant to describe close physical interaction, often between lovers (but not specifically referring to intercourse). The novel uses this term thrice - during Xiao Yao's memories of Jing, and Cang Xuan recalling their childhood when he would hold her in his arms as she sang to him. It is also used to describe childhood sweethearts.

Thanks for another helpful translation liddi!


Oh dear. That would be a totally different story altogether!


Thank you! I found the reference in the novel already and explained it in my post above.

Thank YOU!

And I'm quoting what it feels like from the novel

Ch. 6:

In the beginning there was a sharp pain like teeth biting through the flesh. But gradually, the pain transformed into something odd. In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing.

The fact that we're getting the description of these sensations from CX kills me. ^^ Also XL's state immediately after. 

To add a bit more...


Chapter 6:

Xuan was laying on the pallet and suddenly bolted upright and touched his neck. Xiao Liu was still alive!

In the beginning there was a sharp pain like teeth biting through the flesh. But gradually, the pain transformed into something odd. In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing.

Xuan felt his mouth turn dry and was suddenly very angry. With such severe injuries, was that guy crazy or what the heck was he doing?

Xiang Liu raised his head and stared at Xiao Liu, blood staining his lips, his eyes darkened, his breath slightly labored. Xiao Liu was initially sitting sprawled like a man but suddenly he slid down and unconsciously wanted to cover his chest, but he immediately stopped himself and continued to sit sprawled open.

Xiang Liu’s hand moved down from his neck, tracing his jawline, down his clavicle. Xiao Liu grabbed his hand and smiled. “I’m a man. Even if you like men, you should find someone better looking.”


Chapter 17:

Fang Feng Bei was quiet for a moment and then reached for Xiao Yao’s hand and two sharp teeth appeared and pierced through her wrist. This was the first time Xiao Yao could see him sucking her blood. There was no pain, only the frisson of cool excitement.


Chapter 43:

Xiang Liu was furious and his fangs bared. “Don’t push me to eat you!”

“If you want to eat me then eat me!”

Xiang Liu jerked Xiao Yao into his arms and bit down on her neck in one move. Xiao Yao’s body shivered and then she fell slack, docilely nestled into Xiang Liu to accommodate him.

Injured Xiang Liu was like a dying of thirst traveler in the desert encountering an oasis, drinking up her blood in big gulps. Xiao Yao rested her head on his neck and closed her eyes, feeling only the rising and falling of the tides around her.

It wasn’t clear how much time passed when Xiang Liu stopped drinking her blood. Xiao Yao drowsily opened her eyes. “You can drink more, I’m fine.”

Xiang Liu raised his head to look up at the star-filled sky and the hazy moonlight. “Aren’t you scared one whit? You should know a demon is a demon. When gravely injured, a demon will lose control and revert to basic instinct. I could have sucked you dry!”

Xiao Yao softly touched the corner of his lips with a trace of blood on it and tenderly said, “You’re the one who is scared!”

Xiang Liu scoffed “I’m scared?”

“I saw your demon form, and it wasn’t hideous at all! And you didn’t suck me dry either!” Xiang Liu stared darkly at Xiao Yao and she got up her courage to continue. “Your form is larger than me……uhm, okay! So it’s not just larger, it’s much much bigger……and you have more heads than I do, just eight more only…..but the laws of nature didn’t say that a one-headed type like me is the norm, right? It just so happens that us one-headed types are the majority, if nine-headed types like you were the majority, I would feel self-conscious that I only have one head.”

“You have so much energy, clearly I should suck some more of your blood!” Xiang Liu’s expression was still dark, but when he leaned down to bite Xiao Yao’s neck and began sucking, Xiao Yao felt only a frisson of excitement and tingling, with no feeling of pain.

Xiao Yao said, “Hey! Hey! I was just being polite just now. And you’re really sucking again? A demon really is a demon…” And with that Xiao Yao fell asleep and finally stopped talking.

Xiang Liu stopped drinking and lifted his head to stare quietly at the sleeping Xiao Yao in his arms.

Because TongHua said it herself :
The heroine's choice has always been due to psychological deficiencies

If we translated this as, "The heroine's choices were driven by her trauma", I would agree with it. "Psychological deficiencies" is a synonym for "trauma", but it carries certain implications that I would guess probably aren't intended by Tong Hua's original phrasing. 

