Please take my posts as friendly discussion. I don't take disagreement over a piece of fiction seriously. It's really difficult to monitor tone in written words, so if some of this comes across as combative, it isn't intended to be. 

 AH :
The fact that a bug connection was established between CX and XY calls into question whether the love that XY felt for XL necessarily had to be romantic love, since the love she felt for CX was platonic. However, the bug that XY planted in CX wasn't planted successfully. Tong Hua doesn't give the reader enough information about what that un-successful planting means to determine whether we can still use CX's connection to draw conclusions about XL's connection or not. I imagine Tong Hua deliberately left it open to interpretation.

It's called Lovers Bugs, not familial, friendship or even love bugs, but lovers. That word has a specific connotation. You don't call a truck a car even though they both have four wheels and are modes of transport.

Its unsuccessful implantation on CX demonstrated that you need to be willing for the bugs to take root. What kind of person would willingly have something this deadly planted on them? The kind that have a deep love for the other person. And I know, that's not proof that it has to be romantic love, however, the kind of love that would motivate someone to willing to subject themselves to this is the romantic kind (obsessive, possessive romantic). This isn't something that you would do with a friend or a sibling no matter how much you love them. Maybe with your child, but it wouldn't be called a Lovers Bugs then. It's Tong Hua hiding things on plain sight again :-)

 AH :
But Tong Hua has clearly told her readers that she considers LYF to be a happy ending. I don't believe she would take that view if she had condemned her female lead to marriage with a man that she had no romantic feelings for, after killing off the only man that she did have romantic feelings for. Especially after all the time and effort that those two men put into saving her from a loveless marriage earlier in the story.

Are we speculating on the author's thoughts? Have I rubbed off on you? (I'm jesting). My thoughts here are who's to say that marriage to someone you don't love deeply in a romantic sense means that you can't have a happy marriage? This occurs all the time where the focus is on companionship and sharing a life together. And XY does care about Jing, more than she cares about Feng Long. Not to mention what XY desperately wants is someone who will always place her as top priority above all else and Jing has done that (this was also something that Jing has over Feng Long that makes him more suitable for XY).  So she got what she wanted, why wouldn't she be happy? I noticed that XY's response to A Heng's question of "Why him (Jing)?" is essentially that he is the only one who never left her, no mention whatsoever about love. The thing that isn't said is as important as the thing that is said. It's Tong Hua being sneaky :-)

 AH :
So my conclusion is that XY definitely loved XL deeply and consistently, and I'm fairly certain that the nature of that love was romantic rather than platonic. I'm also fairly certain that XY loved TSJ romantically. The love she felt for each of them was very different, but it was romantic in both cases. XY also loved CX deeply and consistently, but her love in that case was platonic and not romantic.

We are definitely on the same page with the first and third sentence :-)

 AH :
But to draw a definitive conclusion about XY's feelings, we would need to compare XY with XY, not XY with how the reader would hypothetically act in that situation.

Yes, this is the thing with reading. We interpret things through our own subjective lens. I will say that it isn't about one particular thing, but rather a combination of things that lead to my overall impression. Like a tapestry that needs to be viewed as a whole rather than separate parts.

And speculating on the author's thoughts and intentions is a real slippery slope. It's fun though :-). So while I may hold certain opinions, whether XY loves Jing romantically or not is neither here nor there for me. Seems contradictory considering that I just wrote an essay in "rebuttal" to your post :-).

In the spirit of friendly discussion, I will say that while I wouldn't bet my precious boba tea on  XY's love for Jing being strictly platonic, I will bet 3 boba teas that her feeling for Xiang Liu is deeper, more intense and if he has been willing and able, Jing wouldn't even have gotten his foot through the door. 

Who else is with me on this one???


I will bet 3 boba teas that her feeling for Xiang Liu is deeper, more intense and if he has been willing and able, Jing wouldn't even have gotten his foot through the door. 

Yeah sure why not. I'll die on that hill too. If he was willing  and able it's game over. She wanted to spend her life with him, the most.

 AH :
What's the context for this part?

It's from the Leaked script Ep3  (S2 Ep11), here's the link:


 AH :
But he hadn't ruled for long, and he invaded Gao Xing despite being sheltered there for hundreds of years and calling the Grand Emperor his Shifu.

I guess he didn't make a promise to the Grand Emperor that he would never invade Gao Xing (how cynical do I sound...!)

 AH :
It's interesting. The drama includes the scenes you mentioned, but ended up removing XY's childhood promise to marry CX (although the original version of the scene is included in the trailer). In the novel, at CX's first wedding, XY thinks to herself that this is not the wedding she envisioned, and she recalls the pledge she made to him as a child.

