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Hi! Do you know if chapters 19 and 20 also had extra scenes? Thank you very much!
@CherryBunny......I made quick peek into this REincarnarion thing ( but I plan research it deeper in future)

For now I found out: 

"Buddhism was introduced from the Chinese Former Qin state in 372 to the northern Korean state of Goguryeo and developed into distinctive Korean forms.
At that time, the peninsula was divided into three kingdoms: the aforementioned Goguryeo in the north, Baekje in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. Buddhism reached Silla only in the 5th century, but it was made the state religion only in that kingdom in the year 552.
Buddhism became much more popular in Silla and even in Baekje (both areas comprehended in modern South Korea), while in Goguryeo the Korean indigenous religion remained dominant.In the following unified state of Goryeo (918–1392) Buddhism flourished, and even became a political force."

In time of SHR events Buddhism was already was kinda dominant....it means that creators knew it too and we saw that they used it in their story.

But Buddhism doesnt have concept of permanent self. Reincarnation is continuation of previous but without permanent self. to make things simpler :
in Buddhism every reincarnation grows out from previous reincarnation - there isnt permanent self what reincarnates again and again.

//When HS died, her last words were that she in next forgets all.....bc she knew that in future she doesnt (shouldnt) remember her past self...but main point of drama is that she aka her self travels into past and then back to future. It means that one who comes into past is continuation of one who was in past not continuation of some other reincarnation or she havent fitted in ...it means that HS didnt have reincarnations before of girl in future who comes into past.AND this is reason why she remember in future what happened with her in past bc this memory belongs to this reincarnation, not to reincarnation in past but doesnt remember what happened to girl who lived in past bc she is reincarnation of her. //

If beloved of Baek Ah has reincarnation before future from drama then reincarnation in future is already continuation of someone else, not of that woman whom we saw Baek Ah fell in love but reincarnation of his future wife aka continuation of continuation. Of course...if Baek Ah HAS reincarnation in future.

Erm, this got bit confusing but same time it is so clear.

/for this I read about: Religion in Korea (history), Buddhism and Korean Buddhism, Soul, Reincarnation, Incarnation/

Next i plan to research littlebit does there is some time rules or limits for reincarnation in different Asian countries: folktales, fairytales and myths, legends...it might take a bit more time....erm, actually it might take a lot more time.

Update : First impression is that this 400 yr has something to do with asian zodiac, lunar calendar and astronomy (stars position).....
// Ji Momg was astronom in the past, if he really was Trickster then I see some logic here.//
Continue to read about this subject more.
@Kar.....yes, episodes (not chapters) 19 and 20 has exstra scenes in both versions: internetional and SBS. So I recommend watch both to get all details.

Scene differences for Episode 19 are done, and the .RTF document has been updated.

Sorry for the delay with this.  I was sick while the last 2 episodes were airing, and then too busy with RL stuff, and then kind of putting it off a bit because I wasn't too thrilled about having to re-watch them... :(

((I hated the ending, and hated how Wang So and Hae Soo's relationship turned so sour.  It was all just so miserable and depressing, and it really broke my heart.))

I'll try to get Episode 20 done either later this evening or tomorrow.

No problem! Thank you very much!!!
@raincat- That is very interesting! Thank you for posting. However, I think you might be looking way more into it than is necessary. :p It seems much too complicated to explain what happens in the drama. Remember, it is only a drama, not real history, even though it is based on actual events. The writers took creative liberties. That also includes their interprertation of reincarnation. I say this as someone who believes in reincarnation, myself. It is highly doubtful that the writers were striving for historical accuracy when it came to Buddhism. For one, besides the reincarnation aspect, it never factors in the story at all. I think it more likely that the writers used the modern interpretation of reincarnation here, since that is how it seemed the original writer used it. (As of now, I have only read to chapter 8 since the rest is not translated to English.) Yes, Buddhism plays a huge role when it comes to the belief of reincarnation, since it is a major part of the whole belief. But Buddhaism is not the only religion to believe in reincarnation, and if you want to really get into semantics, Buddhism is not even really a religion at all, but a way of life. (For example, it is possible to be Christain and Buddhist without either belief contradicting each other.) However, here in modern times, especially when it comes to books, movies and dramas, reincarnation as a theme has nothing at all to do with Buddhism or any belief, religious or otherwise. Instead, it is used to show the workings of fate and destiny, a romantic notion. Which is why I feel it is obvious about Baek Ah''s niece being the reincarnation. She has the name. She has the elephant. She has the same temper and even the same round face. :p It is her, chingu. It was added to show that he will eventually have happiness with his true love again. There is no need to line that scene up with historic fact or overthink it. It is just a little bit of happiness and twist of fate to an otherwise sad ending. :p

Of course, you are still free to believe as you will, since it was a semi open ending there. I am just telling you my thoughts on it, too. I have really enjoyed discussing it with you, chingu. You have brought up many things some people may not have thought about before, especially the historical facts. (*^_^*)
@CherryBunny - Sorry I'm just butting it into your discussion. Thank you for the explanation of Baek Ha meeting the reincarnation of the Woo Hee. I really didn't understand or see the point of what happened to Woo Hee. And actually... Because of the sudden show of child actresses, I thought the child Woohee was meant to be Haesoo's child at first, which is why I got soooooo confused haha. So, thanks for the clear up.
Scene differences for Episode 20 are done, and the .RTF document has been updated.

That should be the last update (for now) until we get some more Extras/Specials, or if anyone finds mistakes, typos, etc. (Don't hesitate to contact me if you do).  :)
any news on the specials from the dvd? why did iu post that picture?
Hessa Volunteer Staff
Isn't it the SBS version?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure what DramaFever is calling "Director's Cut" is just the SBS Re-edited version (that was aired in Korea).
Sorry if it was already mentioned in this post, I couldn't read it all, but is there any official news of a special episode or season 2? What about what IU and LJK posted on their Instagram?
There is no sequel or special episode in the works. I am not sure what IU's Instagram post was about. Nothing ever happened regarding it.
Yuanwei Volunteer Staff
probably that IU's post was about the fact that she was frustrated that the director didn't show the whole ending scene that she and Lee Junki filmed lolz