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I have the same problem in seeing the other pages of the comments in the articles too...I am using Google Chrome.
I'm using Firefox.
Same here, when viewing comments on drama pages/articles/profiles... :-/ it says "page 2/3/.." in the address bar and in the bottom of the page but it's actually page 1. I'm using Firefox.
Why don't I have a post counter? I know that it's not just me but I just wanted to ask why don't we all have one.
Whoops, I get the comment bug too. Im sure jin will fix it shortly, thanks for bringing it up.

GiuNitto wrote: Why don't I have a post counter? I know that it's not just me but I just wanted to ask why don't we all have one.

It's a forum bug that we've still haven't gotten the time to fix.
Skye-N-Rain wrote: What browser are you two using?

Internet Explorer. Same thing happens in Google Chrome.

Been like that as far back as I can remember (which is.. a few months)
Oh~! I thought I was the only one having the comments page problem. The previous comment pages don't load. I just noticed a few days back--like after we posted our article. I am using Google Chrome
Although my profile's set to "Don't Show my Gender" my gender is still publicly visible. It's just a small matter, but I still thought I should mention it. :)
two times this has happened. I wrote a review of The King of Dramas and when I posted it, only the first line showed up. and it was pretty long review... :(
ssecrecy wrote: two times this has happened. I wrote a review of The King of Dramas and when I posted it, only the first line showed up. and it was pretty long review... :(

Hm, you put a <3 in the review didn't you?
Summer's Desire has 24 episodes -- not 14. Thank you
Just noticed sometimes reviews don't show up on the drama's page even though you've written it. Seen it with some being announced on the main page and they aren't there when you click in. But when you go to the user who wrote it and click the "Reviews by this person" thing it shows up there. Happened to one of mine too. Just though I'd let you know if you didn't know.
I can't add dramas to my list ..it says page can't be found. Can you fix this for me?
What browser are you using? and what drama are you trying to add?