And there are a few places in the novel (including the scene in chapter 47 that you quoted) where it's suggested that XY would have married CX under the right circumstances (e.g., if she was his only wife, if she believed he could choose her over everything else, and if she didn't fall for someone else).

Oh yes, you're right! 

For the promise to marry him, I guess they remove it for censorship and propriety reasons...

 AH :
I'm on the fence here. The ones who are most responsible are FFYY, TSJ's grandmother and even Hou (who intentionally seduced FFYY). TSJ also bears some responsibility. TSJ chose to return to the Tushan clan, he chose to live with FFYY, he chose not to defy his grandmother when it came to the engagement, and he chose to blindly trust his grandmother. XY did not actively contribute to what happened, but she likely could have prevented it if she spoke up. She definitely isn't solely responsible, but she's not unreasonable to say that she bears some of the blame.

I'm not on the fence about this one. XY may feels that she's responsible, but she isn't. In order for her to be solely or even partially responsible, we would have to establish that if XY had told Jing about FFYY things would absolutely, definitely have NOT turned out the way that it did. There is no way for this to be a certainty, because, as you pointed out AH, there are other factors all contributing to the outcome. We  simply can't measure how much XY lack of action contributed to the outcome.

This illusion of control is driven by egocentric bias. It's common in survivor's guilt.



I will bet 3 boba teas that her feeling for Xiang Liu is deeper, more intense and if he has been willing and able, Jing wouldn't even have gotten his foot through the door. 

Yeah sure why not. I'll die on that hill too. If he was willing  and able it's game over. She wanted to spend her life with him, the most.

The night on boat in the sea after Jing and XL returned from Jiu Li, she was about to jump into the sea and Jing was afraid of losing her forever if she did so or actually if he did not hold her tightly. Jing knew, we know that XY preferred XL by that time. XL hurt her so much after the wedding robbery. FFB didn't exist anymore. At that point, jumping into the sea means following XL. Very uncertain future. However, subconsciously she still had urge to follow XL. 

XY and Jing experienced more than 40 years of engagement peacefully because XL didn't show up in her life during that period. They had only 1 encounter about 8 years after the engagement. XL wanted to avoid her but She could still recognize him with a kind of subconscious instinct (he passed by on crowded street with different face then disappeared; she still managed to catch him in the casino. She talked with him, neglected or didn't aware that Jing was behind her). Whenever XL was around, she only focused on him. Jing seemed to be invisible. If XL had changed his mind and been willing to take her away, leaving the duty to Shen Nong army behind (even when she was engaged), I am pretty sure that she would follow him. A liberal life is what both of them desired most.  


Yeah ...i'm with you
Everyone knows a saying: "Your head can deceive you but your heart cannot." The most popular words that praise love in the world can be summed up as: the heart is connected and the mind is connected

"快感: pleasure, bliss

This word is often used to describe the feeling of joy and pleasure in things, events, actions, etc. For example, enjoying doing something, being happy when conquering something. Or it will be used in male-female relationships (aka sexual relationship)

You have done a great job in explaining the differences when 快感 is used in different contexts. When used in conjunction with physical interaction between a man and woman, there is a sexual connotation to the pleasure described e.g. arousal, even if there is no actual sexual intercourse.

At first, it was extreme pain as if sharp teeth pierced the flesh, but gradually the pain changed oddly. There was a sliver of numbness,
a delicate sensation of pleasure mixed with the pain, like someone was sucking, licking and lightly kissing.
    -- Vol 1 Ch6

and this is also verified by Xiang Liu's response, which alludes to him being aroused:

Xiang Liu raised his head and stared at Xiao Liu, the corner of his lips stained with blood, his eyes darkened, his breathing slightly laboured.

Fangfeng Bei was silent for a moment then he held Xiao Yao's wrist and pierced it with his sharp fangs. This was the first time Xiao Yao saw him sucking her blood with her own eyes. She felt no pain, only
a shiver of pleasure.
   -- Vol1 Ch17


Yes, we know for sure CX was more important to her than Jing, but how about XL? Where does XL sits? I mean he did try to kill CX în chapter 46, what would have happened if he successed? Was he that certain that XY's bug won't turn on him? What's the explanation? I don't belive that his target was FL, he tried twice to hit CX and he made sure to be fatal, because he did put poison on the arrows. 

Unfortunately for Jing, he ain't no Xiang Liu. I said in another post that XL is XY's exception. He tried to kill CX numerous times and what does XY do? Still hang around him. Whatever happened to her, "CX's enemy is my enemy?" I mean she freaked out when she saw that guy that attempted to kill CX walk in (can't remember the name sorry), and yet, XL as FFB walked around and came into contact with CX on the regular. Girl was even concerned that his secret would be exposed and he would be in danger. 