@ AH

The word that TH used to describe XY’s feelings in the 2 first scenes mentioned by you is “快感”

Liddi may explain us the meaning more detail.
there is an analysis about the use of this word in LYF that i translate partly as following

"快感: pleasure, bliss

This word is often used to describe the feeling of joy and pleasure in things, events, actions, etc. For example, enjoying doing something, being happy when conquering something. Or it will be used in male-female relationships (aka sexual relationship)

In LYF, TH uses this term five times. One of them describes the joy of TSH’s conquest when fighting a sea monster and stealing a fish pill. Another time was to describe Ah Nian’s  joy and gloating when she used the method of running away to take revenge on her family who did not care about her, imagining how guilty her family would feel because of her.

The remaining three times are used to describe XL and XY. One of them was about the first time Xiao Liu had fun in the ocean. When she rode the ocean waves, she was extremely excited and achieved the pleasure of conquering the ocean.
The 2 other two times is when XL bit her in the pool and when FFB sucked blood from her wrist when both of them lying on the same bed. "

So, what is the exact meaning of 快感  that TH tried to tell. You can make your own interpretation.

BTW, as @AH mentioned in the above post about XL's reaction after biting Xiao Liu's neck in the pond. He looked sexually excited. And Xiao Liu covered her chest, implying what she was thinking when seeing XL's reaction. Although she was in the shape of a man (for a few hundreds of years already), his reaction woke up the female part subconsciously.

In the scene in her bedroom and both of them were lying in bed. She did not want him to bite her neck. XL asked her why not there (in the neck). Her reply is vague: "why do you think? FFB". It is because she was a woman now, not a man anymore. Is it because she was afraid of the feeling that they had in the pond occurred again (even though she was a man by then) . It would be difficult to imagine what would progress further if he bit her neck (for us to imagine). Anyway, although he sucked blood on her wrist, it was the first time she directly saw him sucking blood, she still felt cool pleasure.

P/s: in Vietnamese we also have this word with exactly same meaning and usage, it is a Chinese rooted word. And if it is used in the last 2 context where the man and woman have physical contact, it indicates sexual pleasure.

@liddi. Below is the original text for those 2 scenes

< 刚开始是剧烈的疼痛,就好似利齿刺入肉中,可是渐渐地,疼痛的感觉变的怪异起来,疼痛中夹杂着丝丝酥麻,痛中有微微的【快感】,就好似有人在吮吸舔舐轻吻

<< 防风邶沉默了一瞬,扶着小夭的手腕,几颗尖尖的小獠牙,刺破了小夭的手腕,这是小夭第一次亲眼看到他吸她的血,并不觉得痛,反而有种凉飕飕的【快感】。

 AH :

If we translated this as, "The heroine's choices were driven by her trauma", I would agree with it. "Psychological deficiencies" is a synonym for "trauma", but it carries certain implications that I would guess probably aren't intended by Tong Hua's original phrasing. 

Agree. Possibly something is lost in translation. Having a physically or phycological illness is complicated and isn't necessarily a deficiency or permanent.


What is the context of TH mentioning this real story. I would be interested in knowing the interview etc and context it was brought up. I would like to know what the real story is too!

Then TongHua said that this was a happy ending, but why did the director of the show cry after Tonghua told the real story? Isn't that a happy ending? Why do you have to cry?

I see it as the opposite. I see her sending it as her declaration of love and her testing out and asking for his commitment. No actual commitment has been made.

She hasn't pledged herself or made promises to have only him in her heart. If she cancelled the wedding and sent him that, then that's commitment.. saying I will stay true to you because I love you.

Yes, I also laughed at the irony of the name of XY - TSJ live... Fatuous.... It was a very apt name!

That's a good point of distinction. 

Her sending the crystal ball is a signal of intention/wanting to commit to him, but she's still playing it safe by keeping her engagement to FLong just in case XL doesn't come through. It's very in character for her. Xiang Liu had her pegged correctly when he told her that she worries too much about gains and losses. I think this is applicable to her relationship with Jing as well. The person that she really loves and wants is XL, but because he's not "available", Jing is the "backed-up" guy. 

Jing did her dirty by essentially trapping her in that 15-year promise; creating a tie and expectations that she relies on. I wondered if she might have been more honest and braver if Jing hadn't dangled himself as an option with the promise of safety/security that she so desperately wanted. Thinking about this makes me annoyed at the changes in the script for season 2 with Jing "giving" XY back the option to choose between XL and himself. A little too late, buddy.