My thought is that her anger at Xiang Liu for Feng Long's death isn't really about FLong. Rather it's about the fact that his target was CX. If his arrow had hit, CX would have died (FLong did) and that would be the end of the line for them. So for her, XL's action is a blow to her heart because it's again another confirmation to her that she isn't important to him.

Emotions are not easy to control. If he had succeeded, she would hate him, but turning off your feelings just like that is unlikely.

 AH :

I don't think XY ever chose XL over CX though? 

It's true that she didn't tell CX who FFB was and she didn't help CX kill XL/FFB. But she also didn't help XL hurt or kill CX after she knew CX's identity. 

So that doesn't feel like XY choosing XL over CX.

I probably should have phrased it as willing to choose him over CX. And not in the sense of helping XL to kill CX - she would never do that. Just as she wouldn't have helped CX to kill XL. If you asked XY who she would save first if both XL and CX catch on fire (can't be water since we know XL can swim :-)), poor girl would have a hard time answering. 

My comment was more about how by sending XL that crystal ball if he had shown up and asked her to leave with him (and he would leave Chen Rong's army as well), she would have left CX and everything behind.

If you asked XY who she would save first if both XL and CX catch on fire (can't be water since we know XL can swim :-)), poor girl would have a hard time answering. 

If I take TH's way of thinking into account, meaning take similar example in Once Promised. She would choose CX. 

In Once Promised, Ah Heng when facing her Big Brother (Qing Yang) and Chi You both in critical injury, she chose to stay and tried to save her brother. Actually, the connection between Ah Heng and Qing Yang is less strong than that between XY and CX and Chi You and Ah Heng loved each other. XY always had doubt if XL loved her or how much his feeling for her 

My thought is that her anger at Xiang Liu for Feng Long's death isn't really about FLong. Rather it's about the fact that his target was CX. If his arrow had hit, CX would have died (FLong did) and that would be the end of the line for them. So for her, XL's action is a blow to her heart because it's again another confirmation to her that she isn't important to him.

I agree with you at this. She was angry because XL wanted to kill CX. However I think XL's action blew to her heart because  it confirmed that He always placed or chose Shen nong army rather than her. She was not his top priority. 

Haha, I read the following excerpt of chapter 43 (that @AH posted) again. The more I read, the more I find it written similar to a sex scene (of course there is no intercourse here) but the moves, the used verbs, the image of tide raising up and down, sleeping afterward. All are very commonly used to describe a sex scene in literature. Was XY still in her red wedding robe? FFB/XL had robbed her from the wedding (in wedding costume), and here it is like they "consummated" their "marriage" (the wedding night supposed to be between XY and Jing). HAHA. Sorry for Jing!

Chapter 43:

Xiang Liu was furious and his fangs bared. “Don’t push me to eat you!”

If you want to eat me then eat me!”

Xiang Liu jerked Xiao Yao into his arms and bit down on her neck in one move. Xiao Yao’s body shivered and then she fell slack, docilely nestled into Xiang Liu to accommodate him.

Injured Xiang Liu was like a dying of thirst traveler in the desert encountering an oasis, drinking up her blood in big gulps. Xiao Yao rested her head on his neck and closed her eyes, feeling only the rising and falling of the tides around her.

It wasn’t clear how much time passed when Xiang Liu stopped drinking her blood. Xiao Yao drowsily opened her eyes. “You can drink more, I’m fine.”

Xiang Liu raised his head to look up at the star-filled sky and the hazy moonlight. “Aren’t you scared one whit? You should know a demon is a demon. When gravely injured, a demon will lose control and revert to basic instinct. I could have sucked you dry!”

Xiao Yao softly touched the corner of his lips with a trace of blood on it and tenderly said, “You’re the one who is scared!”

Xiang Liu scoffed “I’m scared?”

“I saw your demon form, and it wasn’t hideous at all! And you didn’t suck me dry either!” Xiang Liu stared darkly at Xiao Yao and she got up her courage to continue. “Your form is larger than me……uhm, okay! So it’s not just larger, it’s much much bigger……and you have more heads than I do, just eight more only…..but the laws of nature didn’t say that a one-headed type like me is the norm, right? It just so happens that us one-headed types are the majority, if nine-headed types like you were the majority, I would feel self-conscious that I only have one head.”

“You have so much energy, clearly I should suck some more of your blood!” Xiang Liu’s expression was still dark, but when he leaned down to bite Xiao Yao’s neck and began sucking, Xiao Yao felt only a frisson of excitement and tingling, with no feeling of pain.

Xiao Yao said, “Hey! Hey! I was just being polite just now. And you’re really sucking again? A demon really is a demon…” And with that Xiao Yao fell asleep and finally stopped talking.

Xiang Liu stopped drinking and lifted his head to stare quietly at the sleeping Xiao Yao in his arms.

The night on boat in the sea after Jing and XL returned from Jiu Li, she was about to jump into the sea and Jing was afraid of losing her forever if she did so or actually if he did not hold her tightly. Jing knew, we know that XY preferred XL by that time. XL hurt her so much after the wedding robbery. FFB didn't exist anymore. At that point, jumping into the sea means following XL. Very uncertain future. However, unconsciously she still had urge to follow XL.

Yes. I believe that Jing was well aware of XY's attraction and feelings for Xiang Liu. He met XY first (as 17th and WXL), he was constantly in her presence and yet, it was XL that WYL sought out. Jing is not a fool, despite presenting himself as helpless. He knew that XL was a rival for XY's affection and that's what partially drove his confession and for the promise of 15 years. And this part above shows that despite being engaged with no other obstacles in front of them, he's very insecure when it comes to XL.

Haha, I read the following excerpt of chapter 43 (that @AH posted) again. The more I read, the more I find it written similar to a sex scene (of course there is no intercourse here) but the moves, the used verbs, the image of tide coming up and down, sleeping afterward. All are very commonly used to describe a sex scene in literature. Was XY still in her red wedding robe? FFB had robbed her from the wedding (in wedding costume), and here it is like they "consummated" their "marriage". HAHA. Sorry for Jing!

Tong Hua is clever in how she hints at things without outright saying them. The euphemism here is quite clear. I personally don't think it's accidental, just as it's not accidental that she left the Lovers Bugs vague, but with hints to point towards a particular direction of interpretation. YMMV, of course.


You are not mistaken, it is described exactly as a sex scene, I noticed all the red details since my 1st read, but I guess I was shy to point it out, because people might have thought I am imagining things, lol. 


"Yes. I believe that Jing was well aware of XY's attraction and feelings for Xiang Liu."

Yes, Jing was very aware of XY's attraction and feelings for XL since early on.  

"It was Summer so the water wasn’t cold as Xiao Yao jumped right in. She swam one circle and dove underwater thinking it wasn’t too deep but it was much deeper than she thought so before she hit bottom she needed to come up for air.

Jing sat on a rock smiling at her.

Xiao Yao rapped her head “I’m so stupid!” She took out the fish amethyst from her robe “I forgot you got me this treasure.”

Xiao Yao sprawled on a rock splashing water with her feet “Let’s go play in the ocean next time. It’s so beautiful in the bottom of the ocean and even playing all night it doesn’t get boring.”


Xiao Yao thought about Xiang Liu and buried her face in her arms and went silent. She didn’t know if he was Xiang Liu or Fang Feng Bei right now. Suddenly she grabbed Jing’s arm and pulled him into the water “Go to the bottom with me.”

She didn’t wait for Jing to answer before putting the fish amethyst in her mouth and diving down with Jing.

She pulled Jing down with her but the pool was so deep there was no bottom in sight. Even those with strong powers couldn’t stand too long underwater so Jing grabbed her hand and pointed to the top indicating he was going up.

Xiao Yao shook her head and wouldn’t let him. She wanted him with her.

Jing’s face was changing color but he allowed Xiao Yao to continue to pull him down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her lips on his to pass him air. Jing’s body stiffened and he was so shocked he started choking.

Xiao Yao quickly gave him another breath of air.

Jing’s entire body was stiff but he descended with her until they hit bottom. It was dark and nothing was there so Xiao Yao pulled Jing up. He seemed to snap out of it and used his strength to swim up with her. She pointed to her lips indicating for him to get another breath of air but he didn’t. Jing used his one breath and made it to the surface but he was in pain and gasping on the rock.

Xiao Yao asked angrily “Why?”

Jing stared in the distance and said in a low voice “Because you didn’t have me in your eyes back there.”

So why didn't XY kissed XL in the beach scene? Perhaps for the same reason as Jing, he didn't have her în his eyes, not as a priority at least. 

Chapter 35

"Because she just cried, Xiao Yao’s eyes were extraordinarily clear and bright. Xiang Liu could clearly see himself reflected in her eyes so he covered her eyes with his hand “I’m off!”

Why did Xiaoyao turn a blind eye to Xiang Liu's love, but was willing to be Tu Shanjing's mistress? Xiaoyao mental disorder, psychological analysis1 month ago · From the column Analysis of Sauvignon Blanc

Thank you for this particular post discussing XY through the lens of the DSM-V. It's an interesting read. While I wouldn't go into all the depth that this particular analysis did, I will say that Tong Hua took into account the psychological aspects of trauma in her creation of XY's character.. I think this was what Tong Hua meant when she said that XY's choices were due to her psychological deficiencies